Big Red Dream
We sailed into the sunset on a big red dream called the American Pride !!!! Yes we did, but only after we single-handedly raised the mainsail of the ship!!! We did it while the crew leaned against the rail and rested. See what two grannies can do when they put their weight into it??? The sail on the far right (notice it's the largest and heaviest?) is the one Peg & I raised. We still can't wipe the smiles off our faces!
Hi Susan, We boarded the ship at Dana Point Harbor in Calif. The ship ,( American Pride) was part of a Tall Ship Festival . A total of 8 Ships took part in the Tall Ship Parade.
We sailed out of Dana Point Harbor. We went out far enough into the ocean to have all 8 of the ships play tag with the others. The Ship's fired canyon shots at each other. When it came time to head back in at sunset, we sailed by the head lands of the harbor and fired our canyon's as a salute to all the people watching the battle from the shore. We docked as the lights of the habor started to flicker, so much fun , a memory for a life time. This is put on each Sept. See you next year? Peg
We sailed out of Dana Point Harbor. We went out far enough into the ocean to have all 8 of the ships play tag with the others. The Ship's fired canyon shots at each other. When it came time to head back in at sunset, we sailed by the head lands of the harbor and fired our canyon's as a salute to all the people watching the battle from the shore. We docked as the lights of the habor started to flicker, so much fun , a memory for a life time. This is put on each Sept. See you next year? Peg