What's new Monday

Marti O.
on 8/18/08 3:50 am
Good Morning Candy and all...so much happening over the weekend for you all....

Debbie....I swear you have no fear when it comes to projects....my DIL is like that...love to rip things apart and put them back together. One time for her birthday I bought her a beautiful Black suit, which fit her perfectly, she thnked me and hugged me....but when she opened the Dremel Rotary Saw he had picked out for her....you would have thought he had just hung the moon personally for her.....she called me later and apologized and said she really did love the suit also. [She needs suits for work]

Brenda----"Ain't it great to be Crazy??"

Candy Honey you sound "blue"...I know you have lots on your mind with Nic.....you know what they say..."the art of being patient...is finding something else to do in the meantime"
You are in our prayers every day.

"Weather Girls"----The weather here in Wisconsin is perfect...this is why we put up with those grueling winters and why Tourism is our number one industry...esp in the summer months. [not that I am not sitting in AC here at home]

Cheryl- I hope you at least get to work in AC..so you aren't wrung out when you do get home.

Paulette- my kids all have Wii's and they love pklaying with them, they even give a fake remote to the 18 month old and he thinks he is bowling, but his Daddy is doing it in back of him, he laughs and claps...it is good family fun.

Angel Debbie...always love it when you can come on line with us....I thought about you and your babies this weekend. I bet you are exhausted...but a good exhaustion.

Joan---we always miss your sweet self when y ou are gone.

Well, I had a busy weekend....showed a farmette on Saturday for 2.5 hours....yeah me...but I made sure the listing agent was also there...it is way out in the boonies. I had not met the buyer before. She was referred to me by my old boyfriend, Roger. He is such a sweet sweet man.....He is the one my Mom wanted me to marry.....but alas, I always seemed to like the "bad" boys....like Mike...but his brother said it didn't take me long to tame him...LOL......Anyway....I put on jeans [Ralph Lauren designer jeans LOL, all I had] and tennis shoe clogs and a T-Shirt and we clopped around the barns, grainery, garages, milk shed, etc....oh yeah and they house.....the Buyer raises and shows sheep....and thinks this set up will be perfect for her......Alison, the listing agent was there helping the seller work on things, like "de"-spidering the basement....which turns out only bothered her....now mice that is a different thing.

Alsion then put us in her truck and drove us all over the property.....up and down hills....a little scary at times.

Alison was preparing to white wash the barn doors after we left......she is some kind of agent, but she has already sold about 10 million dollars in farms so far this year.....we are in the same company and good friends. After the buyer left [she was going to meet my old boyfriend] Alison and I sat on the steps and chatted smoked a ciagreete and talked about who did our nails and pedicures....Isn't she amazing....It was a gorgeous day to be out in the country.....and the Buyer told us we sure were fun "girls" to hang out with. LOL

Sunday it was just the blessed usual....Mass, Open house, dinner at Kathleen and Marks. Their best friends and children were also there, so it was lots of family fun.

This morning I ewnt to a doctor's appointment with Sandy who grew up next door to us. her Mother is in a Nursing home, so she is kind of all alone....she asked me if I could go with her. They have found a twisted bunch of veins and arteries in her brain, that has probably been there since birth. [That Sen Tim Johnson had this also a couple of years ago and his had hemorraghed already]. She is very frightened and I was honored that she wanted me to be there. She has also asked me to be her health advocate. I told her I would but I wanted her to get a living will first. Our next meeting is a three UW neurosurgeons conference...in the meantime she has to take an even more sophisticated MRI so that they can locate where her "talking center"..her "memory center" is etc. It's a good thing she works for the University and has good insurance.

WEll, I must run and see about listing a house.
Have a great day. Love, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



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