on 8/28/08 4:06 am - Alexander, AR
OHHHH, Karen, that reminded me of our weapons depot that is standing down. It's in a town about 50 miles from us, but they're getting rid of all the chemical weapons and all of the residents have to have special radios in thier homes and an evacuation plan in case something blows. 

Yep, we're glad we didn't move there!



karen C.
on 8/28/08 7:24 am - Kennewick, WA
Hummm, , , , and you think 50 miles is far enough away from a good wind  blowing your way??? I don't think so~

Karen C

Cajun Angel
on 8/28/08 4:05 am - New Orleans, LA
Susan, if I lost my sense of humor, I'd lose my mind!  Half the people I work with lost everything during Katrina.  Where George works, it's more like 98% who lost everything.  He's trying to keep things calm there, as I am here.  You try to be sympathetic, but sometimes you just want to slap them back to reality.  More is accomplished while remaining calm than panicing.

PS:  I don't own an electric can opener - only the old fashioned hand-held type for me.  WE WILL EAT! 
on 8/28/08 4:13 am - Alexander, AR
How is the mood among your co-workers?  I'm sure every season will bring on anxiety for everyone along the Gulf, but you'd hope time would lessen the stress. Even so, I don't know if I'd be able to do it more than once.  We had to evacuate twice because of wild fires in San Diego, the second time it was three days before we knew if we had anything to go back to.   Now we have tornadoes.  At least they come, scare the  out of you and they're gone. 

Glad we won't have to  worry about you getting your Spam opened.

Keep safe



Cajun Angel
on 8/28/08 4:39 am - New Orleans, LA
One coworker in particular celebrated her birthday the day Katrina completely wiped her out.  Not only was P's home flooded, it was struck by a tornado.  Her birthday is tomorrow.  You can imagine she's on the verge of tears.  She's never really gotten over Katrina, while most of the others have moved on with their lives and dealt with their losses, she can't seem to get over it.  She hates where she's living now, an hour away from work, hates her new house...  We do the best we can to help her, but we can't let her drag us down too.  She is getting professional help.  P's was a really sad story.  While most others at least had a family member somewhere in the area who didn't flood, P's entire family lost everything.  Her house, her dad's, her sister's, and her son's.  Four houses, not even in the same neighborhoods, totally destroyed, not one livable.  Luckily, no family members lost their lives.  We've got a couple of coworkers who are nervous nellies during regular rain showers, so they're complete wrecks too.  Others like me are calm, but cautious and aware.

We have lots of canned beans - hum natural gas!  Also lots of tuna, peanut butter, and an adequate supply of ready to drink protein shakes (hope they taste OK warm!).  Got bottled water out the wazoo, and going to clean the bath tub in the extra bathroom for extra water for washing up.
on 8/28/08 5:48 am - LaCrosse, WI
Hey, you could always move to Wisconsin...but we have tornadoes and extreme temperatures and if it's anything like last winter, lots of the white stuff. We also have high property taxes that we all love. Other than that it is green in the spring and summer and pretty in the fall.
Farmer's Almanac predicts a very cold winter for us this year.
Be careful there. I've seen the gulf once and it was so beautiful but I bet it can be viscious as well. I did alot of volunteer work to help collect for the Katrina victims.
You'll have to get a generator to plug in your computer to keep us updated.
I'll be sending prayers your way...

I love Spring!!!!!!
Cajun Angel
on 8/28/08 4:12 pm - New Orleans, LA
Alice, all the volunteers who helped after Katrina are very much appreciated.  Thanks!  We do have a generator to alternately run our freezer and frig.  Don't know that we'd use it to run the 'puter, but I will keep  in touch somehow.
Margo M.
on 8/28/08 6:04 am - Elyria, OH
love it!
be careful!!!! thinking of you and george!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Connie D.
on 8/28/08 7:33 am
Debbie....this is so funny...thanks for sharing!!

I am still praying that your area is fact I hope everyone is missed!!

Hugs, connie d
annette R.
on 8/28/08 7:57 am - ithaca, NY

Your humor is a good indication that your are prepared to 'weather the storm'. (Sorry my dear, couldn't help myself)

Seriously ... stay safe and know we are thinking good thoughts and sending prayers.

Hugs & kisses
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
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