Big change for me.
Don't think you're crazy at all, just reinvented and reinvigorated by the new you! Congratulations on the many changes you've made and been able to enjoy in your life, may they continue to come and be all good.
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I think that is wonderful about the Top Thrill Dragster, which from the sounds of I wouldn't want any part of. lol I am terrified of heights and have so love of rides like that. I figure I never cared for them so why start now?
I give you

I do not post often so I had to get it all in one! lol
I do not like heights but the launch is so awesome you don't even realize you go up and over and it's over so fast.
I think my change will be very rewarding.
Plus I might have more time to post to our wonderful OFF family. I figure there is always nap time.

It sounds like you have a special grand daughter. The kids have asked me to do this before and it's just now the time is right.
I have been reading about your situation and I put my kids through alot of that with an abusive relationship and if I can give my grandkids a better childhood then I'm going for it. They have wonderful parents they just have to work and I'm at a point where I can make the change.
Come on out next summer and we'll go to Cedar Point it's been a great summer.
Stay strong with your situation and best of luck to all of you with this new baby coming.