Question about Proteins, etc
Thanks, Kathi.
I agree, I've learned a lot already from reading here. I just have to be careful not to become addicted to the boards! :)
Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel
that you, too, can become great." ..... MarkTwain
Hi Connie
Thnaks for the warm welcome!
Looking at your ticker you did amazingly well following your surgery. Did you find that people treated you differently following the weight if suddenly you just appeared in the world?
I lost 70 lbs years ago and found that even my own doctor treated me like I was more....'important'...than I'd been before. (He noticed I had a bandaid on my finger and asked me if he should look at it. When I was heavier, I walked in with an ace wrap on my hand and he never mentionied it). How ridiculous.
Since then I've regained those 70 lbs along with a few of its close relatives. This time, when I say goodbye to them, I'm going to remember to close the door! ;)
Thnaks for the warm welcome!
Looking at your ticker you did amazingly well following your surgery. Did you find that people treated you differently following the weight if suddenly you just appeared in the world?
I lost 70 lbs years ago and found that even my own doctor treated me like I was more....'important'...than I'd been before. (He noticed I had a bandaid on my finger and asked me if he should look at it. When I was heavier, I walked in with an ace wrap on my hand and he never mentionied it). How ridiculous.
Since then I've regained those 70 lbs along with a few of its close relatives. This time, when I say goodbye to them, I'm going to remember to close the door! ;)
Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel
that you, too, can become great." ..... MarkTwain