Just need to share my frustration about myself with you all...who else understands?
But I will NOT LET IT DEFEAT ME....I always have before...just given up...but not this time...I am not going to gain all this weight back by giving up....
As I stood there on the scale I said out loud "BUT I'VE BEEN GOOD!!" ...but to no avail.
Just had to vent. Love, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
A very wise woman once encouraged me and all the other OFF family with excellent words.
She said "Keep on keeping on".
Lo and behold, it worked. Not quickly, not easily, but it worked.
The added water combined with extra water HAS to be muscle and water weight. You are on the right course of action. Don't give up but go ahead and vent away..
BTW - the lovely lady was YOU

ahhh sweet marti....don't go beating yourself up over this pound!!! with this crazy weather we are having all over it could be fluid retention!!! also muscle if you were working out!!!! give it another week and see what happens...i am going to go get weighed tomorrow and see where i am at...i am scared to death i am waaaayyyyyy up in weight but the clothes still fit like before so it could be my imagination...i know i am retaining water because my legs and feet sure are swollen at the end of the day and i am drinking more water then i have been before i started working again!!! i drink and it all goes to my legs and feet!!!! sighs...hang in there sweetie!!!
hi marti...well i went to the cafe and weighed myself before i went to work today...astro machine is the place that makes the blood pressure/weight machines for the stores that have them by the pharmacy area...any how i weighed myself and i am still 190 pounds and my BP was 120/80 i still have swollen legs and ankles but not as bad today as they have been...i am drinking pleanty of water hardly going to bathroom to pee it out and thats because it all goes in to my legs and feet!!!! makes me mad it does this too!!!!
also if you can't drink water try to use a pretty blue tinted glass or a fancy glass/goblet etc and see if that helps you drink it more...i mentioned that to one of my new co-workers and she tried it today and has drank several glasses of water!!! she said it worked for her...also have you tried putting a squeeze of lemon or lime juice in the water?? might help you also drink more...
wishing you the best sweetie...i know how difficult it is for you because i am there also...hopefully after monday i can move on to MY life again!!!!