What's New- Saturday!
How are ya!!!
I have been so busy and overwhelmed since Norronda came home from the hospital. We have had 2 ER runs. I think I finally melted yesterday. I started to feel dizzy and nauseated. I had to leave work early. I came home and slept and slept and slept. I woke at 5:30 actually feeling human. Now I need to prepare to go over to assist Norronda with her medications. She has about 30 to take. It can be quite confusing.
LP is wonderful. I love his grin when he sees me. He is starting to babble. He has teeth. His 2 bottom teeth have finally cut through.
My mother had her second cataract surgery yesterday. She was strongly hinting she wanted me to come stay with her. I just couldn't do it. One more thing on my plate and it will spill big time.
I have decided I need to go on a diet. A life diet.
Sorry for the whining. Miss and love each and every one of you.
The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!
You certainly deserve a rest. I hope things begin to settle down and your life calms; if not, then you need to make yourself step back. A person can only take so much. I know it's easy for me to say, but you and I both know that stress and more stress will eventually takes it tow on your own body and mind. I understand that you need to be there for your kids and there's a time when you just cannot back off, but hopefully that time will get there for you as Norronda begins to make improvements.
On a sour note, I have posion ivy and the kids. Yeah. I am itching and chasing the baby and itching and chasing Mathew and itching and chasing Jacob. Even the palms of my hands have huge itch whelps. It's killing me. If I can just make it until Monday, my doctor will give me the magic medicine. Two more days, I can do this. Oh, I itch.

There is such a burden on you, no wonder you had a melt down. LP has two teeth and starting to babble ~ that is the JOY in your life. When I read "LP", I think Little Prince.
Melanie is a girly girl and likes to look at my earrings. She has examined my ears to see how they stay on and declared that she doesn't have a "spot" for earrings. I remembered that I still have a ton of Mom's costume jewelry, including clip on earrings. I selected some earrings, a couple of bracelets and a cheapo adjustable ring.
As we sat and played, I reached in my pocket and brought out the treasures. Melanie gushed with pleasure and had to try on all the jewels then look in the mirror.
I got so many hugs, kisses and thank you's. She almost knocked me off my feet. I know Mom would have been thrilled to see Melanie dripping with the jewelry.
It is too cold. The temp is a smidge above 50 degrees. Time to unpack the sweaters.
Have a fun Saturday.
Please take some time for yourself, Aime.....I know it's hard to say no, but sometimes you just have to. Don't compromise your health by overdoing. We're here for you
if you need our support.....sending big hugs and lots of
It's nice and cool here again this morning, but should get up around 80 later in the day. Have to finish sweeping
the living room and dining room carpet and dust, and then the house will be clean again......did part of it yesterday afternoon when I had a burst of energy.
More and more people in this area are having the WLS so I have applied to be an OH leader and get a support group started. I am looking forward to getting it started.....have my training to do yet and some other items to get settled
but it will come together just fine, I'm sure. Just had a PM from another gal here in Sturgis that is having lapband
on the 26th...met her on the Michigan board.
Need to start shopping for a couple pair of jeans to take on my trip...also some sweat shirts, as it may be chilly in the New England states in late Sept.
I got on Live Strong and put my personal info in about how many calories I should have and it said 1700! I can't believe it, don't think I would ever lose with that many calories...will see what the dietician says when I go for my year ckup on the 29th.
Gotta go.....have a great weekend all.
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
First when you get into their website you will need to set up an account.....it doesn't cost anything and lets you surf
through faster....
Next I went to"Daily Plate" and there I found a link to
something like "figure your daily calories".....don't remember exactly what it was called. Then you input your ht., wt., and activity level and it tells you what you need
daily. I actually am still "trying" to lose, so I put in "lose a lb a week"....and it came up with 1700 calories per day,
which I personally think is way too much.
Have fun.....
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Wonderful story about you and Melanie playing with the jewelry! I remember my mother and I going through her old box of jewelry shortly before she died. Mother didn't have any really nice jewelry so costume was it. We joked and joked about this collection of WalMart favorites being the "family jewels." I wish I still had some of it as I'd send it to Melanie to add to her collection!
Thanks for the memory today.
Little girls love the glitter and don't care if it is expensive or not. Melanie desperately wants to have red nails like mine but her Mom is vehemently against that notion. We "make do" with magic markers.
That is a good memory of you and your Mom sorting through the family jewels. See --- there really were jewels of a sort in there.

My best friend, Rox's daughter, Erin, is like that with me, when she sees my earrings or other jewelry.She really likes sparkly things and Rox hasn't worn earrings since she started having kids (when she turned 39). Erin is very much a girly girl (I'm not really ... but I do like my jewelry).
on 8/15/08 11:26 pm, edited 8/15/08 11:42 pm - Park Forest, IL
Aimee, glad you got some rest...I'm still praying for Norronda & LP and you & your family. Hope things will ease up some for you soon.
Jeannie....Poison Ivy.......^^*^*^^*^^*^*^*^* (sympathy scratching for you)
Annette, I love your talks about your time with your grandchldren. I recently gave my granddaughters some of my MIL"s costume jewlery and they too love to put it all on and dress up, the more pieces the merrier!
Pat - I think you'd be a great Oh Leader! If I lived in Sturgis, I'd want to come to your support group meetings.
Yesterday was a full busy day for me. I had my Thyroid Biopsy, not too bad, just a little tenderness in my neck. Saw my NUTR. she had some ideas to help me to remember to do my exercises and get all my water in. She was ecstatic about my weight loss (8lbs since my last visit with her) Said I'm her best pupil, made me feel good. I now am going to exercise or walk every morning after I have my cuppa joe and take my meds before I shower so I get it in each day. This morning DH & I walked @ 2/3 mile in 20 mins. My rt knee and left hip hurt now but after my shower they should feel better. Maybe by next week I can get it up to a mile or at least not to hurt.

So what's a girl to do in the meantime?? Paulette