what's new Thursday?

on 9/4/08 12:40 am - Bradenton, FL
I did Call him but he couldnt tell me what happened. He was watching the kids at recess.
I think I will call the police and see what they think.
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on 9/4/08 12:29 am - Carmel Valley, CA
That happened to me once and the lady had the wrong house.  She accused me of doing something with her man and I was married and not doing anyone else. 
I don't want to scare you but maybe I'd let the police know what happened just in case there is any more trouble. 
Be safe, Carmel Valley Linda
on 9/4/08 12:54 am - Bradenton, FL
Hi Linda,
I just called the police Department and they said they couldnt do anything till she comes on my property and threatens us again.
Thankyou so much for e advice, 
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Connie D.
on 9/4/08 12:56 am


Oh my gosh Carla......please be careful. I would call the police and give them as much information as possible. She will probably be back. Yes, warn your husband....they could be heading his way. If they found out where you live they will find out where he is. Maybe something happened at the school where your husband is teaching that pi$$ed her off!! That is so scary...you never know what people will do when angry these days!!
Keep us posted.
Hugs, connie d

Brenda R.
on 9/4/08 3:07 am - Portage, IN
Carla, make sure all your doors and windows are locked. If you are anything like me write down what they both look like (so you don't forget!) like their height and weight and build, stuff like that. Make sure you note too what they are wearing. Then if and when they come back call the police before you answer the door. In fact I wouldn't even answer the door until the police get there. Make sure if you need to call the police that you tell them that they threatened you.

Stay safe and keep us informed.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


J Brown
on 9/4/08 3:09 am - Omaha, NE
Oh My Carla.. it sounds like you may have a crazy in the neighborhood!! becareful
Connie D.
on 9/4/08 1:17 am
Good Morning Annette and Everyone.......  

I am having a quiet morning today.....meetings this afternoon.

My wonderful cleaning fairy is here. She just finished the laundry and is doing the cleaning now. What a blessing she is!!!

Annette....hope you have the surgery soon and can rid yourself of the pain. I will, as always, keep you in my prayers.

I am concerned for Carla and that crazy woman at her door...that is awful.

Pat R.....I wish you the best with your support group. I am sure things will just fall into place. You will be a great leader.

Prayers to all those in need.....any one hear anything more from Debbie?? I know they are back home but I haven't seen her lately.

Nothing much else to say...hope everyone has a really good day.

Love and hugs to all......connie d  

Brenda R.
on 9/4/08 3:28 am - Portage, IN
Good afternoon to my OFF family. I hope that things are going well for all on this Thursday afternoon. It is after noon here so I am dragging in on the tail end of the whole thing.

Annette, I would go with the rest of the clan and have the hernias taken care of just so you know they are done and you can rest easier. Maybe the pain wouldn't be as bad as it could be if you got them taken care of before they got worse. Just an idea. No one wants the pain of surgery but at least you know they would be gone. The mesh that they use to hold everything in place is a good thing. They use that a lot and it works.

Aime, it kind of sounds like you are being taken advantage of by a couple of people. I think that would stop really fast if it was me. That just isn't right that it is all left up to you to do. N and her friend should be cleaning up after themselves since you are not their maid or cleaning woman. I think it is time to mention something to them. Take care of yourself and know that my prayers are with you.

Pat, I think that you will make a great support group leader. You have so much to offer and that is the place to offer it.

Judy, I am still thinking about that apartment. You and Rick along with Mr. Bubble will be happy there. Just remember that anything worth having is worth waiting for.

I have some errands to do today. Nothing much but I think that I just might stop at the Goodwill in Valparaiso while I am there. I like that one best. I live right across the street from the store here in Portage and I never find anything there.

My back is hurting so bad today. I just can't seem to find anywhere that is comfortable to sit in. I am having such spasms they are driving me crazy. I just don't know what to do for them. I just wish that I had a normal back and not one that is so messed up that if I accidentally move wrong or God forbid fall I am at a high risk of breaking my back. Life just plain sucks at times, doesn't it girls?

They still have not come to fix the hole for the hornets. I have called them and so has Bill. I am getting so tired of this place. It kind of makes me wonder if I want to renew my lease next year. If you can't get them to come and do simple things what is the use of this stuff.

OMG here I am complaining and I hate to do that. I just must be in a awful mood and never knew it. I am hungry so I wonder if that is the reason. Hmmm........

Bill said something funny last night while we were watching t.v. in bed. He might as well say something funny since no funny business happens there! lol I turned over and said that my tailbone hurts so bad. He said that maybe I should gain a few pounds back since before they never hurt as bad. I told him that I still want to lose about 30-35 pounds and that I am not to skinny. I guess he is still in the mindset that food fixes things. I just shake my head and laugh at that one. Men~who knows what goes on in their heads?

I better get going. I am sending everyone love and hugs and my prayers are being said for everyone and special ones for those in need of them. Have a wonderful rest of the day, my little lovelies!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


J Brown
on 9/4/08 3:29 am - Omaha, NE
Oh Annette I am so sorry you have those darn hernias. You have had way more than your share of surgerys!!
 I think Carla and I should run off and hide on a white beached islandsomewhere for about 5 years.
First meeting with Chuck last night. He met me when I came in the church I just smiled and said Hi. He looked so down, asked if he should sit someplace else. I said No thats your spot, if anyones moves it will be me, He said I don't want you to move, so we all sat together like always, just I didn't sit close. He asked if we could talk I said we could talk in the pastors office after church. I am surprised. He is a mess, crying just keeps saying he doesnt understand. Its Ok if I don't want to get married, we can just live together. ( ACCCKKK< NO WAY) He want's me back. ( How's it feel to want) You would all be proud of me, I was poliet, straight forward but stearn. Tonight is Legion, he wanted to know if he could pick me up. I said No, I am taking Faith( granddaughter) she is a member and has wanted to become active but he never wanted her to go ( This is OUR time he would say) I told him all that, Plus he always Bi*ched royally if I asked him to pick me up. It was Soooo out of his way( 2 mile vs the 30 out of My way to his place) So I said no I live in Omaha, and you now how you hate that. anyway, he just cried and begged. I left. So he has not gone through the anger phase yet, you know that is what I fear. I will have to be on my toes for many months I fear. I am having such a good time having time to myself.  my kitchen is clean AND the house vaccumed and the bathroom clean, all in one day. usually I could only do about one thing a week!! And I made a pot of tomatoe soup and brochetta. Tonight I am going to put together a book shelf I bought for him 2 years ago to organize the stacks and stacks of DVDs piled on his entertainment center. he never used it "I like the way my house looks" he always said, Dirty stinky bachlor.. Ok so now he can. So I will use the bookshelf, it is cute. Then for the next few days I will clean out the corner of my dining room that "catches" stuff and hopefully find that it caught my missing office keys. I really am sorry he is so miserable, but I am have just the BEST TIME. Blessings 
on 9/4/08 6:02 am - Tucson, AZ
His happiness is not your responsibility.


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