not knowing is awful
so many of you know first hand what she could possibly be going thru and it is so hard to sit by idly.....
please please continue your prayers for our sister
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
i am praying that she is ok. i have this awful feeling that she has gone back to him out of fear of what will happen. it takes a lot of strength to get away from a situation like that. I knew i had to or die. i was beaten so many times that it took so much strength to finally say at least if he kills me it will be over . when i got to there it was easy to walk away when i didnt care anymore. the main thing that made me leave more than anything was my kids. after him i stayed away from all relationships till they were grown. didnt want to put them thru anymore of that sort of stuff.
i am still praying for her.
While it is difficult to sit by idly and worry about her, she probably has all the fear she needs right now. Please send strength, wisdom, calm determination when you think of her.
Warm hugs to all, CV Linda