Prayers are needed.......... LONG!
Bill is an independent contractor at the Indiana Harbor Coke Company at the old Inland Steel (it is now Mittal Steel). He is not under the steelworkers contract like his fellow workers are but.........
The steelworkers contract was coming up and expired Sept. 1st. They voted for a strike vote and we sweated it but on Saturday they got a tentative agreement. Whew! I thought that things were smooth sailing since the contract was so good. OH NO! We can't let Brenda have a break! God forbid that!
Bill comes home from work on Wednesday and tells me that the contract they have with Sunco, which is the owner of the IHCC. Now they have to come to an agreement with them. It is not going well at all. The contract expired at midnight on Thursday. So if there was no agreement by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday they were going to strike. Well the company agreed to some good things and they were continuing the talks yesterday. Well yesterday the company comes in and takes all of the agreements off the table and says no they aren't doing it now. Well, needless to say the steelworkers are not pleased. With just cause. Now the talks have been postponed until Tuesday. Now I have more days of h3ll to go through. I am ready to puke. I can only take so much guys.
I told Bill that he has 3 choices since he can't cross the picket line. He can only find out if the company that he works for will put him somewhere else until the contract agreement, or he can find out if his cousin can take his application and ru**** through with the company that he is working for, or I told him that he can practice the words "would you like fries with that". He told me that he wouldn't go there for work. I informed him that he will go to wherever the money is. lol I am looking for a job too. There has to one out there for me.
I would appreciate any and all prayers that can said for this situation. Prayers for the contract negotiations, the workers and everyone else. I am just so upset and so my bgf Ella. Her husband Rick works there and is under the contract. So they have a lot to lose too.
Thanks so much and I am so sorry that this is so long. But I am winded and we all know that. lol
I'm so sorry to hear about your concerns. I guess I've been lucky to not have belonged to a union and faced a strike situation. I remember my father going through this with Ontario Hydro (he worked for them for 35 years in Niagara Falls). He was in his late 40's, had already had a heart attach (which he told only my mother and I just happen to overhear). He would not cross a picket line and he had 6 kids, his monther and my mother (who did not work outside the home) to support. He was off work for 5.5 months (April - Oct. 15). It was a really miserable summer for everyone.
I really feel for you and I'll say a prayer that everything works out OK.

You will have my prayers for all that is going on with
Bill's company.....gosh with so many people out of work
these days, it's just awful when sometime like this looms over our heads. We had a big GM parts mfg. near here
that was out on strike for almost four months.....people lost homes, and had to get help. I pray that doesn't happen for you guys.
Keep us informed as to how it's going, ok.
Sending hugs dear friend,
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
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