What's New FRIDAY?
Good morning to you, Annette and my other OFF family.
Thanks for bringing the spell check and the new smileys to our attention. I would have never seen it. lol Sometimes I am not to observant!
Nothing much going on here today. Just a typical Friday to me I guess.
I might be going into the church this morning to talk to Pastor about the evaluations for the church. The one I have to fill out is due in at the District Office on the 1st of September. I passed out about 15 of them for ideas and I got back just a small number, like maybe 6-8 of them. It just never ceases to amaze me that people want the church to change but they are never there to help it along in the change. But then who are first ones to complain? I feel about this the same that I do about voting~if you don't vote you can't gripe! The same thoughts just a different cir****tance to me.
I have to work on my sermon for the IN state park service. They end out at the Dunes the Labor Day week end so this is close to the last one. I waited until the last minute I guess. lol I have no idea what I am going to do the service on but I know that God will point me in the right direction. He always does. It may directions that I am not really wanting to do in to but He never fails. That is what I love about God~He is always there and never fails for us! Wish me luck on getting the message of where to go with this service. Sometimes I like to cover my ears and say "I don't hear you, God.".lol
I am just sitting here watching a old rerun of The Andy Griffith Show. Of course they are old~the whole show is now. lol I loved this show. It is one of the favorites of Bill but mine is still and always will be I Love Lucy. Our dog Barney was named after Barney Fife on this show. He was a sweet dog and boy was he a smart one. Almost human. he knew the words of some things and then we got to spelling them. If he didn't get to know the spelling of them! He would sit pretty and if you said to him give me five he would give you his paw. Then if you said give me five more he would give you the other paw. He was a yellow lab but thought he was a lapdog. lol You couldn't call him a dog because he would get this sad look on his little face. You had to call him a baby boy. If you said you had to go to the bank he would jump all over. He loved going in the car but the bank was special because they would give cookies to the dogs. Err.......baby boys!
I better get going and let others in to chat for a bit. I am praying that everyone has a wonderful day today. I am sending love and big hugs to all along with the daily prayers going up for everyone and special ones going up for those in need of them.
Thanks for bringing the spell check and the new smileys to our attention. I would have never seen it. lol Sometimes I am not to observant!

Nothing much going on here today. Just a typical Friday to me I guess.
I might be going into the church this morning to talk to Pastor about the evaluations for the church. The one I have to fill out is due in at the District Office on the 1st of September. I passed out about 15 of them for ideas and I got back just a small number, like maybe 6-8 of them. It just never ceases to amaze me that people want the church to change but they are never there to help it along in the change. But then who are first ones to complain? I feel about this the same that I do about voting~if you don't vote you can't gripe! The same thoughts just a different cir****tance to me.
I have to work on my sermon for the IN state park service. They end out at the Dunes the Labor Day week end so this is close to the last one. I waited until the last minute I guess. lol I have no idea what I am going to do the service on but I know that God will point me in the right direction. He always does. It may directions that I am not really wanting to do in to but He never fails. That is what I love about God~He is always there and never fails for us! Wish me luck on getting the message of where to go with this service. Sometimes I like to cover my ears and say "I don't hear you, God.".lol
I am just sitting here watching a old rerun of The Andy Griffith Show. Of course they are old~the whole show is now. lol I loved this show. It is one of the favorites of Bill but mine is still and always will be I Love Lucy. Our dog Barney was named after Barney Fife on this show. He was a sweet dog and boy was he a smart one. Almost human. he knew the words of some things and then we got to spelling them. If he didn't get to know the spelling of them! He would sit pretty and if you said to him give me five he would give you his paw. Then if you said give me five more he would give you the other paw. He was a yellow lab but thought he was a lapdog. lol You couldn't call him a dog because he would get this sad look on his little face. You had to call him a baby boy. If you said you had to go to the bank he would jump all over. He loved going in the car but the bank was special because they would give cookies to the dogs. Err.......baby boys!

I better get going and let others in to chat for a bit. I am praying that everyone has a wonderful day today. I am sending love and big hugs to all along with the daily prayers going up for everyone and special ones going up for those in need of them.

Tom and I had a cosy dinner on the waterfront. Kayaks floating past, ducks begging for food, warm gentle breezes, all very romantic.
There was a couple next to us and we could overhear their conversation with the waitress. They said they had been together for over 25 years but refused to give in to convention and get married.
Tom held my hand and said he was glad we are married. To him it feels like a true commitment. Aww - he can be such a sweety. A royal PITA at times but that is part of his charm.
I haven't had time to welcome all the new people on the board. So HELLO to all. You will love it here.
There was a couple next to us and we could overhear their conversation with the waitress. They said they had been together for over 25 years but refused to give in to convention and get married.
Tom held my hand and said he was glad we are married. To him it feels like a true commitment. Aww - he can be such a sweety. A royal PITA at times but that is part of his charm.
I haven't had time to welcome all the new people on the board. So HELLO to all. You will love it here.
Morning Annette and all my buddies,
Annette, your evening with Tom sounds wonderful. I miss the water. I'd love nothing more than to have enough property to have a pond where the birds could stop by for a visit. I'm sure that couple has a strong bond after all these years. Can't imagine being with someone for all those years without a formal commitment. Oh well, to each their own
Just another ho-hum day here in AR. Rained like crazy the last couple of days but it's supposed to slow down for awhile. I'm not ready to wear regular shoes yet, still a bit too warm. Sandals are my best friends but wet feet aren't
Rehearsal went well last night, lots of returning members so the room was crowded. Many of the folks are music teacher and very accomplished so the concert tonight will be much better than last month's now that they are back. Due to the concert, I'll just wor****il 2:00 or so, come home, get dinner ready and then back out the door again.
Like I said, a ho-hum day. Going to go get ready for work, put the lunches together and throw dinner in the crock pot. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Annette, your evening with Tom sounds wonderful. I miss the water. I'd love nothing more than to have enough property to have a pond where the birds could stop by for a visit. I'm sure that couple has a strong bond after all these years. Can't imagine being with someone for all those years without a formal commitment. Oh well, to each their own

Just another ho-hum day here in AR. Rained like crazy the last couple of days but it's supposed to slow down for awhile. I'm not ready to wear regular shoes yet, still a bit too warm. Sandals are my best friends but wet feet aren't
Rehearsal went well last night, lots of returning members so the room was crowded. Many of the folks are music teacher and very accomplished so the concert tonight will be much better than last month's now that they are back. Due to the concert, I'll just wor****il 2:00 or so, come home, get dinner ready and then back out the door again.
Like I said, a ho-hum day. Going to go get ready for work, put the lunches together and throw dinner in the crock pot. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

i had to hit reply just to se ethe new smileys!!!!!
i still have to go thru switching from text to editor and no one seems to explain that to me..am i the only one????
yesterday i had a very strange thing happen...i drank a shake down quickly-too quickly i think- and then drove to work- had to run into mcd's to throw it up-and came back home- slept and slept...hoping it was only from drinking too fast now that i look back-and thank goodness i have sick time to cover cuz today is last of pay period so i can't work to make it up...but dang....
well- i did end up going to pick up my freecycle george foreman and wow--it's one of the "family"ones!! whoo hooo! AND she gave me a bread maker (not that i really need bread in my life but have always wanted one!!!) we yakked for a bit-she has a bad knee from a work injury and so she and michael commisserated a bit...nice woman...different!
tonite is plasma time again so hopefully all of my numbers are up there where they need to be!
nothing else really new -i had a long nite with my cpap mask so i am not sure if i feel rested....
brenda...suggestion for your sermon....family.....it is after all a gift from God......
happy friday everybody!
hugs and prayers......
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White

i have been quite scatterbrained lately as you know!!!!
and i may have an answer to your driving woes.....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Hey, Margo, I had to change my editor a few times. I have no idea what the heck it is but I tried it since I couldn't do anything. Once it started working after playing with that (boy I am impressed that I didn't screw it up!) if it happens I play with that. lol
I have thought of that one too. But sometimes family isn't a blessing if you ask me! But then again who asked me?
I have thought of that one too. But sometimes family isn't a blessing if you ask me! But then again who asked me?