What we are eating and what's eating us.Thursday!!
Oh... the Russan bride he met on the net and married...it is in the crapper.
WLS has changed me...with my fat and bitterness in place, I would have reveled in this.
I think WLS changes our ways of sticking thinking.
Have a good one!

Very kind of you to assist the ex. Yes, I think I am a nicer person since WLS.
It is going to be 100 today so I'm thinking dinner of cottage cheese and blueberries, my favorite any way. Not sure what to make for Tom, he may just come up with his own dinner...he doesn't do the heat very well...
My menu is the same but I have added more cottage cheese and low and behold...I have stayed at 132 for a few days now...was going there every now and then but mostly stuck at 134. I thought I was eating plenty but maybe not, also maybe my treadmill and weights or finally doing something...don't know....
Pre B- flaxseed toast, coffee
B-protein shake
S-yogurt Kashi
L-ham and cheese, cherries Maybe a couple crackers and peanut butter

S-yogurt and Kashi
D-cottage cheese, blueberries, cucumbers
S-more cottage cheese maybe or yogurt...
Have a lovely day!
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
I think hubby wants a chefs salad...I am getting vibes....

I am thinking it was the cottage cheese too. I love it and it sits well. Also have been walking faster, longer and with weights. I heard that the yogurt isn't such a great source of the protein, but I love it so will add the cottage cheese in the daytime too. I actually have it sometimes 2x a day. With the blueberries I figure that's double good for me!
Hope you are sleeping in this am!
Saw a new number on the scale this am! Not a huge loss but new and down...yay!
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin
Hi Linda!
So good of you to help your ex. Life can be a challenge in so many different ways. It's too early in this adventure for me to comment on any changes in my thinking but I'm glad you feel you are the better for it. I suspect you had that in you all along...... The weekend can't get here soon enough for me!
S- 1/2 protein bar (thanks Annette for telling me about Pure Protein bars!)
L-cottage cheese w/applesauce & cinnamon
S- 1/2 protein bar
D-tuna and ????
S-Protein Shake
Hugs dear lady,
His daughter is as my own, and those 2 girls are as close as it gets.
You seem to be doing so well,I am so proud of you!

Glad to see you this morning. I am about to head out the door to go down to spend a couple days with Nic at Children's Hospital. Thank you for your continued prayers for Nic.
B-yogurt w/ kashi and string cheese
S-plum and almonds
L and D-unknown
Love you sweetie....have a Blessed Day!!
HUGS....Boo...to you!!