Prayers are needed.......... LONG!
I'm sorry it looks so bleak for you now but the sun will shine.
It's easy to say but these are the times that "trust in our Lord" is tested. He'll take care of you.
I'll have you on my prayer list.
take care,
I love Spring!!!!!!
I guess the Sunco HR man who is at the plant is the one who is making the problem. I guess he wants to make a name for himself. I thought he is going to accomplish that but at how many people's expense?
Strikes are tough at any time, but especially under the current economic conditions. As someone who edits the business pages and lives in Michigan, I certainly know this. You're in my prayers and thoughts; I hope they get this ironed out. You know, if women were running this, there wouldn't be a problem; we'd all sit down over coffee and say, "we don't want anyone out of a job for any time at all. Let's figure this out." But men can be pig-headed (sorry, Marc and Floyd!). I hope they realize how important a paycheck is to families these days.
There was never truer words spoken, Eileen. If a woman ran the white house there would be a lot more peace around here. For one thing a woman wouldn't put up with the **** that goes on now. We have a tendancy to do as you say. Let's sit down with a cup of tea and let's find a solution to this. With men their egos get in the way most of the time.
I guess there is one guy from Sunco that wants to make a name for himself is causing most of the problems. He took over HR earlier this year. Not to many like him. I guess today he strutting around all big chested like he is something great. He is the one that walked in yesterday and told them that everything they agreed to he is taking off the table and he isn't giving them anything. He might be sorry for that one. I guess Tuesday men from Mittal and from Sunco is going to be there to help to settle this mess.
I am doing something that I always tell others to do and I have a hard time doing it myself. I am turning it over to God. I am letting Him handle it. I just can't do it anymore. Whenever I do that it always turns out good anyway.
Don't tell anyone this but.....I am a control freak! I know that no one would ever know that. lol That isn't always a good idea either. You would think that someday I would learn but I still haven't. Maybe it still isn't to late for me anyway.
I love you!
I am sending good thoughts your way. You and your family will be in my prayers. I know how the stress can get to us, but God will not close one door without another opening! Always remember that it is in his time not ours. Try not to worry!! I tell my 3rd and 4th graders to pray about it then forget it. Let God handle it!