OT.....Thank you!!
I want to thank you for checking out Nic's website and leaving such positive and wonderful messages. I know many of you don't post but I know you have been there and keep us in your prayers.
This means sooooooo much to Nic and my family.
I am overwhelmed with your kindness, love and support!!
Nic , my daughter Jamie, SIL Travis, and Grace will be at Adventure Land ....a huge amusement park... tomorrow. The day is hosted by the Heart Connection. Nic will be meeting some of his friends from camp. The Heart Connection is an amazing program for children with cancer. They provide admission and lunch for so many families. Nic is so excited and has been looking forward to this Saturday for a long time.
He gets to be a kid again and have fun!!
Monday I will be meeting them in Minneapolis at Children's Hospital for testing thru Wednasday. Keep him in your prayers...thank you again!
.....connie d
This means sooooooo much to Nic and my family.
I am overwhelmed with your kindness, love and support!!
Nic , my daughter Jamie, SIL Travis, and Grace will be at Adventure Land ....a huge amusement park... tomorrow. The day is hosted by the Heart Connection. Nic will be meeting some of his friends from camp. The Heart Connection is an amazing program for children with cancer. They provide admission and lunch for so many families. Nic is so excited and has been looking forward to this Saturday for a long time.
He gets to be a kid again and have fun!!
Monday I will be meeting them in Minneapolis at Children's Hospital for testing thru Wednasday. Keep him in your prayers...thank you again!