What's New- Saturday!

(deactivated member)
on 8/16/08 9:04 am - Park Forest, IL
Hi Eileen, well from what I've been reading with everyone's comments I can't wait to hear what the doc has to say.  This would explain why even after sleeping 7-9 hours I feel like I am still tired.  I do have a rx for Ambien CR that I have taken when my back has been really bad and I can' t sleep, but then my bladder is overflowing when I wake up..(tmi)  I forgot to ask my pcp about fibromyalgia when I saw him last...  I see the endo. on the 21st about the biopsy so maybe she'll have some info on the sleep study also since she was the one who ordered it. 
Hugs, Paulette

ps Earl & I both noticed your SOX had  4 HR's in a row the other night!! Even though we are CUBS fans, not bad for a Chicago team(LOL!) extra hugs!!
Debbie G.
on 8/15/08 11:34 pm - Derby Line, VT
Hey Sister Aime! Nice to have you drop in for a second or two!  Your life as usual sounds so hectic and chaotic, I don't know how you do it all GF!  We all need time to melt down once in awhile and to wallow in our misfortunes.  Then we hike our bootstraps up and go back into battle! 

My battle today will be (after the adoption event) getting the backer board completed on the tub surround. YES the plumbing is fixed!  Gary was able to get advice from someone else and fixed it yesterday!  YEAH!!!  I chickened out doing the floor, actually I was worn out yesterday and the thought of these complex cuts on the tile scare me to death.  I sort of can do the vinyl, but this stuff breaks!  hopefully i can do this. 

You all are so silly to think I am so talented or what ever to do this stuff.  I'm not.  I'm just trying it out!  I figure I had a good 20 years where I didn't do much of anything and now I need to try it all, plus I can't afford to pay someone to do it for me, so if it needs to be done I try.  I have a horrible spending problem, I just don't talk about it much.  as a nurse I make a good salary, but tend to get things on credit and most of my salary goes towards bills and very little left over for such things as food, gas, oil changes...things like that.  I have the best laid plans of anyone as to where $$ will go and somehow it disappears and doesn't go where it should.  Just like weight loss, I KNOW what I need to do, it's the doing it that's hard.  LOL!  I kind of live for today I guess,  Oh well, enough drivel, you all have a great day!  The sun is shining here, I think we are heading to an early fall. I see leaves changing already and I saw a big flock of geese flying south the other day.  They were so close, I could hear their huge wings whisper thru the air.  I always thought the lead goose is the one that honked,  Not in this group, it was the tail end one.  I love watching them.  Well, time to get ready for the adoption event.  The two I have right now are wearing me down. They are cute and charming as can be, yet have issues that are not always pleasent.  Have a great day all!

Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.

on 8/16/08 12:27 am - CA
Hi Aime and Everyone,

Aime - It's good to see you posting again.  It's great to hear your family is doing so well.  Your help is a big part of that reason I'm sure.  You are the best gramma in the world.  Truly remarkable how you can juggle everything you do and do it so well!

Nothing much going on for me today.  Running errands and such.  Hubby is back to sleep this morning so that's a sign he's not feeling his best today.  This too shall pass.  I'm going to make sure I get some time today for some kind of extra exercise.  The scale has not changed in a couple of weeks so I'll do what I can to motivate it to MOVE! 

Have a great weekend.



Judy G.
on 8/16/08 12:46 am - Galion, OH

aime you are a god-send to your family!!! just becareful to take care of YOU!!!!!!!!!

annette...you and the grands...i have to smile with your stories...so lucky to have them!!!

well i worked all day yesterday and then we went to the fair and had a great time there!!! i can't go to the concert tonight because i have to work...damit!!! but i have seen them before and the tickets didn't cost me anything so its ok....but still i wanted to go so bad....we walked through the barns and was fun to have rick interested in seeing the horses!!!! gary never liked seeing them...it was ok go see the horses i will be in the beer tent come get me when you are done...sighs...we walked the midway and had an order of fries...yucko...soooo greasy i let rick have them all!!! he bought me a pretty horse shirt and i got him one with a wolf on it...we then saw this guess your weight or age thingy and he gave me the 3 bucks to have this guy guess my weight....he guessed me to be 179 pounds....i got on the scale and was 190 pounds...wooohooo i won a prize!!!!!!! we had a good laugh at him....we then went to another place and rick threw some darts and won me a pink pig...lol we didn't go on any rides...none there that interested us enough to try. we got an elephant ear to go and came home. was a long day for me thats for sure!!!!

working today 2-9 then tomorrow 8-430...my legs are still red but not as bad...they do swell up alot tho i am noticing....have to work monday and tuesday 1-5 and am off wednesday and thursday so i might be getting my new shoes then if not sooner!!! thinking support hose also might help my legs from swelling up??

thursday night nicole and anthony came over and i got to hold him!!! heis getting so big!!! he has the cutest smile ever and was really trying to tell me a story...lol he has blue eyes and a sheepish grin too!!!! his hair is a reddish blonde right now...diane said ricks looked like that when he was a baby so anthony just might have grandpas hair color!!!!

got my car back thursday night also....looks really nice!!! had almost 22 grand in damage from that tree!!!!!!! when i sat in it i said ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh comfort!!!!!!!!!!!! i sure did miss my car!!!!!! happy to have it back again!!!!

cleaned that ladies bedroom for her also thursday afternoon and made 50 bucks!!!! plus she gave me several throw pillows and a new comforter and some shear panel curtains and some placemats she didn't want..oh and some throw rugs too!!!! i did good over there!!!!! rick couldn't believe she paid me that much plus gave me all those things!!! i couldn't either!!! andit only took me a couple hours to cleanit up!!!

last night when we got home from work diane had egg rolls and fried rice for dinner...i said i couldn't have fried rice or any type of rice because it makes me so sick and i throw up...i think she was offended....sometimes i wonder about her...she just doesn't get it!!! rick took some ate a couple bites and tossed it out said it tasted nasty...but i think he did it for my benefit because he knows i can't tolerate it.

got my $200 from the rental truck company yesterday...big deal!! how much furniture cani get for $200????? we are thinking maybe the couch, love seat and lazyboy dried out and didn't mold...that would be nice!!!! we did look at one of the stuffed dolls and it seemed ok except for the water marks... so just maybe the furniture is ok???

going to look at the apartment this coming week and hopefully we can get it and get out of here!!!! i like it here but am so sick of all the drama going on here!!! they are soooooo unorganized with paying the bills and its always rick can you pay this bill or that bill for us and we will pay you back in a couple weeks...he is tired of that story and never getting his money back!!! just like his child support payments...he pays that and his daughter never gets the money at all because her mother uses it on the other kid she has with another man because this guy doesn't work and its all about this other kid because they are a "family"!!! well what about nicole???? she needs things also!!! her mother will not buy her any new clothes for school or anything else because the other daughter needs those!!!!! plus this guy has a drug problem and also drinks and is so distructive it makes me ill!!!!! rick has tried calling the case worker and she says she can't do anything!!!! WTF???? why the hell not??? this money is for nicole not alyssia!!!!or that guy!!!!!! this system here stinks thats for sure!!!! rick is fed up and says he pays the support and its out of his hands how this money is used!!!! its very frustrating!!! his daughter had the chance to live here but noooooooo she didn't like the rules and ended up pg and look where she is now...not his fault...i give up too....its a never ending battle and it isn't my place to fight.

ok i am off the soapbox sorry for venting!!!!

well i best get dressed and spend some time with my sweetie before i leave for work...i do miss being with him!!! guess i got spoiled being off work huh?? but it sure is nice to come home to him and will be even better when we have our "OWN" place!!!!! hope you all have a great day and remember to "SMILE"it makes people wonder what you've been up too!!!!!!! :)


Pat R.
on 8/16/08 4:25 am - Sturgis, MI
Hey Judy, since you are standing on your legs/feet on your work shift, you really may find that a good pair of support hose will really help.....and some good shoes too.

Glad the rash is getting better.....drink plenty of water to
keep yourself flushed out too.



(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
Judy G.
on 8/17/08 10:58 am - Galion, OH

hi pat....yeah support hose will work i think so i am looking into getting some soon as possible...stores closed here at 5 so it will have to be tomorrow before work or after when i get out at 5...and i am seeing that i drink plenty of water while working...its so hot back there with the ovens going and the water is free too...actually i am drinking more waternow than when i was sitting here at home!! so its a good thing i am working where i can get free water!!! lol


Brenda R.
on 8/16/08 4:10 am - Portage, IN
Good afternoon Aime and all my other OFF family. I am slow getting on her but at least I am here!

Aime, I am glad that things seem to be going pretty well. Hopefully now N will have things going up now. It sounds like LP sure does love his grandma! He brings a lot of sunshine and love into your life and that is wonderful. He sounds like he is growning so fast. It seems like just the other day he was born.

Bill is working all week end so he won't have a day off until next Saturday. It seems strange seeing him off to work today. A guy that he works with had to take his mom off life support and so someone has to cover his shift especially now since the president of the coke plant is coming in on Wednesday and things have to be just perfect!

I am going to the library this afternoon. I tried to renew my books online last night and they told me that my library card expires on the 18th and they couldn't do it. I have to go in and get a new one I guess. I never even knew that library cards expired. lol

I am taking the 2 shapers that I got at K Mart back and getting a smaller size. YEA!! I got them in a 2x since that was the biggest size they had. Do we ever get our sizes straight? lol So when I tried them on nothing looked different. I wondered why since they are the max support~a 6 out of 6. Then it dawned on me that they were to big. So now I hoping that they have the size that I want. It was buy one and get one half off so I need to do that today for sure.

I went to Wally World yesterday with my neice Autumn and her daughter Brittany. They were at each other from the time they walked in. Autumn told that she doesn't listen and she has a smart mouth. Brittany is 10 years old. I whispered in Autumn's ear that she was the exact same way when she was that age. I didn't tell her that she still is at times. lol Autumn told me that Brittany didn't need to know that. Oh how things change when you become the parent. I just laugh to myself when they are talking between themselves. It is just like 18 years ago.

Brittany tells me at Wally World that she needs school clothes. So she ended up talking me into a skirt and 3 shirts. Of course everything is Hannah Montana. Oh I was ready to puke on Hannah by the time I got out of there. I got the skirt and shirts were on clearance for $3 each so I only paid $20 for all of it. That wasn't bad. Then she was telling me that she needs this and that and finally I told her that I am not a bank. lol

I better get going. I got some things to do and places to go. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are going up for everyone with special ones for those in need of them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


(deactivated member)
on 8/16/08 4:36 am - San Juan Capistrano, CA
RNY on 07/11/07 with
Oh, Aime, How tough it is when we make up our minds what we must do & then our body comes crashing down, saying "take care of me too!".    It's probably a good thing, or we'd crash & burn in our efforts to help others.    LP sounds so great & N is lucky to have you helping.   I hope Mom did well with her caterac surgery as well.   I guess you are officially a memeber of the "sandwich generation".    Take care of you!!!!

Yesterday, to G-daughter to the tidepools, but didn't get as far as the caves.   Walking on rocks is a little tougher than I thought - I had to watch each step, I am so afraid of taking a fall.   When we got home, I was exhausted & took a 3 hour nap.   It was fun for sure!   I'll go back again & go a little further.  Also, will wear shoes with better support.   Today, we went out for breakfast.  I ate 1/2 of a Senior Omlette, with a couple bites of applesause & 1/4 of an english muffin.  It was good & I was full to the top.  Thank goodness for wls!!!  HUGS to ALL!!!!
Eileen Briesch
on 8/16/08 6:01 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Aime and OFF family:

Yes, Aime, you need a life diet. Boy, you are overwhelmed. Hope you can get some rest. At least get out for some sunshine and a cup of coffee some time. I know LP gives you your daily sunshine there.

I am not moving fast today. Late night at work last night; two reviews, page didn't go together well ... we had a review of a Def Leppard and Billy Idol concert, and the photographer sent over a bunch of smaller sized photos for the Web, but didn't tell us that; I'm trying to size photos for the paper and none of these photos are big enough to put in print! She's an intern and doesn't know how we do things. She had given us three photos for the paper ... more actually of Idol than of Def, who was the headliner ... ah, it was confusing. Then I get home, my paper wasn't here, my recliner gets stuck in the upright position for the second time and this time it won't go down ... I can't afford to get this fixed! I'm going to have to because I can't afford a new chair, though. Seems like everything is falling apart around me. I really need to get my eyes examined ... noticed when I was driving home from Chicago that my distance vision doesn't seem as good ... I need new glasses desperately but can't afford those either (although I do get reimbursed $200 but I have to put it out first ... no credit cards, so that's tough to do when I don't have the money in the first place).

Talked to my brother Gary ... he's feeling better after being on the Lyrica for a week, although his left hand is still numb. He had a cortisone shot in his neck and it helped somewhat. He talked to Bruce, who said the recent scan showed no new tumors but the ones in his lymph nodes have grown. Bruce is looking at a clinic in Germany for new treatment. Well, he wanted to go to Europe next year anyway.

I'm so tired ... got six hours last night because after the recliner broke I was so upset that I couldn't sleep right away so I had to read a bit and didn't go to sleep til nearly 4 ... then got up at 10:30 ... been watching the Olympics and trying to keep up with the White Sox too ... go Michael Phelps, win that 8th gold! Did you see that race last night? We were all watching it at work, cheering and couldn't believe when he just got in first. He is just amazing! I really love watching the Olympics, especially the swimming. I want to get back in the pool so badly! Wish I could rejoin the Y.

Well, I need to scoop litter boxes. Hope all is well elsewhere. Take care.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




karen C.
on 8/16/08 6:52 am - Kennewick, WA

HI Aime,

Throwing you a life preserver and some extra "floaties!" Sounds like you can use them. Remember that you won't be much help as the super human caregiver if you deflate!! I know it's hard not to try to be there for everyone all of the time, including your mom. We certainly are of the "sandwich generation" aren't we? Mike and I lost our aged parents within the past few years. We miss them so. Our new generation has just started up with a bang with the twins. So far, knock on wood, they are happy, healthy and have parents who seem capable and totally wrapped around their little pinkies.  Not that grandma and grandpa aren't too.

Today I am cutting out orange and black fleece to make little Tiger outfits for football season. The twins' daddy is a high school football coach of the Napavine Tigers (tiny school) and the girls will be attending a few of the early fall games.  Got some cute fleece and trying to make little sleeping bags with sleeves and a fleece hat with ears. . . . I haven't put zippers in in years. . . and in fleece? It will be an experience I am sure.  Picked up several patterns at the thrift store that hadn't even been cut out. I know how that goes. Big plans, no time.  Saved me a lot of money there, but little zippers that open at the bottom?  $3.50 each.  I'm also attempting to make little hooded sweatshirts. If they turn out, and if they fit! I'll get pics of them. Erin picked up a double Baby Jogger and plans to use it at the games so I think I'll use the leftover fleece to make a blanket to tuck in around them.

Nothing much else going on. It's supposed to be 104 here today. So I'm cranking up the AC and cutting out the project.

 Hugs of friendship to you all.

Karen C

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