Good Morning
I am having a depression moment. I am doubting myself again. Can I do this? I am not afraid of the surgery itself now, it's the afterwards I am concerned about. I come from an abusive background and because of that I have this "am I going to screw this up too" attitude. I have been told so many times that I am a useless human being that it is hard to believe I am worth anything good. I am so afraid I am going to fail at this too. I want to loose weight so bad for my health's sake. I want to be able to have the self confidence it takes to take this to a successful end. I know its up to me to make this decision work. It 's just me falling back on old thought patterns---- but sometimes I can't help it. I feel better just by writing this out. Thanks for letting me vent. Nancy
You won't screw this up, I promise you. I felt that way too. I'm sure that's a fear that we all have going into this.
Just keep your faith, Nancy. We are all here for you and any questions that you might have afterwards.
Sending you some hugs and prayers.
hi nancy!!! your self esteem is low right now but trust me once you have the WLS you will become a new and better person!! you won't believe how you will change!!! you will become a stronger person with every pound and inch lost!!! remember the story of the little train that could?? well right now you need to be that little think you can you think you KNOW you can you know YOU can YOU KNOW YOU CAN!!!!! hang in there becaue you CAN do it!!!!!!
Prove yourself are a winner and can do this!!
I too had an abusive life.....that is why you need to fight all the harder. You are a good can will not let the past control your future. You are a survivor!!!
Wishing you a restful and relaxing day. Prayers are on the way!!
Hugs, connie d
So many of us were just sure that we would be the ONE who would fail at this as we had failed at everything else. You'll be amazed at how your self confidence comes back as you see yourself succeeding. The surgery gives you a tool that will help you immensely. Even when we occassionally screw up or test the waters it will help you get back on track. I've learned a few lessons by trial and error mostly from trying things before I should or eating too fast or something that does sit well. But. . . even tho the discomfort can be miserable and scary until you get the hang of this new way of eating . . . it is still so worth it.
To me the hardest part was pre surgery. Once my surgery was over I told myself that it was a done deal and to work it the best that I could. Hang in there. Talking about it does help. Don't ever be afraid to come here to share, to ask questions, to give and get support. That's the purpose of this forum.
You know, I don't know about you, but I'm a big time worrier. Why worry a little when you can worry a whole lot? That kind of thing. Most of the things I worry about never come to pass or they are not nearly as bad or difficult as I thought they'd be. Or. . . . they take an entirely different route that I didn't see! I sure waste a lot of time worrying about things I can do absolutely nothing about! Worriers are worriers. I'm better but I still can get myself totally tied up in a million knots by what goes on in my HEAD! Hugs, stay busy, take it one day at a time. Easy advice to give, not so easy to put in practice!
Karen C
When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself. - Natalie Portman
Today is my 9 month surgiversary, I've lost 120 pounds, and I ALSO have my fears of failure... I have been very successful so far, but I do know that I need to stay on top of my habits. I see many women on this forum that have been successful and continue to be successful- so I can too. As can you. The surgery does help so much... more than I dreamed it could. It keeps me away from sugar and fat (I can eat a little, just walk a line that should not be crossed- if I do my body will let me know in a negative way). I stay diligent with vitamins and protein, and I try to exercise at least every other day (I ride my bike, which is fun exercise). I absolutely understand your fears- I think we should always stay on top of our old thought patterns. I also think- why not ME?! I can be successful... and I will be successful! You will too!