Exercise question

on 8/27/08 1:31 am - Winona, MN
Hello everyone-  I am waiting on my insurance to give me the nod to have RNY surgery after 
having gotten a second opinon.  My question is-  Did any of you find it hard to exercise before surgery?
I am 59 years young- but man I hate exercising.  If I did like it, I probably would not be needing surgery!  Being overweight & work all day, I don't feel like exercising when I get home. Does it get any better after surgery?  I know I SHOULD be exercising, but I just don't have it in me.  Also, since I had a complete hysterectomy I am bothered with hot flashes.  Do they get any better after surgery too?  God Bless-  Jan
on 8/27/08 1:44 am
The best exercise you can do before and after surgery is walking...some find a new addiction to exercise after WLS...some like shopping......

I take/taken herbs for hot flashes......you will find many hormonal things happening after surgery as the fat you lose releases the stored up hormones.

Sometimes dumping is mistaken for hot flashes also. It it important to journal. What you eat, when you eat it, how much you ate, and what  affects it had on you if any.

All I can tell you about after surgery is that Life gets better.......if we make the right choices...
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


on 8/27/08 1:55 am - Winona, MN
Thank you Darlene,  I hope I am one of the many that will enjoy exercise after surgery.  I know it is good for all of us
on 8/27/08 3:08 am - Tucson, AZ
Hi Jan, And welcome to the wonderful world of OFF (over fifty forum) I couldn't exercise much before surgery because of arthritis in the knees and just general not feeling like it, like you.  I work also, so exercising was the last thing on my list that I wanted to do at the end of the day.  It took a little while after surgery, and a nudge from my surgeon who said to me, "Get moving" my weight loss wasn't happening up to his standards.  He put me back on my cholesterol meds too because my labs indicated that I still needed to be on them.  I started out going to the pool 3X a week and just trying to move my body without it hurting. Now I go to the gym 5-6 times a week and ride the exercise bike for 30-45 minutes set on Cardio workout.  I still go on Mondays to the water aerobics class, I have Mondays off so that fits in rather nicely.   I have two 5 lb weights that I work out with at home, while I'm watching TV maybe 2-3 times a week (I'm working on the bat wings) I'm not perfect at this stuff, hey, I'm not perfect at anything except being me.  But I am "moving" alot more than I use to.  Never thought that I would turn into a gym rat, but here I am.  I want to be successful at this wl thing, so I guess its just the motivation I need. Good luck to you.


on 8/27/08 3:15 am - Winona, MN

That is so good to hear.  I keep hoping there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Right now, I could not imagine me going to a gym in front of all those skinny people and me huffing and puffing around them.  God Bless you Reggie-    Jan


on 8/27/08 3:23 am - Tucson, AZ
God has blessed me indeed!


on 8/27/08 11:16 am - LaCrosse, WI
Hi Neighbor!! I too am pre-op and am having difficulty getting motivated to exercise. I move fast at work, on my feet alot but once I hit home I veg. My counselor says I'm not giving myself enough time. I'm exhausting myself caring for others and not me. I need to find a healthy balance so I can have the energy and will to move like I should. I've thought about driving to Winona soon to buy some PB2 at a store there. It would save alot on shipping to buy it there.
Just keep in mind that this is a new lifestyle and it will take some time to adjust to everything including healthy exercise. I know I need to be doing it and I'm getting closer every day. I HAVE to make it a part of my life, not just a temporary attempt.
Hang in there, you're not alone. You'll find that many people here are similar in their struggles. You've come to the right place.
Take care,

I love Spring!!!!!!
on 8/27/08 10:09 pm - Winona, MN
Hello neighbor.  I don't think I know what PB2 is (dummy me).  I was in LaCrosse last Friday and saw a Dr. Kathari (sp).  What a nice, nice gentleman.  I am going through the Mayo Clinic but my insurance requests a second opinion from a surgeon. 
I get home from work, eat, do dishes, maybe a load of laundry, and read paper, watch the tube, and while I am watching the tube, I think- 'Jan, get up and exercise, you can still watch these stupid shows while exercising"  But that is just it,  I just THINK about it, but don't do it.  Is it lazyness?  God Bless-  Jan
on 8/28/08 4:53 am - LaCrosse, WI
Hi Jan,
PB2 is a powdered peanut butter, lower fat and mixes with water to desired consistency. Many have used it here and love it.
I tried to get in to Kathari but he was "booked" so I have Dr. Baker. I don't have a surgery date yet nor have I been approved yet but getting closer every day.
I've been to Mayo for a second opinion about something else and the DR there saved my life. It's a long story but you'll be in good hands. They do not make their money on # of patients visits. Quality care at Mayo and I've been in healthcare for 37yrs.
There's a support group mtg tonight I'm going to for the first time. Looking forward to meeting post-ops face to face.
You are not lazy, just carrying around more wt is difficult.
Take care,

I love Spring!!!!!!
annette R.
on 8/27/08 6:34 am - ithaca, NY

Before surgery I was 59 years OLD (there was nothing young about me) and weighed 320 pounds. Just hauling those pounds around was about all I could manage. It was exhausting and hurt too.

I still don't belong to a formal gym but exercise at hoe and do tons of walking. Heck, I actually enjoy walking now - that's a small miracle.

Can't help you about the hot flashes - I only have cold flashes now. A hot flash would feel really good.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
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