Little Miss Tess is very sad.......

Marti O.
on 8/13/08 1:00 pm
She is 19 months old....with a 8 month old brother.....can we WHOOPS!.......I told my daughter.."Well, i guess when you start late [she was 35 when she had Tess]...You gotta hurry!"
Hugs, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



on 8/13/08 11:40 am - northeastern wisconsin, WI
Oh Marti,
What a sweety pie! and where did you find those shoes? I have to get some for my niece who is one of the blingiest kids I know.
Marti O.
on 8/13/08 1:10 pm
I actually found them for 50 cents at a garage cost me ten times that to mail them to her.....I usually alway**** garag sales on my weay home from the Health Club on Thursday and Friday mornings to see if they have treasures for my babies....and they usually do!!..but I do know they have them on line also...just Google..."red sparkly kids shoes" Hugs, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



on 8/13/08 12:05 pm, edited 8/13/08 12:06 pm
 We wear our best when we go out and want to look good.   And we sometimes mess up our outfits...ei.  step in a puddle or scrape the toe/heal....   A pair of worn out shoes is better than a perfect pair in the closet that has been outgrown.....   Children Revolt ! ! ! ....  Wear the bling to play......  What do parents know anyway...  ( Hey  a girl has gotta do what a girl has gotta do)...  LOL     Millie...  she is soooo precious...
on 8/13/08 12:18 pm
Grandchildren are a special blessing.  Spoiling them is our job.  My granddaughters wear what I give them till they are worn out.  When they are taken out and some one comments on those items,the girls will tell them "my Grandma",bought them.  I sure do feel special,cause my own children were never thrilled with what they received from me.  That's why I wish I had the grandchildren first.  lol
Marti O.
on 8/13/08 1:20 pm
I absolutely believe in spoiling my grandbabies.......all their parents wound up being very strict!!!.....but then I guess I was pretty strict with them....always insisted on good manners and kindness.....but it sure is fun to spoil those grandbabies.....and their Mama's and Daddy's can't do anything about it.....'cause I'm their Mama!! I love it when I come in..and they shout "Nana's here Nana's here!!!" and throw themselves at me! [I love to be popular!] Hugs, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Marti O.
on 8/13/08 1:03 pm, edited 8/13/08 1:04 pm
I agree,  but her sensible Mama says she needs to wear tennis shoes to play outside.....she calls her "Tipsy Tessie".....and says she runs with her "doggie"...a HUGE Boxer and falls down a lot. Thanks and Hugs, Marti
ps I guess I am just going to have to get her "sparkly" tennis shoes!

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Brenda R.
on 8/13/08 1:11 pm - Portage, IN
Oh Marti, she is just adorable! She does look a lot like her Nana. She is just so hugable and kissable, you just want to pick her up and love on her. I love the shoes. I use to do things like that with my neice who is now almost 28. Gosh they do grow up so fast, you just have to enjoy them while you can. I say that you can't spoil the kids~you just love them. I agree that you have to find her sparkley tennis shoes. She will love them!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Marti O.
on 8/13/08 1:31 pm
Thanks Brenda.....I do love her so....and I miss her so...she has a very sweet little personality just like her Mama. I tell my children " You all get the child you deserve! "..Sean...who drove me nuts about what he wore, we had to pick out clothes for school for years the night before...[I just couldn't take it in the mornings]....and he now has Henry...who is just like him......Kathleen...who wrote on every wall in my house and cut off her little sisters pony Wyatt...who climbs up on everything in the house and gets into everything and at 20 months still does not sleep through the night......and then there is sweet little Sarah...who slept through the night when she was 12 days old and was always the perfect little Tess, who is such a good little girl, goes to sleep at 7:30 sleeps through the night and gets up at 7 am. Kathleen and Sean don't think it is fair....I just smile and say "Oh, I do!" Hugs, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Connie D.
on 8/13/08 1:19 pm
Marti....she is beautiful just like her Nana!!

Love the cute little red shoes....sooooo sweet!!
What a sweet little girl to love!!

She is the same age as my little Gracie. Gracie is alittle cowgirl all the way. I have bought her soooo many cowboy boots...and yes....some have plenty of bling too!! She even has a cowboy hat....sooo cute!!

Hugs, connie d
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