Good Friday Morning!!!!!!! Augest 29, 2008
I expected the bags and sags but I never realized how the fat made me look so much younger! I still wouldn't trade the "young" look for my new body.
We just inherited some Adirondack rocking chairs for the porch. Maybe one of these hopefully warmer weekends before winter you can come visit!
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
Oh it's a date for sure! I want to come up and do some serious furniture looking at Bergans in the next few weeks. I'm tied up the weekend of Sept 6 but the next couple of weekends are good possibilities. How does Sept 13 fit with your calendar? I could come up early for some serious porch time before looking at furniture. About the only new furniture we plan for the new house is for the great room. Not sure what I want but hope I'll know it when I see it!
My mom had a friend who said if you want to get rid of wrinkles just gain a few lbs each year! Like you I think I'll keep my wrinkles. I think you will find that your face firms up more in the next year so hang in there.
Karen C
Carla, Jean, Connie and Nic, and all the rest of you who need special prayers, you've got them!
When I got to work this morning, one of my early bird coworkers was here. We looked at each other and both burst into tears. At the same time we said, "Three years ago, now we're facing it again." Three years ago was the last time we saw so many of our coworkers. One especially that we were all so close to is relocated in Lafayette. We are in contact with her by phone and email, but it's not the same as when we saw her every day, ate lunch with her, talked with each other about our children, and grandchildren. Then there are the two we know didn't make it out alive. George is facing the same thing where he works. At least five of his coworkers drowned, and one died of a heart attack after the storm.
OK, so I'm not as tough as I pretend to be, I'm a wuss. Actually, it comes and goes. When I'm needed, I'm strong for others, but during the lulls, I crash and burn with the best of them. I can admit to you, my OFF family that I'm scared.
Sorry I'm such a downer today, but after yesterday, trying to keep my coworkers' spirits high, it's my turn to have a meltdown.
I did have two funny emails I'll try to post regarding hurricane preparations. Yes, I can still laugh. I'm up, I'm down. I want off this rollercoaster!
YOU are NOT a "wuss." You are a wonderful human being lady person and scared. You have been tramatized and here it is in your face again!
We are all praying and thinking about you all and everyone near you.
HUGS AND HUGS to you dear one.
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
It is a beautiful morning today. The sun is shining and the temp isn't too high yet. Feels good!!
My best and dearest friend gave me a card for a free massage. I finally took advantage of it yesterday. It felt wonderful!! The lady that did it said I had so many knots in my neck and that was a surprise!!
I can't remember if I mentioned that there are new pics on Nic's Caring Bridge site. Hope some of you get a chance to take a peek!!
I am so glad that I have a 4 day weekend....praise God! I need this really bad. I am not planning much of anything and I will enjoy that.
This morning at 10:00 I have my 1 year appointment with my surgeon. I can't believe it has been that long already. 1 year today...woohooo!!
All of you wonderful people on here have made my journey what it is today. You are all the greatest!! I adore each and everyone of you!!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! My life is so enriched because of all you wonderful friends.
Carla.....I hope you have a wonderful trip!
Eileen....I hope you get deserve it! WOW a" movie star" in our midst!!
Margo.....I love you!!! God has a wonderful plan for you...hang on!
Brenda.....what a blessing you are to all those shut ins and nursing home residents. I am sure they look forward to seeing you. You are so sweet!
You must bring such joy into their lives!!
God Bless you all! Special prayers to those in need.
Prayers, love and hugs to everyone! connie d
Stupid robocall from the ortho doc's office this morning woke me up at 8:10 a.m.; I was in a deep sleep and dreaming (don't remember what, but it was a good one) and got up and answered the phone ... heard the first few words and hung up. Then, at 9:11, the phone rang again, when I was in a deep sleep ... this time, I just let it ring. Got up at 9:45 and finally got out of bed to do some minor running around ... chiropractor and one store ... the second phone call was also from the ortho doc's office reminding me of my Tuesday appointment. Ya know, I got the first call, you didn't have to wake me up a second time!
Took my shower and got out ... one of the cats had pooped on my rug! That little stinker! I think it's Diva ... that's because Scooter never did this, and this never happened before I got the two female cats. For some reason, one of the two females likes these shaggy type of rugs to poop on ... I don't know why they think it's like their litter box or what ... anyway, I couldn't step on and had to pick up the poop pile before I could dry off. Then I had to move the other rug that's by the bath tub over so I didn't drip all over the floor. What a mess!
When I got back from the store, there was a moving van blocking my driveway, so I had to get them to move it so I could get in ... the condo police don't like us parking on the streets (there really aren't condo police, just all the old biddies who live here who complain). I have new neighbors, an elderly couple named Dallas and Sandy ... I had thought it was just a woman, but it's a couple. The man seems to be in his late 60s or early 70s; haven't seen the woman yet. He seems nice ... should be nice and quiet over there. I planned to make some zucchini bread over the weekend, so I'll have to bring some over.
That's all the excitement from here for now. Talk to ya later! Carla, you should be in Chicago by now. Debbie, stay safe. Hope the storm passes you by.