What's new Monday

Judy G.
on 8/18/08 12:37 am - Galion, OH

hi donna...wanted to wish you the best of luck tomorrow!! its normal to be scared i am told...i wasn't scared at all when i had my surgery!!! i was so excited to becoming a new person i never thought to be scared...lol dr couldn't believe i was so calm...he came into see me and i told him lets get r done!!!!!! he said OK...rest is history...i am sure you did your homework or you wouldn't be here where you are now...hours away from WLS!!!!! remember to take your chapstick to hospital because it helps when you have the dry mouth and lips!!! follow dr's orders and you will do fine!!! remember to walk walk walk get the gas out and sip sip sip...off to make room for you on the losers bench!!!

keep us posted!!!


Brenda R.
on 8/18/08 12:49 am - Portage, IN
Everything is going to be fine. I am keeping you in my prayers for a great surgery and a fast and pain free recovery. I am keeping the doctors and nurses in prayers too for knowledge and compassion. Please keep us posted as soon as you can on how you are doing. Just keep in mind that you are about to start a wonderful new life and how exciting it is going to be. We are all there with you but you just can't see us. All us sisters stick together and we aren't about to leave you now!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


karen C.
on 8/18/08 1:46 am - Kennewick, WA
It will be so worth it!  Stay busy, closets? drawers? weeds? laundry? must be something that can keep you busy today. Best wishes tomorrow. Looking forward to following your journey!

Karen C

Connie D.
on 8/18/08 2:32 am

Donna....I want to let you know I will be sending up prayers for you and your surgical team that all goes well for you.

See you on the Losers Bench!!

Update us when you can.....we will be anxious to hear how you are doing.

Hugs, connie d
Eileen Briesch
on 8/18/08 2:35 am - Evansville, IN
Good luck to you, Donna. It's normal to be a little scared; it's a big step into the unknown. See you on the loser's bench!

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




karen C.
on 8/18/08 1:44 am - Kennewick, WA
Tell Ethan I'm with him on the bugs. . . . I'd have to be pretty desperate, darn near dying to eat one even if it's wrapped in chocolate!

Karen C

Brenda R.
on 8/18/08 2:07 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to you Candy dear and all my other wonderful OFF family. Grammy posting here today! OMG I do love the sound of that one!

Nothing much going on here today. My great neice is still here, she has been here since Saturday night. She starts school on Wednesday and hadn't been here all summer so we are blessed with her now. Today we are going to the Goodwill. She is a girl after my own heart since she loves resale shops, rummage sales and thrift stores. It must run in the bloodline!

Grandpas went across the street to CVS to get his sugar fix. He has to get his pop and Reeses cups. I told him to get Brittany one too since she goes looking too. She knows that Uncle Bill always has a stash somewhere. lol

I will be glad to get my life back to normal and everything done and everyone gone. I like it better when things are "normal" and the same old stuff. I guess I am most comfortable in my "rut". lol

I have to put a church service together this week because my church is in charge of the service at Dunes State Park (Lake Michigan) and I am up this coming Sunday.

While we were at the church picnic yesterday you are never going to guess what I did!!!! This old lady went down the BounceNAround slide. It is full of air and so high up. I have a fear of heights too. OMG!!! I finally got to the top after climbing the "steps" and I use that word loosely! They are little tiny sandbags and the "handles" are straps on the sides of them. Yeah right. My girlfriend (my BIL's sister, we grew up together) showed me that the easiest way is to hang on the step above the one you are going up. I finally got to the top and that was a work out. I had to fit my fast butt on the top made for kids, what a fun time that was too. I got to the top and said "holy ****" and Anna said at least I said holy since it was a church picnic. lol I got the towel fixed so that I was covered with it between me and the plastic (several kids got burned with that) and tried to get my butt on it. What a joke! Here I am getting on the towel and I got one leg on it and then had to get the other one around the wall of the slide. I felt like I was putting my leg in the back of my neck! I looked at Anna and told her that it was a good thing that I lost almost 100 pounds or I would be up the creek. lol I sat and looked down and told Anna I wanted to go home. She told me that I had to get to the bottom and then I could but going down the slide was easier than going down the steps. Anna told me to just scoot my butt towards the edge and we held hands and down we went screaming all the way down. John took pictures and made a video of it when we did it too. I got to the bottom and all I could say was that was fun. I called Joyce and she got pictures of me going up the ladder and coming down the slide. I asked her for copies and she told me alright. I want to show them to my grandbaby and tell them that is what I was doing the day that we found out we were going to be grandparents. That is memorable. lol

I am going to get going now. I am hoping that everone has a wonderful day and one that is blessed by God today. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are going up for everyone with special ones for those in need of them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Judy G.
on 8/18/08 2:26 am - Galion, OH

  how fun was that?? have to lol at the story you told...holy ****!!! LOL glad you did it and just know this brenda...many more to come like that!!!! you go girlfriend!!!


Eileen Briesch
on 8/18/08 2:31 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Candy (Louise) and everyone:

It's hot here too, although not as hot as Washington/California, etc. It's in the high 80s here. Hot enough for me, though. Don't like it hotter than 80. I still don't like the heat.

Had an appointment this morning with my psychologist; we talked about the reasons I became obese (I brought up the post on the board). So it was a very deep session. And we talked about avoiding behavior that will send me back there ... and avoiding those issues that make me overspend ... well, since QVC is blocking my account, can't spend there! Probably a good thing, since I don't have a lot of cash; now I need to get my recliner fixed too. Still, there's things I'd like to get on QVC; had to write them a letter asking to reinstate my account ... you would think in this electronic age, you wouldn't have to use snail mail, would you? Oh well, if they don't want me as a customer, that's OK, too. Like I said, don't have the money anyway.

Tummy is bothering me this morning; don't know why. Just a little queasy. Coffee isn't agreeing with me.

Well, not much else happening; just work this evening as usual. Still by myself. Have to find someone to take me to my pain clinic appointment next week or I'll have to do it without sedation (which is not a good idea because that really hurts).

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 8/18/08 2:39 am
Good Morning Candy and everyone....

I am just popping in quick to check in on everyone.

I am still struggling today. I plan on attending my support group tonight whether I want to or not.

You know I love you all and am so grateful for each and everyone of you. Know that I am keeping you all in my prayers. Sounds like some fun on the board today and some in need of extra hugs as well. I just don't have the energy to post a reply to each of you today. You know I care.

Love and hugs to all....connie d

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