whats new for Saturday

annette R.
on 8/23/08 2:38 am - ithaca, NY

Thanks for getting us started today. Gosh, better a boobooed vehicle than a boobooed you!

There are so many new people joining us each day. I can hardly keep up with all the new WELCOMES.

Last night I had my first 'walk around the loop' with both Matthew and Melanie. My main nudge to get WLS was because my older daughter complained that I had never taken her children for a walk. I accomplished that long ago, now it was a first with our youngest grand.

It was good that my daughter decided to go along because Matthew refused to hold my hand. As we began, Melanie went nose to nose with him and announced SHE was holding Namma's hand. Maybe that was the reason?

Matthew had to stop to touch each mailbox and pick flowers. Mary stayed by his side. Melanie and I had to stop, count 1-2-3 then JUMP at every crack in the pavement.

As we examined a worm along the road, the other two caught up to us. Melanie kept insisting "Namma touch it". Sure, I have held spiders and all sorts of bugs to show her, not worms or snakes. There is a limit.

I have to give our 'big little guy' credit. It was a long walk for a 19 months old, but he trudged right along. I give myself credit for jumping over cracks with the same enthusiasm as a 3 year old too. The neighbors must think I'm nuts.

Not bad considering my doctor had told me a few hours before that I need both knees replaced. Sorry Doc, that's not on my agenda for a while yet. He told me the same thing 3 years ago, but at that time added that I MUST lose weight. 207 pounds lighter, the bones are rubbing and crunching together. But oh yay, he didn't tell me to lose weight. That's a positive - right?

Got to run - have a wonderful Saturday.


 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Eileen Briesch
on 8/23/08 3:39 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Jan and my OFF family:

Gosh, Jan, sleep driving is not recommended. I'm glad you were OK and only the car was wrecked.  I hope the sleep study can find out what's going on with you. Take care of yourself.

I wish I could walk that much but my knees and back won't let me, especially that nasty replacement knee. Boy, does it hurt, even just walking around Meijer (like Wal-Mart, but better). I considered using the electric scooter Thursday but forced myself to walk, because I know the exercise is good for me. But it sure hurt a lot afterward.

I am getting a Total Gym for free ... from my graphic artist coworker. Sometime this weekend, I think, maybe Sunday. She and her hubby are bringing it over. She tried to sell it and wasn't able, so she offered to give it to me for free. Wow, what a great gift. Those things are expensive! I considered buying one ...used one in PT and thought it would be good to have at home, but of course couldn't afford it. Really wouldn't mind having an Ab Lounger either but can't afford that either. But the Total Gym will be a nice addition to Eileen's Gym.

Work was busy last night but at least no reviews. I was so tired ... five hours of sleep makes it difficult to get through the day. And I had a lot of stories to get in and wound up forgetting one story ... I couldn't have fit it in anyway. (Margo, you would have appreciated it ... it was about BioLife Plasma building a new donation center).

Not much planned for the weekend ... it's a gas holiday so no going anywhere, just hanging around the condo, watching the Olympics and baseball, making some zucchini bread/muffins (got some zucchini from my psychologist) and blueberry bread/muffins; how much will depend on how long I can stand in the kitchen because I have a galley kitchen and no place to sit while I cook.

Have a good day. Welcome to all the new folks because I don't think I'll get to all of you.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Debbie G.
on 8/23/08 5:42 am - Derby Line, VT
Jan, thank GOD you weren't hurt lady!  I take it the provigil must not be helping all that much?    EEKS!
Today is Saturday, one more day of vacation left! GEEZ, I don't even feel like I have been "off", well off work anyway.....Hey I could get used to the smiley thing!  LOL  Anyway, we got to my brothers, loaded up all the furniture and TV, got Matt's delivered to his house, came to my house, got the HUGE TV unloaded and wheeled into the family room, and the new water bed frame into the garage.  Both to be installed at a later date...Just not sure when right now!  Drinking a cuppa chai and then need to get ready to go to my uncles house for dinner.  My dad's BD is tomorrow (82) and my uncles (his brother) is Tuesday (72).  10 years apart.  there was another brother in there but he was killed as a child by a hit and run driver.  WAY back then!  I cut up some fruit, anemic watermelon with little taste, peaches, blackberries, blueberries, cantelope (GOOD) and white grapes.  sampled everything as I hadn't eaten lunch yet, then ate some cottage cheese with almonds. Probably won't be hungry for dinner now, but that's ok.  The weather here is HOT HOT HOT!  I have a headache and just took some tylenol and sudafed.  I moved all the furniture around in the house practically yesterday to make room for the new stuff. 
WHEW!  That's my day.  Have a great weekend all!

Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.

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