What's new Sunday???
Good morning to all my lovelies this fine day.
I am sitting here going through the posts that I missed last night and I am ending with this one. I love this time of day when all is quiet and peaceful and I am sitting here by myself with all of wonderful OFF family. It is my special time and some of the best that I could ever have. I love the chats that we have and filling each other in on the moments of our lives. Thanks so much for including me in your family. I feel so much a part of. You all hold such a special part and place in my heart.
Nothing much going on today. First there is church and then a short meeting after for the bazaar committee. Yes I have found yet another thing I enjoy doing. I have missed only one bazaar and that was last year. I had my surgery and just couldn't imagine me doing the work of that so shortly after surgery. Now here it is almost a year later. By the time this one come (Nov. 22) I am going to be 13 and a half months out. Time does fly and life marches on. I do the......are you ready for this one?......the bake sale for the church every year. I enjoy doing the baking and the begging for others to do some too. I think it beats the candy booth. I am NOT a candy maker....that job belonged to mom.....and is there any wonder why I got to 291 pounds? lol
I have a lot of the work done in my living room now. It is looking much roomier. I have got rid of a lot of stuff or I should say junk. I guess one man's junk is another man's treasure since I freecycled most of it and it went like hotcakes. lol I still have some things to do here and Bill wants to clean the carpet but at least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Then after this comes the bedroom and then the hall closets and there is 2 of them. Both a big old mess too!
I guess I had better get to moving. I have to leave for church in just over an hour and it takes a lot of time to get this old ladies face looking decent for the public! I am keeping all of you in prayers with special ones going up for those in need of them. I am sending all big hugs and loads of love to go with them. I love each and every one special for all the wonderful ways that you have made my life so much better. Thank you just doesn't seem like enough but I don't know what else to do for you all. Have a wonderful day and enjoy today for this is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and happy in it.
I know that I'm usually MIA, but I really don't have much to share most of the time. My life remains a "whirlwind" of work, sleep, and boredom, for the most part. I'm trying to get out a little more, because the "boredom" part is where the bad eating stuff comes into play.
Yesterday I went to see "Mamma Mia" with some friends, then out to dinner at a great Italian restaurant. I finally know why everyone's been raving about the movie! I love all kinds of music, especially musical theater, and never realized that I liked ABBA so much. It was a just plain "feel-good" movie, not without a few tears, but they were happy tears, if you know what I mean.
It was fun to sit at dinner and talkk about the movie, and share a meal. Unfortunately, the bread basket proved too much of a challenge, and after two small slices of bread (with dipping oil), and a few bites of an awesome shrimp and chicken scampi, my pouch reminded me that it was still there and working. I haven't had a problem in months, but that pretty much took care of the rest of the evening, as I was fighting the foamies all the way home. The good thing is that I'm all better now (of course), and I have a few wonderful meals waiting for me in a take-out box in the fridge.
It's funny, just about the time I worry that I'm putting on a few pounds (from grazing, I admit), and that the pouch has pretty much left the rest of the weight loss/maintenance journey up to me, something like this happens and I remember that I still have a tool to help me. My WLS was almost 2-1/2 years ago, but when I give it a chance, it still works fine. It re-starts the positive thinking, and I get back on the road to maintenance success. Today I have a picnic outing to go to, and you can be sure that I'll have a great time, and let the pouch rule! It's got to be the good company and the companionship that's important. The food goes back where it belongs, not as primary focus.
I'm still learning...or re-learning, as it were.
Thanks for listenng.
Sounds like there are more then a few prayers needed today for my OFF friends. Especially Barb and her daughter and Susan and her husband. They are on the way!!
I am tired this morning from the bachelorette party.....and party we did!!! WOOOOOHOOOOO!!
The Elvis impersonator was fabulous!! I had a great time with him....I even got leid (flowers)by Elvis!! We had a lot of great laughs.I danced for hours .... 6:30 PM to 2:00AM.....in 4 inch stiletto heels!! I am feeling great....no pain...thought I might be hurting today.
The only downer of the evening ....my ex husband was there with his sister and family. They were about 15 feet away from us!! He kept staring at me as did all of his family....eat your heart out Jeff!!! I haven't seen him for years.....hope it is years again!!
Today it is a R & R day for me....tomorrow I will be heading to meet with Nic and my family in the afternoon.
Hope you all can find some enjoyment in this day.
Prayers, love and hugs to all.......connie d
I'm at work on a Sunday ... yes, I need the OT and my boss offered, and I just got finished with my assignment. It was just a review and it didn't take long. I could have done this tonight, I guess, when I came in for the filming, but I didn't know if they wanted us doing actual work while they were filming, so I decided to make an extra trip downtown for this. The film company's trailers are already in the parking lot. Last night at 11 I got a call telling me what time to be in the newsroom and what to wear; they told me to have my hair and makeup done (I told them I don't wear makeup, asked if that was OK, he said that was fine ... I asked if jeans were OK, he said that was fine, too). I have to decide what to wear; I may wear my black jeans, or I may decide on something else. I figure all that's going to be seen is the back of my body anyway ... my business editor said I should wear one of my Quacker Factory sweaters (she likes my sparkly sweaters) preferably one with a cat on it ... but it's too warm for sweaters yet.
Speaking of cats, ... grrr ... Annette, you will appreciate this story. I was getting out of the shower today and there was Diva, trying to cover up her poop on my shaggy rug by the toilet. Well, now I know for sure who has been doing that ... only had suspicions before. I screamed at her and she ran. Now I can't dry the rug because the dryer doesn't work, so when I do wa**** I have to line dry it inside (can't dry it outside because the condo police would be mad). I have to find something else to put on the floor to step on when I get out of the shower. I don't know why she thinks that's like a litter box. She doesn't do it all time, just sometimes. The other alternative is to close the doors to the bathroom while I shower and put the fan on, because otherwise it's going to steam up in there.
Not much else new. I'm going to close out and go home and watch the Sox game; they had a barn-burner last night that they won in the 14th inning on a walk-off homer by Jim Thome ... they're now 2 1/2 games up in the AL Central. Go Sox! Go Bears!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Well, I don't post too much to the What's New because it takes a month of Sundays for anything significant to add up to something read.
My life consists of work, work, and more work. 12-14 hour days it seems. People, make your house payments. I'm buried.
We continue to hire and I continue to work a full portfolio and train, too. I'm pooped.
Have a very dear friend (47) who got married last night in a gorgeous outdoor ceremony. I was thrilled for her. First marriage. She was radiant and happy. I was more than that for her. They leave today for Amsterdam and Spain for two weeks. I almost caught the bridal bouquet. She was throwing it to me but her mother outreached me. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.
Today started at $4. Then home, a little work on the computer, some laundry, another trip to $4 for iced coffee this time, then to Mike's to help him for a minute, and back home. We are going to do the Sunday thing and go to Williams Sonoma in a minute. Can't pass up WS.
We might run to Barnes and Noble and maybe Goodwill. It's just too pretty to indoors and I don't want to go to Winstar... okay, I do but I'm fighting it.
Have my second appointment for PS tomorrow. Will get a date. Probably the middle of October. Then I'll be off for about 4 weeks. Insurance won't cover any complications from it so have gotten complication insurance. Good for six months. I'm tellin' ya, the med school is the only way to go... $5,100 for an LBL.
Saw a former co-worker that I wasn't all too thrilled about last night at the wedding. She's had her eyes done, face lift and botox. I thought she looked like she'd met up with Sonny Liston...:)
Got a lady coming to help me declutter my house. What I really need is a "throw this chit out" friend.... but those are hard to find.
I want to go back to being a minimalist..... this is out of control.
Nothing... and I do mean NOTHING is going on here of any interest.... sorry I can't provide you any drama. If I come across some, I'll hurry up and post.