what's new WEDNESDAY?

on 8/13/08 2:02 am
there is one there that is giving a discount to those that attend the conference.....it's over on the CA boards ....enjoy the conference, should be "interesting" this time.
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Judy G.
on 8/12/08 11:26 pm - Galion, OH

morning OFF family..

wow am i beat!!!! i love my job but I AM SORE HEAD TO FOOT!!! i was near tears last night i hurt so bad!!!! then i see i have this rash on my legs...i posted about that seperate for any help....i got into my nightgown and laid on couch and about cried i hurt so bad!! rick cut the watermelon up for me and brought me some and i ate that then took my pills and went to bed. i must have fallen asleep soon as my head hit the pillow too...i hardly remember rick getting into bed and telling me he loved me and kissed me on the forehead...then the dam alarm went off for him to go to work...i am tired!!!!!! no i can't go back to sleep i am awake now...but come tomorrow i am sleeping in!!!!!! i am off tomorrow but ihave a side job to do for a lady in the trailer park to help her clean out the 2nd bedroom and put new curtains and bed coverings on. she is in a wheelchair and i offered to help her. she said she would pay me for helping her...ok so i will accept it only because i need new shoes!!! working on cement floors is hard on the feet and back!!!! not to mention all the lifting too!!!

had a good day at work again...made $155.00 onmy shift!!! day before it was $134.00 so i am improving my sales!!! woohooo boss came by again as he was leaving and said he loved my smile and he was sure the members did also!!! that made me feel good!!!!

ricks mom is trying to rent out the cottage house here...its really small and really only big enough for one small person...well this lady that called on it saw in the ad it was a "SMALL ONE BEDROOM COTTAGE" well comes to see it and says but she needs a 2 bedroom house and bigger...DUH LADY!!!!!! can't you read??? also weren't you told on the phone that it was very small and only one bedroom???? had to lol at that one...not sure what the other people had to say about it was only told about this lady. hopefully she gets a nice person in there soon.

still trying to get time together to look at this apartment complex. i did take the "tour" online of it and it looks nice but still need to see it in person. it also has a workout room and a pool so thats cool!!! just have to figure out when we can go look at it together is all.

i guess bandit was a bad dog for rick last night...rick said he peed in the house all over the place even after he had him out 7 times!!!! then he ate the cats food and got a spanking too!!! i don't know why he is doing that because he doesn't do it when i am home...maybe he is mad at me??? i give up...bandit is MY dog and HAS to be with ME every waking minute...he wasn't like that back home...why here??? maybe ginger is coming in season?? (ricks moms dog) if she is thats all we need right now!!! can you imagine shih tzu crossed with a chihuaha??? (sp) lmao ****y-huahuas  lmao ok i am being bad here...lol

goose is barking now...lol (parrot) cocoa is squaking) (cocatiel) bandit is laying at my feet...my poor sore feet!!!!!

not much happening so i guess i will go prop up my feet for awhile. have a good day everyone!!!


on 8/12/08 11:28 pm

Hey Annette,

I hope your daughter's rash clears soon.  I have multiple allergies and they usually manifest themselves throgh hives and rahses that just drive me nuts.  The steriod should stop the itching and will, eventually, lighten the rash until it is gone.  And, steroids do make us feel so good.  I am going to head out today to get some filing done in my office and get ready for school starting.  I still have my summer school student's papers here in my home office.  So, it's up to work today.  I'm thinking that I'll dust and all of that stuff too.  I share an office with seven guys and none of them do anything.  I went up there a couple of weeks ago and they had brought this awful looking recliner in and it was sitting in the middle of the offcie and they had moved the dart board to the door and it seems that one will start to take a nap and decide to throw darts.  So, I said, this has to go.  They said oh please can we keep it and I said no, we have no room.  and then they said what if we move John's desk in the hallway and I said, John, well, that sounds tempting but no.  The recliner must go.  So, today I am checking to make sure that the recliner is gone, the dart board back on the wall, and the cleaning that the cleaning lady avoids is done.  I am not sure what she is saying when she comes in but it sounds remotely like she is saying caroon and cochino and I'm thinking those are not good words.  I feel her pain.  The guys never put trash in the trash cans, no, they ball up the paper and play ball and when they miss, they leave it there.  Man oh man, I am hoping that they send another female up there really soon.  On the good side, they are lovely little pieces of eye candy. LOL

on 8/13/08 12:57 am
Good Morning all,
First post here.  I am 57 and having the sleeve next Tuesday.  I found out I am not crazy.  Others on this forum have had it too, after the age of 50.  I live in the desert of Arizona.  I have 4 children ,6 grandchildren,  and 2 dogs( a chow and a ****er spaniel) and my mother.  LOL.  I am married 20 yrs. But I can sympathized with the ex husband troubles, mine owes over $95,000.  He is dead now.  So I no longer have to look over my shoulder to see if he is after me.  I am scared and excited about this upcoming surgery  I am actively seeking a walking buddy out here in AZ.   I am going to the weight loss support group, in the hopes that I will find a gal pal.  Well, I must shower. I am taking Mom to the hairdressers. 

on 8/13/08 1:35 am
 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*   W E L C O M E  *~*~*~*~*~*~*   If having surgery over the age of 50 is crazy then there are a lot of us loonies running around.   We happen to be the best of the loonies here on OFF.   Being scared and excited all at the same time is something we are familiar with..  lol  In a week you will be joining us on the losers bench.....   a great place to be....  Congratulations on your decision too....    Millie
Brenda R.
on 8/13/08 2:38 am - Portage, IN
Welcome to OFF, Donna.

Trust us you are not crazy~but then again you are talking about a board of nutso's so go with that, dear. lol

I had my open rny when I was 53 years old and never regret one minute of it. You are about to enter a new and exciting life and trust me it is quite a trip. But one that I would do over in a heartbeat.

The only problem I have with my ex-husband is that he came into my life. lol When I first left him he stalked me (back then there was not a name for it) and then he would do things to try to make me jealous (like that would happen!) and then he finally left and moved to Rockford, Illinois. That is the last place that I know of. Good ridance to bad rubbish if you ask me!

Glad you are here and that you found us. Please post often so we can get to know you and us. Know that we are here for you and will help you out on your road trip anyway that we can.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Eileen Briesch
on 8/13/08 2:53 am - Evansville, IN
Welcome, Donna. I had my lap rny when I was 49, but I'm 53 now, four years later; it took me three years to reach my goal; I've lost 180 pounds and I'm so happy with my life now. It's the best decision I've ever made. Through WLS, I've made so many new friends. No ex-husband trials because I've never been married ... it's just me and my three cats. I'm glad you've found us, we're a great group.

I can rightfully say I was not scared about the surgery, just excited about starting my new life. I wanted for so long not to be overweight, but all my diet efforts did not work. This is the only thing that ever worked for me. I hope it works as well for you. I know a couple of women out here who had the sleeve and they love it. Good luck to you! Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Brenda R.
on 8/13/08 2:45 am - Portage, IN

Good morning OFF. Yes it is still morning since I have about 15 minutes yet to go!

Nothing happening here. I got the mystery box a bit ago and went through it feeling like a child at Christmas all the time. It was so much fun. I got the things together to replace what I took and now all I have to do is pack it up and get it to the post office.

I am going to a program today for diabetes. It is going to be at my pcp's office from 5:30 to 7:00 and they are giving a glucometer and a pedometer to everyone that comes. I have been wanting a pedometer but keep forgetting to buy one. The program is on living with diabetes and enjoying life with diabetes. I do both mostly because of the wls but I am going since I never forget that I am a diabetic. It is just controled with diet and exersize. I can always go back to high blood sugars so I still have to watch this.

It is a nice day today and I got the windows open along with the patio door. It is so nice to be able to turn of the air conditioner. It seems like it has been on for so long you forget how nice it is to breath fresh air. Well, maybe not so fresh around here with all the mills but it is air. lol

I guess I had better get going. I am sending love and hugs to all with prayers being said for everyone. I am saying special ones for those who are in need of them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


J Brown
on 8/13/08 3:03 am - Omaha, NE
ACCKKKKK , I just had to check in for a minute I haven't been in in over a week with going camping with grandkids( fabulous time, I will share a story when I have more time)  and now it is In-Service week at work. A week of classes.. same dang stuff we are mandated to do every year, right now we are having a 15 minute break between CPR and First Aid, ( just kill me please, this is SOOOO boring) Annette your poor daughter sounds so miserable, bless her heart. Liz is now 12 weeks pregnant, and stilll doing well, we are getting excited. well I gotta get back to I really really miss everyone. see you soon. Blessings
Pat R.
on 8/13/08 5:15 am - Sturgis, MI
It's a little after 3 p.m. here in southwest Michigan and it's getting pretty dark outside.....we are supposed to get some storms this afternoon.

Just got back from the beauty shop and had my eyebrows done....ouchies.....ah, but I will be so much more beautiful now.....LOL big time.

Ran out to K-mart because they had Playtex bras on sale
(buy one, get 2nd one 1/2 price). I really like their bras
a lot, even tho' there ain't much to hold up anymore. So I found two bras that I liked - size 42 C. I am more comfortable in a C cup than a B. Wore a pair of my new
slacks to work this morning, size 20 WP.....got several good comments. I am into 16-18 tops, but the bottom is where I carry the extra weight....too many years of sitting
down and not doing anything. Maybe by the holidays I will be down another size.....it's slow going but it is headed in the right direction again.

Have a headache today, not sure why. Think I'll lay down for a while and see if it goes away.

Oh, I have signed up to be a certified OH leader.....have to take three classes, but am thrilled they accepted me. We really need a support group here in Sturgis.

Bye for now,
Pat R.


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