What's New FRIDAY?
Debi, Hugs to you and Julia! I'm excited to hear how you are doing post tummy tuck. I had the lower body lift almost 1 yr ago. Thanks to good drugs, I had very little pain or maybe I just don't remember it. I do remember thinking how clever and creative I was. I'm afraid to go back and reread my posts from that first week post op!! Best wishes.
Karen C
Hi All,
I am home from the Colonoscopy. The put me to sleep but not under. It was wonderful not knowing what was going on!!!!! I had one tiny Polyp and it was removed. He said it probably wasnt cancer. The last one I had 5 years ago was more. 3 Polyps and 2 were pre cancer.
I am feeling fine and playing around the puter and maybe going to the scrapbook store.
nothing else going on.
I am home from the Colonoscopy. The put me to sleep but not under. It was wonderful not knowing what was going on!!!!! I had one tiny Polyp and it was removed. He said it probably wasnt cancer. The last one I had 5 years ago was more. 3 Polyps and 2 were pre cancer.
I am feeling fine and playing around the puter and maybe going to the scrapbook store.
nothing else going on.
Good Morning Annette and everyone......
I am always last lately....too much work to do!! I am home between meetings right now. Thought I would pop in and say hello.
It was such a beautiful evening last night. Most all the neighbors were outside. We all gathered our lawn chairs, chatted, and really had alot of fun!! I so needed that!
I will be picking up Lucas (grandson) in the morning down in Maple Grove, a suburb of Minneapolis. It is the half way point for my daughter and I to drive. I am also going to the Maple Grove coffee group before I meet Carrie and Lucas. That is my favorite coffee group. We always have so much fun!!
Saturday will be pizza and Summerland with Lucas. Summerland is a water park. They also have go carts, miniture golf and many other fun things to do. Sunday morning Lucas is going golfing with my ex husband and the guys!! Later Sunday afternoon and evening I am taking Lucas to the race track and watching the car races. He is so excited about that!!
Monday evening probably a movie or something. Tuesday morning I take him home again. Then I will need Connie time!!
Annette......Your dinner and time with Tom sounds wonderful. If I could find a great guy like that I might consider marriage again....oh I can't believe I just said that!! Thanks for letting me know about the icons. I noticed the spell check but hadn't gone to the icons yet!
Thanks OH!!!!!!!
Margo...hope you feel better today. Sorry that you were so sick. Gentle HUGS coming your way!!
Julia and Debi R........ have a great time at the OH Conference. Take pics to share please!!
Aime........so nice to see you here today. You are so busy..hope you manage to find alittle time for yourself!
Cheryl.....watching your hubby at the Drag Show will be so worth it....probably as good as the show!! WOOOOHOOOO!!
Kathi....keep walking the walk...your pounds will drop again. I bet you are losing inches!! Keep your eye on the prize.
Hello to Susan, Debbie G.,Jan C., Debbi, Brenda, Donna, Floyd and everyone else I may have missed.
Love to all....hugs galore........ prayers to many.
connie d
I am always last lately....too much work to do!! I am home between meetings right now. Thought I would pop in and say hello.
It was such a beautiful evening last night. Most all the neighbors were outside. We all gathered our lawn chairs, chatted, and really had alot of fun!! I so needed that!
I will be picking up Lucas (grandson) in the morning down in Maple Grove, a suburb of Minneapolis. It is the half way point for my daughter and I to drive. I am also going to the Maple Grove coffee group before I meet Carrie and Lucas. That is my favorite coffee group. We always have so much fun!!
Saturday will be pizza and Summerland with Lucas. Summerland is a water park. They also have go carts, miniture golf and many other fun things to do. Sunday morning Lucas is going golfing with my ex husband and the guys!! Later Sunday afternoon and evening I am taking Lucas to the race track and watching the car races. He is so excited about that!!
Monday evening probably a movie or something. Tuesday morning I take him home again. Then I will need Connie time!!
Annette......Your dinner and time with Tom sounds wonderful. If I could find a great guy like that I might consider marriage again....oh I can't believe I just said that!! Thanks for letting me know about the icons. I noticed the spell check but hadn't gone to the icons yet!
Thanks OH!!!!!!!
Margo...hope you feel better today. Sorry that you were so sick. Gentle HUGS coming your way!!
Julia and Debi R........ have a great time at the OH Conference. Take pics to share please!!
Aime........so nice to see you here today. You are so busy..hope you manage to find alittle time for yourself!
Cheryl.....watching your hubby at the Drag Show will be so worth it....probably as good as the show!! WOOOOHOOOO!!
Kathi....keep walking the walk...your pounds will drop again. I bet you are losing inches!! Keep your eye on the prize.
Hello to Susan, Debbie G.,Jan C., Debbi, Brenda, Donna, Floyd and everyone else I may have missed.
Love to all....hugs galore........ prayers to many.

I know it's been a bit since I chimed in..... been busy and enjoying my daughter JJ's visit. I've checked in a few times , read some posts and left again ..... Tonight John & I are working at the Museum - they're having their biggest event of the year.The Art Auction... tickets to go to it start out at 150.00 each. That's way out of our league. Tomorrow John said I get to choose what we'll be doing as it's my 58th birthday.. so after breakfast at the church it's off to go garage saling and the the big flea market he's avoided for 4 years .... but gave in easy this time I asked...
I have some news .... my second carotid artery surgery is Sept 3rd. So now I'll have equal scars going down my neck.... I told the Dr that this morning - he needed to make this one the same as the first one - just call it a "girl thing" but if I gotta have them at least they should be even.... you know - symmetrical. He smiled and said it was not a problem as he handed me a new prescription for Plavix - says I'll be on it for the rest of my life . It's only a one night stay in the hospital in the ICU.I should have enough time to mend well enough for traveling before we start back to Wisconsin Sept 27th.
I'm enjoying all my gardening and the tomatoes are starting to roll in now.... so soon I'll be making batches of Salsa . I love the new additions - especially the spell check feature.
I'll be watching for the Mystery Box to appear in Dennis,MA. soon - thanks Brenda.
Joyce S.
Hi Annette and everyone:
I'll have to check out the new icons ... and spell check too! Wow, I won't have to think about how I spell things (I'm so careful with my spelling, being an editor and all; I don't want to misspell anything. Yesterday, a reporter had a sentence about how someone was "libel" to do something, as in likely to do something ... I had a good chuckle about that because as some of you might know, libel is a dirty word in the newspaper business ... it means a lawsuit! The correct word is liable.)
I had a rough night last night ... lots of pain and issues bothering me ... worried about work, Brenda (I already talked to Brenda about this ... Brenda, I'm glad you're better), my knee. Went to bed about 3 after watching the U.S. men's volleyball team beat Russia to advance to the gold medal match, then I couldn't sleep. So I got up, couldn't remember if I took my neurontin that usually knocks me out; counted out the pills and it seemed like I took it. Well, I was in pain anyway, so I took another vicodin, read for awhile ("Rhett Butler's People," a prequel/sequel to "Gone with the Wind" ... very interesting). I got very involved with that and it was nearly 5 a.m. before I got to sleep ... I was getting drowsy but didn't want to put the book down.
Today, it was raining early and it's cloudy and muggy ... or at least I think it's muggy, I'm still in my nightshirt, haven't gone outside yet. Did cycle a bit while I was yakking to Brenda. My graphic artist coworker is giving me a Total Gym ... she was trying to get rid of it and hasn't been able to sell it, so she offered it to me. I've wanted one but of course can't afford it. What a nice gift! I can add it to Eileen's Gym -- the cycle, the band, the weights. Still would rather be in the pool!
Kathi, hang in there ... the weight will come off! Some of us lose slower than others ... it took me three years!
Annette, if all men were as nice as your Tom, I might consider getting one. But as the magnet on my frig says, "The more I know about men, the more I like my cats." Tom is definitely a keeper, though. I've been alone my whole life, I've had two dates since WLS and neither man has called me back; the other guys who have contacted me have been perverts or weirdos. I've decided I don't need a man to complete me; I'm pretty complete all by myself. Now if I could find some sugar daddy to let me retire and not face this mess at work ... well, that's another matter!
Well, I should get in the shower ... maybe sticking my head under the shower will get rid of the headache that is sticking around. I'm so glad it's Friday! I'm so tired. Next week I get to go it alone again ... my night coworker is switching back to days (my boss' decision ... he needs dayside people now that the interns are done).
Have a good day. I'll check in later again.
I'll have to check out the new icons ... and spell check too! Wow, I won't have to think about how I spell things (I'm so careful with my spelling, being an editor and all; I don't want to misspell anything. Yesterday, a reporter had a sentence about how someone was "libel" to do something, as in likely to do something ... I had a good chuckle about that because as some of you might know, libel is a dirty word in the newspaper business ... it means a lawsuit! The correct word is liable.)

I had a rough night last night ... lots of pain and issues bothering me ... worried about work, Brenda (I already talked to Brenda about this ... Brenda, I'm glad you're better), my knee. Went to bed about 3 after watching the U.S. men's volleyball team beat Russia to advance to the gold medal match, then I couldn't sleep. So I got up, couldn't remember if I took my neurontin that usually knocks me out; counted out the pills and it seemed like I took it. Well, I was in pain anyway, so I took another vicodin, read for awhile ("Rhett Butler's People," a prequel/sequel to "Gone with the Wind" ... very interesting). I got very involved with that and it was nearly 5 a.m. before I got to sleep ... I was getting drowsy but didn't want to put the book down.

Today, it was raining early and it's cloudy and muggy ... or at least I think it's muggy, I'm still in my nightshirt, haven't gone outside yet. Did cycle a bit while I was yakking to Brenda. My graphic artist coworker is giving me a Total Gym ... she was trying to get rid of it and hasn't been able to sell it, so she offered it to me. I've wanted one but of course can't afford it. What a nice gift! I can add it to Eileen's Gym -- the cycle, the band, the weights. Still would rather be in the pool!
Kathi, hang in there ... the weight will come off! Some of us lose slower than others ... it took me three years!
Annette, if all men were as nice as your Tom, I might consider getting one. But as the magnet on my frig says, "The more I know about men, the more I like my cats." Tom is definitely a keeper, though. I've been alone my whole life, I've had two dates since WLS and neither man has called me back; the other guys who have contacted me have been perverts or weirdos. I've decided I don't need a man to complete me; I'm pretty complete all by myself. Now if I could find some sugar daddy to let me retire and not face this mess at work ... well, that's another matter!

Well, I should get in the shower ... maybe sticking my head under the shower will get rid of the headache that is sticking around. I'm so glad it's Friday! I'm so tired. Next week I get to go it alone again ... my night coworker is switching back to days (my boss' decision ... he needs dayside people now that the interns are done).
Have a good day. I'll check in later again.

Hi Ya'll....Well yesterday I showed a farm again.....she wanted to walk up the hill to walk the property...I started to go with her....and then I said do you think this path was made by HUMANS...she said ..."Probably not" and right then a doe ran out of some brush about 5 feet in front of me....startled me.....I said "Okay I can handle the deer, but do you think there are any snakes and mice in this high grass?"....she laughed and said "there might be"....I said you see those apple trees down there....that is where I will wait for you"...She didn't care she is a farm girl and went on up the hill without me.] I am so much better at homes and condos.....but like I said I sell anything.
After our showing we went over to my old boyfriends house. [he had referred me to her] I had not seen him in probably 40 years. It was such a treat. He is the sweetest man...and still is. Oh, my Mother wanted me to marry him so much....but it was not to be...He has a wonderful wife. They have never had children, but he shows prize winning sheep all over the Midwest. His wife fixed us a great farm lunch and he and I reminisced. He has an incredible memory and also put me in contact with a good girlfriend that I had lost track of....turns out she is a real estate agent also in Florida. It is so sad that he has two kinds of cancer right now. He was always so big and tall and strong....He still has his big broad shoulders and sweet smile, but not so strong anymore. His wife just hugged and hugged me....said I had never changed....yeah right!!! she should have seen me a few years ago. Sure glad that 100 pounds was gone. Don't know when I have enjoyed a lunch some much in such a long time. Wonderful to touch base with old friends. We both know we married the right person for us.
Today I am going to a birthday arty for my former neighbor who is in a nursing home. He sweet daughter has organized it.
She is 81 years old and bound to a wheelchair. Every time I think of giving up my exercising I think of Rosemary and will not do it. She gave up and has become wheelchair bound.
I bought her a corsage and she has a new dress...so it will be such fun for her. I hope lots of people come for her sake.
I worked out this morning in the pool and now I have to go try to do something with my STUPID curly hair. I wouldn't mind the curls so much if it didn't frizz up also.
Lots of love and hope your day is great. Marti
ps. Love the new Spell Check....no more editing.
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"