Tomorrow is almost here and nerves are kicking in!
Cathy, your wonderful and life changing day has arrived. That is wonderful even though if you are anything like I was you aren't to sure on that today. I know that I was convinced that I could do it by myself and then sanity came back and I told myself that I hadn't done it in 53 years so why would I be able to accompli**** now? lol I am so glad that sanity came back. I even had that same thought come back in the morning of my surgery. Thank God by the time I got to the hospital things went so fast I never had time to rethink. lol Before I knew it I was in the pre op and the Dr. came in and when he asked me if I was ready I told him to let's get this show on the road. The next thing I remember after talking to the anesthesiaolgist in the o.r. was waking up in my bed and my new and wonderful life beginning. The rest is as they say history. And a wonderful history you are going to be having too.
My prayers are with you and may God keep you in the circle of HIs loving arms and grant you peace and healing. May He also grant the medical staff knowledge and compassion. May you have a easy surgery and a quick and pain free recovery. Please post and let us know how you are doing as soon as you can. It won't be long and you will filling the spot on the bench that we all moved over for. Welcome to the loser's bench, fellow loser!
My prayers are with you and may God keep you in the circle of HIs loving arms and grant you peace and healing. May He also grant the medical staff knowledge and compassion. May you have a easy surgery and a quick and pain free recovery. Please post and let us know how you are doing as soon as you can. It won't be long and you will filling the spot on the bench that we all moved over for. Welcome to the loser's bench, fellow loser!
Aloha Cathy........Oh, my, you just brought back such memories!! This is a very special day for you, and please enjoy it to the max. You are starting a whole new chapter of your life tomorrow, and this is like the jitters before getting married! Ha!
Be sure to take lots of pictures today....I know, I don't want too, but you will be so glad you did a year or two from now! I look back at my "before" pictures and I honestly don't recognize that woman. My son flew from Calif. to Maui to go with me to Honolulu for my surgery, and he took pictures of me just before we got on the plane the day of surgery. That woman looks so HUGE, and so unhappy. I was NOT afraid....I was eager, having my son here made it so special.
You are about to start a journey into health, fitness and freedom in your body! Enjoy every minute..........measure, take pictures, write things down....memorialize this special day!
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
Be sure to take lots of pictures today....I know, I don't want too, but you will be so glad you did a year or two from now! I look back at my "before" pictures and I honestly don't recognize that woman. My son flew from Calif. to Maui to go with me to Honolulu for my surgery, and he took pictures of me just before we got on the plane the day of surgery. That woman looks so HUGE, and so unhappy. I was NOT afraid....I was eager, having my son here made it so special.
You are about to start a journey into health, fitness and freedom in your body! Enjoy every minute..........measure, take pictures, write things down....memorialize this special day!
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
Hi Cathy,
I just wanted to wish you good luck tomorrow, and hope your recovery is quick and pain free. My day is next week, so I think I can related to how you are feeling today. Can't wait to hear your news from the Loser's Bench. Best wishes!!
When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself. - Natalie Portman
I was very fortunate that I had a chance to purchase Red Sox tickets and I spent the night before my surgery at Fenway. Had I not down that, I probably would have rented movies - anything to keep my mind off the surgery.
Hospital time is like none other. It goes so fast and so slowly all at the same time. I was bored out of my mind but did not have the concentration to be able to read or knit so I watched TV and watched TV and watched more TV. Thank goodness for the Red Sox and the political convention. And then I walked and walked. Each time I got so bored I thought I'd scream, I'd walk.
The pain meds made me drousy and so I nodded off a lot until I realized that the pain meds were also causing me a lot of nausea. I stopped them right then and that is when the boredom hit big time. But it all passes.
Hospital time is like none other. It goes so fast and so slowly all at the same time. I was bored out of my mind but did not have the concentration to be able to read or knit so I watched TV and watched TV and watched more TV. Thank goodness for the Red Sox and the political convention. And then I walked and walked. Each time I got so bored I thought I'd scream, I'd walk.
The pain meds made me drousy and so I nodded off a lot until I realized that the pain meds were also causing me a lot of nausea. I stopped them right then and that is when the boredom hit big time. But it all passes.
Congratulations, you're almost there! By now you're probably running back & forth from the bathroom - believe me it is so worth it! Spend the extra time visualizing how you will feel when you start dropping the pounds. If you haven't done it yet, write down a wish list of WOWs - it's fun to cross them off when you achieve each one. Best wishes for a sucessful surgery! HUGS
I don't remember what I did. I wasn't scared I don't think, just wanted it to START!!!!
Be sure you take your measurements and photos like Karen said...I didn't and have regetted it. I even forgot to weigh and they didn't weigh me at the hospital!!!
You will do great!!!!!
I don't remember what I did. I wasn't scared I don't think, just wanted it to START!!!!
Be sure you take your measurements and photos like Karen said...I didn't and have regetted it. I even forgot to weigh and they didn't weigh me at the hospital!!!
You will do great!!!!!
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin