What's New Sunday

Eileen Briesch
on 8/24/08 5:49 am - Evansville, IN

The Melanie story was great ... usually you have a good cat story, but I really enjoyed Melanie washing her hands in the toilet. It would be a good Reader's Digest piece.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Kathy K.
on 8/24/08 2:56 am - Kenosha, WI
Good Sunday to you, Eileen, and all my dear friends! Eileen, I can relate to your job and home uncertainty situation completely as I went through it last year - knowing my job and the company were being eliminated through merger/acquisition, hoping to find a decent job nearby so I wouldn't have to move, realizing that was not possible, selling the house in this uncertain market and relocating. A terribly stressful situation. Just meet each challenge as it occurs... it doesn't pay to waste a lot of energy worrying; just be prepared with decision options as things develop.
Today is grooming day for Sadie so I'll drop her off at the spa and run a few errands. I stayed in yesterday, knowing I'd be out and about today. Funny how we tend to lump trips out for errands, etc together now to save on gas. Sadie enjoys car rides and does quite well at the groomer. They always comment on how good she is during the trimming and bath.

Still trying to figure out where to hang things on the walls now that they're painted. My painters finished some outside work this week - repainting the porch columns, rails and trim in a sturdier finish and the outside service doors - so they're done for now. The outside really didn't need painting as the house is less than a year old, but I wanted the column trim especially, to hold up for a while. I hate flat paint. Probably in the spring I'll have them back to finish the inside - the garage walls and ceiling, the office and sewing rooms, and basement stairwell. They have done such a wonderful job on the rest of the house. I'm so glad I found a great painting contractor.

I'm now looking for a reliable electrician to hang some new ceiling fixtures and install a timer switch for the outside lights since I can't use the dusk to dawn sensors. I am resourceful but usually stay away from electrical things, LOL.

Gotta go make my salad for dinner tonight and get the fixins together for my quiche. Have a great day!

¸.•♥ ´¸.•*♥´¨) ¸.♥•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸ ;.♥•Kathy¨♥

Karen S.
on 8/24/08 3:24 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha OFF family!

Eileen....I'm glad that you can come into this room and vent.....it's good to have somewhere to do that. Sometimes just sharing our deepest fears and mental workings can release it for awhile and give us some peace and rest from the worry. I hope that this worked that way for you. I have a feeling that you are a woman of unlimited imagination and creativity, and that you WILL find a way to deal with each challenge as it presents itself. I believe in you!!

It is Sunday morning (7:00 a.m.) and I have been awake since 4:00. I stayed in bed and watched TV for a couple hours and then got up and made some strong Kona coffee ..... woooooie!..........and got caught up on the OFF haps! It is a gloriously beautiful morning and my first day without having to be anywhere for a couple weeks now. I am planning on a trip to Costco and maybe a drive to the north shore where they are having windsurfing contest today.

Yesterday morning at the hospital with "my babies" was a piece of cake! Only two babies born the night before, and they both passed the hearing test easily. So I was only there for about a hour and a half....and was at Starbucks at 7:00 a.m. for a coffee kickstart. We had been given a $10.00 Starbucks credit card at the professional day, along with a lot of other little "prizes."

I don't know if I mentioned that in January I'm going to Calif. to take care of my three grandbabies.........ALL BY MYSELF!! YIKES! My son and daughter in law are going to France skiing for a week with a group, and I will be chief babysitter, etc....for that week. I told them I would LOVE to do it except I NEED HELP! One person with three small ones just doesn't compute! Maybe if I were 40 instead of 65 I might be able to do it without croaking, but I know my limitations! When I took care of Brock and Brady for 4 days I lost 10 lbs. from running around! They are good little guys but SO BUSY!! This tutu didn't have time to sit down, let alone EAT! I don't have another ten lbs. to lose! Ha! Hopefully we'll work something out to spread around the babysitting job...........!

Then I'm working on getting someone to come and kittysit while I'm in Calif. My sister is law and nephew came in May when I went for little Z's birth, so I think it's too soon for them to come back. My neighbor has a friend who lives in Seattle who is a nurse and LOVES kitties who she says would love to come and kitty sit and enjoy Maui. So...maybe that is covered. I should put it out to my OFF family that someday one of you kitty lovers might just like to come and look after my two little furry friends.....Nicki and Poki.......while I go to the mainland. I don't know why I never thought of that before! Hummm.......it might work!! Think about it.

OK, my sisters (and bros).....I'm off and running....well, I'm out to the lanai to have my breakfast while I watch the outrigger canoes on their Sunday runs. Here's hoping you all have a good day, and that somehow all problems get smaller today...and every day.

With so much aloha,

Maui Karen
Margo M.
on 8/24/08 5:48 am - Elyria, OH
maui in january--whhooo hooo would michael and i love it???yes!!!! and we are kitty people..can we afford to fly there???no....


I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Karen S.
on 8/24/08 7:28 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha sweetie.......I'll be going to the mainland probably every six months or at least once a year. So maybe at a later date, the airfares will be lower, and you'll be richer!! Could happen...you never know!!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Eileen Briesch
on 8/24/08 5:53 am - Evansville, IN
Oh man, I would love it too but don't think I could afford the airfare either. And you know I love kitties.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Karen S.
on 8/24/08 7:32 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Eileen...Oh, I know my kitties would LOVE you, and they know kitty people when they see them. Same as I told Margo.....one day your situation might be perfect for coming and kittysitting. Since my kids now have three little ones, they say it's easier for them to pay my way to come to Calif. than to get tickets for all five of them. True, I guess...but I miss them coming here to play, too. Sigh.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
on 8/24/08 7:08 am - Somewhere in, NY

When in January do you go to California?



Karen S.
on 8/24/08 7:25 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Candy Girl......I'm not sure of dates yet. My kids haven't told me exactly what week they are going to France. I'm waiting. My son will be getting my ticket soon, so I'll know the dates for sure. If my friend's sister can't do it, are you interested? That would very cool to have you stay here. You could use my computer and sit right here and describe the Maui mornings just like I do!! Ha!

I'll keep you posted for what's happening. I just know it's in January....a wonderful time to be here......the whales are here!! You can watch them frolic right from the lanai! More later.....

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
on 8/24/08 8:47 am - Somewhere in, NY
I would love it, but after my airline problems when I went to California last February, I swore I'd never fly during the winter months again.  I have to admit that I thought about it for a minute, though.  Iguess I'll have to stick to my originat plan and wait till I retire.  Not too long now.  Goal date for retirement is April 30, 2010.  It can't come too soon.

I hope it works out with your friend's sister.  I know how you feel about needing the Tutu Time.



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