Vacation Day 3, or 3rd day of bathroom heck.
So today is day 3 (official day 3) of vacation and the much touted bathroom remodel. Suffice it to say not much got accomplished today because Matt and family friend Gary were unable to get the plumbing under control. I was up at 6 to get ready for the day, laundry, dishes, taped and mudded the tub surround that has backer board on it, sipped my protein, checked e mail, let the dogs out, let the dogs in, fed the dogs, let the dogs out, let the dogs in, measured the bathroom floor again, got first sheet of backer board for floor up onto the saw horses (note to self, have to get dad a new sawhorse since heavy backer board fell against one, knocked it over and broke it). made some tea. waited for Matt who was to be here at 9am. 9:30, made more tea, sitting outside enjoying cool almost fall like weather, waiting for Matt. 10 am Matt arrives. slept late, well it IS his vacation too.....I can't gripe about that I only wish I could have slept later! He starts on plumbing. at 12 noon declares defeat. I call Gary who comes over and looks the situation over. Matt and I head to local hardware store. come back home, he and Gary wor****il after 2 - still no go. Matt then worked alone until 4, then gave up. I don't blame him, I am mad at myself. I rush in where angels fear to tread and get into a project thinking it just isn't going to be that hard and BLAM I have to have help right away. If we could get the plumbing fixed and the backer board up I would be on my way~HA. You know even with weight loss it is hard to kick your butt yourself. Gary isn't available to help again until Friday, I am not calling my son again, he's on vacation only this week. I have next week too. By golly, I will install the sink and toilet myself or die trying. Not a real happy camper right now, I'm tired, cross and have a meeting from 7-8pm tonight meaning I have to get ready soon to go. So day 3 has kicked my BUTT! or rather my former bodacious butt as Karen S says! Tomorrow is dentist day, also a lunch date with a friend from Planned Pethood. I would LOVE a nice warm tub bath but shower will have to do as it's all I have. back is killing me, one foot still hurts. fortunately the tooth feels just fine! Signing out from the whine.......
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.
OH NO !! NO !! NO !! Debbie..... You didn't get kicked in da butt by day 3....
Think of the valuable lessons learned... for you and your helpers..... Maybe the day didn't go as planned but gosh... it wasn't a total loss.... lol You now have more knowledge on how to remodel a bathroom. I could tell you things like.... be thankful you have a home.... with indoor plumbing.... and people who can help you.... and you at least tried to be self reliant... OK OK I know I'm laying it on a little thick... LOL Sorry your day was frustrating.... Millie

Umm, Millie, yep a little thick lady! LOL
Anyway, today is a bright sunny day, just had the filling put into previously root canaled tooth, had a snack, sipping a chai and all is right with the world. I have the rest of today to paint the walls and install the backer board to the floor. Tomorrow I tile. Down hill from there I HOPE! The biggest treat will be to get the toilet back again! Fortunately I do have 2! LOL
Anyway, today is a bright sunny day, just had the filling put into previously root canaled tooth, had a snack, sipping a chai and all is right with the world. I have the rest of today to paint the walls and install the backer board to the floor. Tomorrow I tile. Down hill from there I HOPE! The biggest treat will be to get the toilet back again! Fortunately I do have 2! LOL
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.