What's New Sunday

Pat R.
on 8/24/08 12:06 am - Sturgis, MI
Morning Margo....
Yeah I am confused about Floyd too! He said in his post
this past Friday that he was starting his vacation, sooooo..
well, I'm not sitting home all day today waiting for a phone call I'll say that! I hope he has my cell number.

Hope things go better for you too, dear one.....you were going to send me a msg about Frankenmuth??

Hang in there.....I'm sending lots of hugs and prayers.

Love you,
Pat R.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
Margo M.
on 8/24/08 2:48 am - Elyria, OH
you have email-

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Eileen Briesch
on 8/24/08 5:34 am - Evansville, IN

I'm sorry you and Michael are having problems again. Yeah, maybe he and I are the same ... we worry when there isn't anything yet to worry about. The buyouts right now are limited to the ad production department because they are consolidating departments from two other papers with ours ... so everyone is offered buyouts. No one has to take them, but after Sept. 29, everyone has to reapply for their jobs and then the jobs are filled on merit (not seniority) ... which in a way is good, because I know I'm as good or better than some of the people on our desk. I'm not boasting here, just stating facts. There are people who are better than me, but I'm better than others.

I am learning the "new" wave of editing, on the Web, but our posting tool is such crap, like most of our technology (our pagination, or pagemaker,  tool is horrible too).

I always have tended to worry about things before they happen, and it stresses me out so much my body hurts. I physically hurt when this happens. The last time, my back started hurting that my left knee was buckling on me. That's about the time I decided to go back to my psychologist because obviously, I wasn't handling things well (either with my overspending or my stress). I needed someone to talk to, to cry to. You guys help me a lot, but I needed a professional who is objective, too. Maybe that's what Michael needs.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Margo M.
on 8/24/08 5:44 am - Elyria, OH
i agree to all of the above!!!
sending you hugs! we are painting and etc right now and i snuck a break-

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


karen C.
on 8/23/08 11:36 pm - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning Eileen and Friends,

Heading out to hug and cuddle in a couple of hours. Will check in from Erin's. Today I'll go by way of Seattle and pick up my 12 yr old great niece, Cora. She's been wanting to "help out" with the twins so I'll take her with me to Chehalis. Her mom will pick her up on Saturday as she returns from a trip to Portland. That way she, my niece Shelly, will get to see the twins. She hasn't seen them since they were just one week old in the hospital.  They just live about 90 miles from Erin but she has three daughters and a busy architecture firm in Seattle. The girls are 8, 12, and 15 so keep everyone very busy. We told Cora that the twins live in the country; not much to do but take care of babies, play with the dogs. Cora said she's packing books and crafts and loves puppies and babies! Hopefully she'll be a help and not another one to take care of! Depending on how she is could be a lovely time or a loooonnnnnggg week!

My nephew spent the night. We ate at a little new to us Italian restaurant in an old house. It's called Carmine's and is absolutely adorable. We ate at a little table in what was once the parlor with a beautiful old fireplace and wood floors. Brought home enough food for Mike to have dinner tonight and tomorrow. They serve family style one item each night. Last night was "rigatonni, sausage, and meatballs." Served with hot bread and lots of salad. Brad had his share, you can imagine about how much pasta I ate (probably 6 noodles!) brought home plenty. The "small" is $19.95 and would easily serve 4. I'll  take Mike and another couple next time. But the ambiance was so worth it. Definitely not a "chain" feeling!

I have a breakfast casserole ready to go in the oven and fresh sliced peaches for breakfast before we both hit the road.  These peaches are to die for. A friend gave them to Mike. They are the old fashioned, juice run out the sides of your mouth, kind. The kind you no longer find in the stores, at least around here. Yummy!

Hugs to you all. Wish I could wave a magic wand and heal those who are hurting physically, and fix the problems people have. Alas, I am only human.

Watched "The Constant Gardener" last night. Wow, does that make me appreciate what I have. Excellent movie, but a bit of a downer. Lovely music. . . Hugs,

Karen C

on 8/23/08 11:44 pm - Bradenton, FL
Good Morning Eileen and Crew!!!!!
Today is a beautiful day here in Florida. I work from 11 to 5 today and am the supervisor!!!!! I hope we get busy. I dont like to sit around.
Eileen my prayers are with you on your job. Time will tell, Prayers will be said for you.
I know the economy is bad and we got our hours cut by 4 hours a week. So my paycheck is lower too. Im not fretting, It only brings on Migraines and anxiety and eating!!!!!
Tevia and Pitt were prawling all night protecting the house!!!!! It was raining and thundering but I didnt hear it. I was down for the count.
Well I better get ready for work.
image hosting site

on 8/23/08 11:56 pm - Alexander, AR
Morning Eileen and all my OH buddies,

Eileen, I think you're finding ways to cut back, and you have every right to be anxious over this. Your brother sounds like an understanding guy.  As far as Xmas, I'm sure your family understands your situation. Besides, we all have enough, just having a loving family is worth all the "gifts" in the world! If you needed to move could you rent out your condo?  Just a thought.

Things here are getting rather dramatic with a situation with my MIL. She's been diagnosed with dementia, and the DR suspects Alzheimer's.  He's told Gary's two sisters (one younger, Laura and the older sister, Bea) that she is not to drive and they should consider having her move into an assisted living situation. Well, she loves her car more than her children. No....seriously. She once bought a Porsche even though she couldn't buy groceries for her then 13 yr old daughter. Boy, she looked good driving to our house to eat dinner 3-4 times a week though!

Any way, Laura has taken the car, and the payments. Bea, a loan processor for a mortgage company, has taken the check book away and has been trying to figure out all the bounced checks and the overdraft fees....which add up into the thousands of $$$!! 
We call Rose (MIL)  St Rose the Martyr.  She will do anything (even before getting ill) for attention and pity, and loves nothing better than stirring the pot. Well, she has told her neighbor that her daughter has stolen her car and the other one has taken her for $12K!!  Ten thousand of that money was the down payment on the car we begged her not to buy, and the rest has been used to clear up her financial mess. The neighbor has turned the girls into Adult Protective Services for elder abuse. Now she has a social worker on her "case" and the girls are devastated. Laura won't give her the car back because she doesn't want the responsibility of what could happen if Rose hurt someone while driving.  All Rose keeps saying is that she misses her car and just wants to be able to look out the window at it. Gary told her she loves a pile of sheet metal more than her children because what she is doing is ruining her family. She said she wants her car back.
Rose has a history of "telling tales" to people and other family members. This is just the latest in a very long list of trouble she has caused over her life by embellishing the truth.  So, here we are in AR....they're in CA and about all we can do is run up our cell phone minutes listening to everyone.   Doesn't seem to be enough, but it's about all we can do.

Thanks for the time to rant. Hope everyone has a great day!  The kids are coming for Sunday dinner so I'd better get my skinny butt moving.

Love ya!



karen C.
on 8/24/08 12:31 am, edited 8/24/08 12:32 am - Kennewick, WA

Oh, Susan, how I remember the "car thing" with my mom. At age 90 she failed the eye exam. She could see fine but her hearing was gone and she thought the examiner was saying "Read 9-5" She could not find that. In realilty the examiner said "read line 5". So they flunked her and made her retake everything including the driving part. Thought that would be the end of it. But no. . . she got a book , studied, took 2 tries to pass the written, passed the eye test then started in on the driving. Failed it THREE times by just a little. I think she was just waiting for them to say "All done."  Instead the examiner got in the car with her, had her drive to all of her local spots: senior center, post office, grocery store. . . . I'll be darned if they didn't give her a "daytime only, within 3 miles of home" license that she drove on until she was 94! My brother finally convinced her that her car needed new tires and so many repairs that it would be cheaper to sell it and use the senior transit system! (appealing to her thrifty side usually worked!) We were so afraid of a bad accident and someone being hurt.

But. . . . I do understand that sense of freedom that a car gives everyone. It's so hard. I empathize with you and yours. You do what you have to do. So sad that the daughters are trying to do the right thing and being terrorized for it.

I wonder how it was back in "horse and buggy" days? Was this an issue too? At least the old grey mare couldn't cause too much damage to oncoming traffic!

Karen C

on 8/24/08 6:32 am - Alexander, AR
Once Rose decided she wanted a new car,    her Corolla only had 13,000 miles on it, but she said it was old because she had had it for two years.  Another time, her car needed new tires so she bought a whole new car!!  I guess she couldn't grasp the concept of buying just the tires.

Let's see....back in the horse and buggy days there wern't cell phones or any other phones and the Pony Express took months to deliver a letter.  I bet that cut down on the drama, huh? If the pot couldn't get stirred, then folks just delt with it!



Eileen Briesch
on 8/24/08 5:43 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Susan:

Boy, you sure have drama in your family! Thousands of dollars in bounced checks! Wow, that's much worse than my financial issues (I had some bounced checks, but not that bad ... my math skills leave a lot to be desired, too). I'm sorry MIL is causing problems. I'm glad sisters have taken away the car ... that could be really dangerous and could cause serious problems, as you know. But it's hard dealing with it from long distance. I worry about my mom driving all the time, but I think she knows her limitations ... she only drives places she's familiar with and usually only in daylight, never on the highways. We still worry about her, though ... she's 84. The last time she took her driver's test, the tester passed her, but he did the sign of the cross after he got out of the car. Can't imagine why he passed her!

Yeah, I've thought I could rent the condo, but then you're dealing with having to think about who you're renting to, etc., hoping they don't trash the place. I guess that's thinking way into the future ... hey, I'm thinking way into the future anyway, aren't I? We haven't been offered buyouts yet ... we may never be offered buyouts. I just want to be prepared in case it happens.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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