whats new for Saturday
Jan, I'm glad no one was hurt in the accident and I'm glad you got your truck back. Your walking is impressive!
Today we have the carpet cleaner people coming. Hubby and I will run errands and go out to eat while the carpet dries this afternoon. This morning we get to spend a little time with our grandson. That's always fun. We'll take a walk and go watch the gate at the entry of our condo complex. That's my "claim to fame" with this little one -- I'm the gramma with the gate. LOL
Nothing much beyond that going on for me but wanted to stop by and say hello. Have a great and wonderful Saturday and weekend everyone. Life if truly a wonderful thing.
morning jan and my off family!!!!
wow so ,many new people and i just can't find time right now to welcome them all so here it is...."WELCOME AND CONGRATS TO YOU ALL!!!!!" sorry i had to do it this way but until i get some free time i will post to you....
work yesterday was a total disaster for me!!! started out getting there ok...had to turn all the lights heat etc on...ok no problem....then i had to get my groceries for the day....got everything i needed and when i picked up 4 packages of hot dogs...grrrrrrr one package had a leak in it and spilled all over my clean top and jeans!!!!! i was pissed!!!! all wet and smelly of hot dog juice and the day has just started!!!!!!!!!!! then i get back and make the coffee...i need 4 different kinds made before we open...ok no problem...i got 3 made..the 4th one somehow i turned it off instead of hitting the water button so it would brew....grrrrrr got my pretzels on and omg i had to go "poop" bad!!!!!!!!!! nobody around to help me out...i grabbed the sign said back in 5 min....i ran to potty and did what i had to do....made it just in time!!!! gezzzz came out and the boss was standng there sort of lol at me...asked if i was ok...i said i a now....lol got back to my station...oven was beeping...omg the pretzels!!!!!! hope i didn't burn them!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhh they were fine!!!!!!! from then on things went ok!!!! but what a start!!!!!!
got my check and it was $214.43!!!!!! that made me smile!!! been a long time since i made that much in a week!!!!!! put that in the bank on way home!!!! then rick gave me money to put in bank also towards our place!!!! we are getting there slow but sure!!!!!!! this morning his mom said we should buy a house instead of renting apartment....i just looked at her like she had 3 heads!!! then she tells me ricks ex wife and her boyfriend are using ricks name for their cable and some other things.....i told her i was going to tell rick this if he didn't know about it...she said no he doesn't!!! why in the hell would you not tell your son they are using HIS name for gods sake????? that is fraud!!!!!!!well let me tell you one thing...after my divorce is over with monday and i get back here i am looking for a lawyer to get this taken care of!!!!!!! this is BS if i ever heard it!!!!!!! how dare she do this and her boyfriend is nothing but a leech and druggie and doesn't work to boot!!!!!!!!! i am sick of this crap!!!!!!!!!
i am going back to michigan tomorrow all by myself!!! rick can't get off because they are so busy...his mom said she would go and i said NO!!! i want to go alone if rick can't come with me....end of story!!!! i am sad that rick can't be with me but damit i am not up to his mom and her talk of the no money crap all the time!!!!! sighs...
rick took me out last night to play pool!!!!! i have no clue how to play..all iknow i**** the white ball at either solid or stripe and sink them in pocket...well i was doing pretty food alomst beat him!! in fact i WAS beating him til he had to get us a drink....i said oh resorting to alcohol for me now so i can't beat you huh??? he said no...but i am sur he had a plan to get me tipsy so i couldn't win!!! lol well he won 2 times and i said enough...he wanted to bowl then but i didn't have socks on and i wasn't sticking my bare feet into rental shoes!!!!! besides thats all he needed was to bowl and mess his back up!!!! so we came home and watched a movie and fell asleep....
working today 1-9 then off sunday and monday for trip...today is my sisters birthday so hopefully we can do dinner when i get back to michigan tomorrow. looking forward to a good steak dinner!!!!
well better got this place straightened up some before work so off i go....have a great day everyone!!!!!
Jan, thanks for starting us off. Wow...you were so lucky you didn't get hurt when you fell asleep at the wheel. I am so glad to hear that you are all right, but sorry about the truck ordeal. You are doing GREAT with walking and tightening up loose skin. I could sure use some of that tightening up myself!
It's Sat. morning so my day at the hospital testing the newborns. Last Sat. was a nightmare, so I'm hoping this morning that I'll have some easy babies. It gets dicey when I have a baby I can't get to pass and the mother is going home today. I can reschedule for a outpatient test in a week or so, but it's a big hassle for everyone, so I really try to get them to pass. Sometimes it's just that their ears have debris in them from the birth process...many times just hours earlier. C-sections stay two or three days, so there isn't the rush to get them tested, but vaginal birth babies sometimes go home the same day...so I have to hurry, hurry. It's always a guessing game on what I'll get when I walk into the hospital....sometimes 3 babies born yesterday....sometimes 15!!!
We have so many newcomers! I welcome you all from your sister in OFF in Hawaii! It's so nice to see people coming into the OFF.....it means we are getting a good reputation as the place to be when you are going through WLS, AND especially afterwards when any number of questions, problems, wow's can come up. We are kinda like a big soft bean bag chair where you can come and plop down and share everything! Great place to hang out.
Life is sure busy lately, and I don't get on here nearly as much as I'd like, but I do come in an read and cheer and laugh with you as I read. I think life is happening! At 319 lbs....my life was pretty S L O W....now, 165 less of me and I'm the "roadrunner" with old Wiley Coyote at my heels constantly.....Ha!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.........and thanks for sharing your lives in here with us all!
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen

Boy did I do a bad thing last night......... I had 30 cc. more broth than my tiny tummy could hold, and wow do I feel horrible. Lesson learned..I will never do that again. I am post op 5 days now. And a bit better than yesterday. No plans for today. Maybe I can coax DH to help with wash. Maybe a walk? It is 0839 here, and I have too move. Hope you all have a super day.
Karen C
Hi Jan and Friends,
Just time for a quick drop by! Getting ready to head to Clara and Hannah's to help out for the week. Got the tiger striped slumber bags and hats finished. Sure hope they fit! I'll take pictures.
Went to the county fair last night as it was lovely weather. Clear, cool, about 70. . .Really enjoyed it. Air Supply (All out of love???) was the entertainment. It's outside and was good. However, I think they feel like if the background band is good and loud it covers up the aging voices! Not. . . . I still enjoyed it but had to move back away from the speakers.
Enjoyed petting the pygmy goats! If I had a farm I'd have a field full of them. Oh they are adorable. Had about 3/4 of a corn dog and a sugar free snow cone. Smelled everything else, but it smells so greasy! And even looking at the cotton gandy make me want to hurl!
Today my oldest nephew from Seattle is coming to spend the night with me. We'll hang out at the pool, catch up (he's just 10 yrs my junior) maybe go out to dinner and up to see the new house. Must get to the grocery store before he gets here. Hope you all have a nice weekend!
A big welcome to all of those new to OFF!
Karen C
I wrote my sermon last night. After soul searching and praying I was pointed in the direction of dealing with emotions and how you do that. I think it shows a lot of what has gone on with me this week and I it helped to make me feel a lot better. Even though I was doing better yesterday, I am doing even better today.
I have decided that I am going to be a part of the baby's life. I need that baby and the baby needs me. I am going to let the baby figure out my name. I know that Carol's mom and I are going to be the only sane grandma's they are going to have. Shawn's mothers side of the family are ones that thrive on turmoil and make sure there is plenty of it. I know that they are going to make a lot of it about me but the baby will decide whether or not I have a part of their life and I bet that I will. If not that is to bad but I will survive it and know that I am the one that tired and know that I have nothing to be ashamed of or regret. It might hurt me if the baby decides that they don't want me in their life but I am a survivor and I will make it through this.
Nothing much happening here today. I have a couple of prayers to write and that is it for tomorrow. I do want to straighten up around here. I have let it go for a bit and so I need to get it back to normal. Oh brother, what am I saying! It is never looking normal around here. Not with all the stuff that I have. I have to declutter!
Bill is going to grill out today. He hasn't done that for a while and I miss it. As you all now he is my not so lean, not so mean, grilling machine in the summer. I just wish that he did that in the winter too. I miss the grilling in the winter. lol
Maui Karen, I am going to email you so make sure you watch out for me. I have a couple of questions to ask you. You might be able to answer them for me. lol
I have my appointment with the nut doctor on Thursday. I am glad that it is coming up. I have been through so many changes and I know that I need to straighten them out. Now is the time to start doing that. I maybe should have started it sooner but I didn't and so now is better than starting at all I guess. lol
Well, I better get going. I have some things to do and I want to eat breakfast before it is lunch time. Here it is almost 11:30 and still no breakfast. I wonder why I eat breakfast at lunch time? I guess that is better than not eating breakfast at all. If you have a negative find a postive in it. lol I am sending love and hugs to everyone. Prayers are going up for all with special ones for those in need of them.
I'm glad you decided to be a part of the baby's life, whatever your name will be. That baby will be lucky to have you in its life ... it will have loads of love from you. It will learn to love from you. Names are unimportant, whether it's Grandma, or Grammy or Nana or Tutu or whatever. It's what's inside that counts. I know you know that. Screw Shawn and his family (excuse the sentiment there, but you know what I mean ... we've talked about this). You're right ... if you have a negative, find a positive! I think you've done this.
I love ya, sister! You've come out of this crisis so much stronger. I think your sermon will be wonderful. Have you ever thought about a ministry? I think you'd be wonderful at it. You have such a strong faith.