What's New? TGIF

Debbie G.
on 8/14/08 8:25 pm - Derby Line, VT
Mornin all!  So What's New?  I've got my cuppa tea here and ready to start! 
I got the bathroom's second coat of paint on the walls yesterday, also managed to get the backerboard down on the floor, taped and mudded.  Today I will finally start tiling the floor I think!  Hopefully Gary will be able to get the final pipe plumbed and leak free today too.  (friend from church) then I can get that backerboard up and start the surround too!  Oh joy!  Not much else new with me, we had a much needed thunderstorm and rain last night.  It's been really dry here so the rain is appreciated.  So What's New with you?

Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.

Jan C.
on 8/14/08 9:05 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
glad to see you are coming along with the bathroom, plumbing can be a real bummer when you have to get it just right or it doesnt work right lol
We have had rain here since yesterday afternoon about 6pm and rained all night, it is only 62 here this morning.
Went to the sleep study doctor yesterday. he said my nose has the tinest little openings thru them and looks like it has been that way all my life. which could explain why i never remember having a good nights sleep. He looked at my over night O2 levels and said with out the sleep study i should be put on O2 at night time anyway. He is sending me to an ETN guy on the 9th to see if he can do rotor rooting on my nose. OUCH!!! It isnt a deviated septem just no openings much there. O2 dropped over 30 times during the night to very unsafe levels under 85 percent .i think that is what he said dont really remember. He gave me some meds to take in the day time to keep me awake. Wow do they work, I came out of his office and took a fourth of one since it was 1pm and i was really tired and sleepy and zap!!! in about 20 minutes my eyes were open wide and i was aawake. was awake till eleven last night and crashed.
slept good i think , he sugessed that i use several pillows under my upper body to be more in a sitting postion but i just went in and sat in my big chair in reclining postion and slept.
dont  know what the sleep study will show but i can imagine. darn ....



Debbie G.
on 8/14/08 10:17 pm - Derby Line, VT
Jan, I'm going to see my sleep doc next week.  I haven't used the c-pap or O2 for several years since about 6 months out, but fear the beast is rearing its head again.  Big time family history and even though I am 150lbs lighter, I knew it could escalate again.  I may ask for some of those meds to keep me awake!  LOL  I imagine a sleep study is in my near future again too.  (darn I hate those things!)  Good luck!  the nose ream job doesn't sound like fun.  I've taken care of a lot of people that have had it and they do well.  Just looks so darned uncomfortable! 

Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.

Marti O.
on 8/15/08 12:01 am
I also have the same problem...BUT O2 at night has made a HUGE diference in my sleep....I actually dream all night long it seems and get a super nights sleep..they decided my nose was not that important to do...but for some reason after I lie down for a period of time or become inactive, my oxygen levels fall, sometimes below 80....which probably was why I would wake up at 5:00 am with a panic attacks.....I am no longer restless at night...go for the oxygen at night...it is liberating!! Love, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Brenda R.
on 8/14/08 10:27 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning OFF! We are on another new and exciting day on our journey of life!

Nothing much happening here today. I am hoping to stay home and do some stuff around here. I was planning on doing that yesterday but I forgot that I was to meet Paulette and Earl in Merrillville (I thought it was today! DUH!) and so I figured once I was out to take full advantage of it and do what I wanted while I was out.

I went to 4 rummage sales while I was on my way home from meeting Paulette yesterday. They were ones that I just happened on while coming home. I got a purse and a wreath hanger with bells on it and one and at another I got 3 really nice cookbooks and 3 packages of curtain panels that I am thinking of putting together for my sliding door. I paid 50cents for each panel and they were still in the packages. I figured if I didn't like them I am not going to worry about the money I paid for them. Much better than paying big bucks for them and not likeing them. The other 2 sales were just sales to me and nothing there I wanted or needed.

I went to the store and stocked up on fish and things for the freezer. I like to get the fresh fish but nothing hit me so I got the frozen filets yesterday. Better than nothing I guess. i only spent $36. so you know I didn't get much!  I figured I have enough in the freezer now to last me for a while. At least until I want to go back to the store to refill it.

I have to go and get the applesauce for me to mix my Neurontin in. I take that for the diabetic neuropathy. It comes in a capsule and since I can't take that I need to mix it. Applesauce is the best stuff I have found. I use the splenda sweetened stuff from Wal Mart. I have been taking the meds 2 times a day but yesterday and today I have been having the itching and so I think I need to up it to 3 times a day for a while. The doctor has it down for 3 times a day but I told her that 2 worked so she told me to do that. The itching is driving me nuts since it the itching on the inside and so no amount of anything is going to make it feel better. It is driving me NUTS!!!!

I guess I had better get going. I have managed to go on and on about absolutely nothing! lol I am sending love and hugs to all with prayers going up for everyone. I am saying special ones for those in need of them. Have a wonderful and joyous day today.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


annette R.
on 8/14/08 10:34 pm - ithaca, NY

Your skills are impressive. The only tool I can manage is a nail file.

Tom has started the count down to retirement. 130 days. I have mixed feelings about that, most are good.

Nothing special happening today.

Have a great week end.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 8/14/08 10:35 pm
Hi there Debbie,

Wow! You are amazing with all yo can do! My husband was restoring our old Victorian and when he got it liveable he got into his music and now his Doctorate program. Maybe when you are done with yours you can come help me get mine finished!

Jan, the surgury sounds ouchy, yes.  I was told that I was born with one side of my sinus cavity that never grew, is size of infant. Maybe that's why I don't sleep so well...hmm..I know I could sure use something in the daytime to keep my eyelids from closing....

Not much new here....trying to get work done at work so co-workers won't have to do stuff of mine while I am gone.

Gonna be a hot one today.

Went down to a new number that I haven't seen since my 20's. It's slow but I guess still moving. Have been eating lots of cottage cheese as I love it and have added a bit more time, speed and weight to my treadmill walking. Maybe I will get to the "goal" after all!

Have a lovely day all,

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

on 8/14/08 11:13 pm - CA
Hi Debbie and Everyone,

Debbie - I'm truly impressed with your talent!  My son remodeled his bathroom much the way you are doing and I couldn't imagine as I followed that progress.  Good for you.  We need to remodel our bathroom in our little condo but I don't expect that to happen any time in my future.

Nothing new for me today but wanted to stop by and say hello.    Enjoy your Friday everyone!

(deactivated member)
on 8/14/08 11:23 pm - Park Forest, IL
Good morning all, 

I'm heading out in a little bit, I have my Thyroid Biopsy @ 9:15 this am. Wish me luck I'm a little nervous. Then at 11 is my appt for my NUTR. again, wish me luck!  This afternnon the granddaughters will be here, only 1 week left till school starts. DH and the girls are going to bake goodies to take home and to their other grandma & great granny.  One way to clear out the pantry.  I bought some fall crafts to do with them so maybe that today too.  Some foam & feather turkeys for Sami to glue together and wooden turkey & cornucopia for Cheyanne to paint. 

Went to Old Time Pottery before meeting Brenda (Thank you Brenda for the S/F Raspberry Syrup!) spent $100..on Fall, Halloween & Thanksgiving stuff, also a beautiful gothic wrought iron cross($10) to hang on the  privacy fence behind the garden. It is huge and just georgeous!

Have a great day! Hugs, Paulette
Karen S.
on 8/15/08 2:49 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha darling Debbie......Thanks for starting this gab fest! I ALMOST started it last night at 6:15 p.m. (I figured it was Friday in New York!) but I got distracted with something and didn't. You AMAZE me constantly with your ability to beautify your home and do your own basic work! What a talent! I wish I had just a smidge of what you have.

I have today off.....and I'm loving it already...and it's only 6:30 a.m.! I've been at my computer since around 5:00 a.m. so I got to watch the magnificent transformation of the darkness slowly lightening and then the beginning of the day. It never ceases to fill me with awe and gratitude.

Then I spent another hour or so in the plastic surgery forum just reading and absorbing. I am scheduled for a tummy tuck (hipbone to hipbone) on Dec. 3rd and beginning to think about actually going through another surgery. LAP RNY was a piece of cake, but I only had five little pukas in my belly and not a slit all the way across it!! But I read about people having whole lower body lifts and doing fine, so I guess it shouldn't be too bad doing just the front. My belly doesn't really hang too much...more like a pile of bread dough that is beginning to rise.....Ha!! So, if you can imagine a tall, skinny beanpole with a couple loaves of bread rising on her belly....you have ME!! Don't you think I NEED a flat belly?

Outrigger canoes gliding by........oh I wish I were out there ON the ocean! Maybe I should rent a kayak...but I'm chicken. I need
our own beauty, Red, to come and go with me!!

On Wednesday I went to professional day which was put on for the Imua staff where I work. It was at the King Kamahamaha Golf course which is up on a hillside overlooking Kahului Harbor. What a glorious place! I can't believe I've never been up there in all the years I visited Maui and lived here. The building was originally designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for Marilyn Monroe. She approved all the plans, and then it was built many years later, and she never used it. I need to find out the whole story. But, the place is awesome....views forever, and stained glass everywhere, rich dark wood, and gold, gold, gold. We had a great motivational speaker who made us laugh a lot, and then a buffet luncheon to die for. I am always surprised by the generosity of the Imua Family Services people...we all received gift bags, Starbucks cards for $10.00.....many other goodies. It was a great day.

While I was at the golf club, my cleaning angel came and when I got home....everything shined!! She even did the big windows overlooking the ocean, and the mirrored walls......I was blinded when I walked in! Ha!

Today I'm running errands and going to the thrift stores. I have been working so much I've not been for quite awhile. Yesterday I did stop into Sears to have some glasses adjusted and found myself shopping in the "petite" section!! Not sure how you can be almost six feet tall, and petite......but those sizes do fit me now!! What a miracle two years can make. For those of you counting the days til you have your WLS, oh my goodness....you have such an adventure ahead of you. Enjoy every minute of it....anticipation, the tingling of fear, the dreams of a new life of health, fitness and freedom in your own body.

Jan..I hope your nose roto rootering goes smoothly and isn't too painful. You work so hard ... you deserve to be able to breathe!

Everyone ... I hope you have a great day. It's Friday!! Touch your toes, then stand straight slowly as you raise your arms and go "swoooooosh"........as you release all your tensions and worries out of your body. It works!!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
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