what's new WEDNESDAY?

annette R.
on 8/26/08 6:29 pm - ithaca, NY
 Good Morning everybody. What's happening in your life?


 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
annette R.
on 8/26/08 6:55 pm - ithaca, NY
The meeing with my Psychiatrist was disappointing. He has been seeing me for several years and been very helpful, but is obviously not right for my current issues. Telling me that I need to accept that I am underweight and "just eat" was the same advice I hear from people who don't charge $200.00 an hour. Adding drugs which in my opinion will only mask the problem doesn't feel right either. I told him I may be NUTS but not stupid. to him 

It is time to search for another source of help. I am thankful to all of you for being understanding.

The furbrats are restless this morning and won't stay off the desk and my lap. Before one of them hits the "cancel" button, I'm signing off for now.


 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Cajun Angel
on 8/26/08 11:45 pm - New Orleans, LA
Good morning Annette and Friends!

Annette, gee, $200.00 to tell you to eat!  Maybe he need a shrink!  It's really sad that even the professionals don't "get it". 

I want to thank everyone for their well wishes RE:  my 4 year anniversary yesterday!  My OFF family is the best. 

on 8/27/08 12:37 am
Have you considered hypnosis?
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


annette R.
on 8/27/08 7:34 am - ithaca, NY
 It never crossed my mind until you mentioned it. Thank you. I'll see if there are anything but 'quacks' in the area. This is a strange town with lots of so called professionals.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 8/27/08 7:46 am
Let me find my message from Nancy B, she sent me the link to the one she uses.....sounds really good....
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


annette R.
on 8/27/08 8:56 am - ithaca, NY
Got it - thanks!!!
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Laureen S.
on 8/27/08 1:37 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Big Sis and the rest of my OFF Family!

Wow, amazing that some of the so called professionals can be soooo uneducated on how to go about helping people.  Perhaps you can find a good recommendation for someone who deals primarily in WLS and/or addictions, I will pray and hope for you to be lead to someone who can offer you help in getting though this body image issue you are having.  Hugs and all my good wishes to you!

Last night I met Tony at the train station between my job and his and we went to The Chart House in Weehawken, NJ for a nice dinner, after which we sat at the bar with a friend of mine whose house I was staying at overnight, as she lives just across the river from the City and it beat going home late and having to make my 2-1/2 hour trek to work in the a.m., watched a bit of the Mets/Phillies game, what a heartbreak for me, that's why me and Tony have nicknamed our team the Mutts, I think Phillie fans and NY Met fans, while having a rivalry of sorts, can truly empathize with one another, our teams lead us to the altar and leave us like jilted brides over and over. . . , but I never stop hoping my team wins tonight!

Anyway, I'm here at my desk, nothing much happening and starting to wonder how much longer before the rumors of layoffs become a reality, as my department has been dead for about a year now and it's not looking good for a rebound anytime soon and while they've moved people around and such to keep us going, just not sure how willing they will be to continue on this way. I am not worrying because I truly believe that is a waste of enery, and also believe that should my job be axed, they would give me a decent severance package, as I have been here over 12 years, not to mention when one door closes another one opens and what is meant to be will be, but it does seem as though the possibility exists that jobs will be cut sometime soon if things do not pick up around here and basically this is just our department, so that is the good part of things, that the company is making money, just not off of us. . .

Well I certainly hope that you are having a great day and to those undergoing surgery or recent bench members, I wish you an easy recovery!

Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Eileen Briesch
on 8/27/08 1:49 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Annette and everyone:

As I told you yesterday, you need to find another psychologist ... doesn't need to be a psychiatrist ... the difference is one can prescribe drugs and the other can't. I have a psychologist, so she can't prescribe but is very understanding and listens well and makes me think, which is good because sometimes I know where I want to go with things but don't think it through until I say them to someone (like her, or a friend), but sometimes a friend can't get me to say them ... I need an objective ear, someone not judgmental. And sometimes you just need someone to cry to. Our family and friends don't want to hear us be sad. (Or at least mine don't!) Having someone that I can pour out my feelings to helps me so much, so paying $11.20 (my copay ... if I had to pay the whole thing I probably wouldn't go because I couldn't afford it) is worth it. So I hope you can find someone you can trust.

Another crazy night at work, not as bad as last night, but I had to stick around waiting for a story about our governor at the Democratic convention. It came at 10:30 p.m.; wasn't really a very good story, but I had to use it anyway. Got my business page done and printed them out, signed off, but nothing came out of the printers. So I signed back on and sure enough there was a "spider" on my cover ... a spider is a little thing on the page that, for want of a better word, "boogers" up the printers ... they won't print, and you have to reboot them from the back, which I can't do. I removed the "spider" ... it's a little thing in the corner of the page which just magically appears there without my putting it there and tried printing to another printer but that was jammed. In the meantime, I got a message to post something online, so I had another task before I could leave. So I had to e-mail the morning crew about the printers, and my morning business partner about the business pages and why he didn't have final copies. What a mess!

This morning, my tummy is acting up ... IBS, I think, or all those crackers I ate last night. I was in the mood to crunch on something, so I had some wheat thins, and my tummy is now expelling them, I think. So instead of coffee, I'm having peppermint tea. I want to try to figure out that total gym this morning or at least get on my cycle a bit.

Well, I should get my buns in gear and do a little exercising. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 8/27/08 7:06 am - CA

Hi Annette,

I just have to say NUTS to the Psych....  I think no help would have been better than what he offered.  I'm sure sorry.

Take care and I just know you will will win in the end.



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