What's New, Tuesday?

Debbie G.
on 8/11/08 10:43 pm - Derby Line, VT
Hi Evelyn, my thoughts are with you at this difficult time.  It has to be very hard watching those you love fight so hard. 
My first day of vacation was rather pointless.  I have this vision of the bathroom and am having trouble getting it accomplished.  I spent HOURS yesterday getting 1 peice of backer board up.  Had to go back to Lowe's to get Backer Board 101 in.  Son is coming today to help.  I hope we can get a lot done.  I can't hold the peices up if they are too big to screw them into the studs.  (tub surround).  I certainly hope this gets better!  Have a great Tuesday all!

Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.

Judy G.
on 8/11/08 11:04 pm - Galion, OH

morning evelyn and my off family....

evelyn sorry to hear about your family being so sick..will keep them in my prayers!!!

well i worked 8 hours yesterday and omg my feet are killing me!!!! there isn't a nice cushy mat for us to walk and stand on behind the food counter so its hard concret that we stand on all the time....need to get some gel insoles maybe for my shoes....but i did good and even had an elderly gentleman ask me to join him for his dinner...i also got a $1.00 tip from a lady and her order was only 95 cents!!!!!! the boss came walking by to see how i was doing and he said it looks like i have been there for years instead of a week...wow!!!!! guess he is impressed with me huh??? lol i got all my insurance papers filled out and turned in so now i wait for the 90 days to be up and i will have my OWN health insurance!!!! ;)  another thing about me being at work i am moving ALOT and DRINKING WATER!!!! somaybe this weight will start to come off once more!!!

called about an apartment but they only could show it to us while we are working so have to wait to see when my next day off is so we can see it then...sighs...if they are open til 5 pm why can't they show it after 4???? i don't get it!!!! but this apartment complex is really nice looking on the outside and hopefully the inside is just as nice!!! and they take pets so thats good!!! just coming up with the 1st months rent and the security deposit is going to be hard...not sure if they want last months rent also....its all about money!!!! sighs...

saw the doe and her twins yesterday when i was going to work...they sure are getting big!!! hate the thought of deer season coming...poor things. when i came home last night i saw something in the road and it was a dog but i was thinking omg its a coyote!!! when i got closer i saw it was a dog and its owner?? was sitting on the stone around the trees across the street...what a relief that was!!! not sure what i would have done if it was the coyote!!!!!

thats about it for my news today...have to work 1:15 -9 again today and also tomorrow. then i am off thursday!!! ahhh rest my feet all day!!!!! LOL

hope you all have a wonderful day!!!!




Brenda R.
on 8/12/08 1:50 am - Portage, IN
Judy, I would get the gel insoles. I think they would help your feet. I would think that they would have a mat for you to stand on. That would really help. But if they don't what are you going to do? Just keep working I guess and they know it too. lol It sounds like you are doing great at your new job. Congratulations again.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Judy G.
on 8/12/08 2:43 am - Galion, OH

hi brenda...yeah i am thinking those gel insoles but do i get the ones that are for sore legs/feet or sore back??? maybe one of each in the shoes...lmao don't think they can have the mat back there because of the food but i am gonna ask and see what they tell me...thanks for the congrats!!!


Brenda R.
on 8/12/08 3:01 am - Portage, IN
I personally would get the ones for sore feet. Since if your feet hurt that is going to affect your back too. You need the support for your feet to have support for your back. Your feet are the ones that take the pressure of walking.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Cajun Angel
on 8/11/08 11:05 pm - New Orleans, LA
Evelyn, I'll keep your family in my prayers.  Your sister sound like a real fighter!
on 8/12/08 12:29 am - Manteca, CA
Dear Evelyn,
I'm so sorry for the sadness and fear that you must be going through. I lost younger sibling in 1990 in similar cir****tances and it was the most devastating time of my life. I truly feel such compassion for you today. Siblings have a bond that is very intense and cancer is so devastating to watch.... I'm just sorry that any of us have to endure watching the process in a loved one.
I'm off to work right now. Today is the day when all of the school staff meet to bond and prepare for our Herculean task of teaching ALL students. I'm humbled by the task, but always give it my best shot!
We had the contractor over to measure last night. We need to get new kitchen cabinets too. It just won't do to replace all the floors and counters and not get new cabinets. I'm overwhelmed.... but I'm glad we are doing it!
Brenda R.
on 8/12/08 1:42 am, edited 8/12/08 1:51 am - Portage, IN
I am sending prayers up for you wonderful sister and also for the rest of the family. It takes a lot out of a family to have someone that they love battle a illness. I will continue to keep her in my prayers and please post on how she is doing. I am sending love and hugs to you along with prayers that include strength to deal with everything.

Nothing much is going on here. I have plans of going through stuff around here and just do nothing but TOSS! I am so tired of everything around here and I want it out. I am tired of being a saver and a collector. I am in the mood to toss and so if Bill was here he would go too, but I am telling you all that Misty better watch out!! lol

I have a meeting at the church tonight. I am so tired of the stuff my church family does. Which is really not a lot! I gave out about 15 copies of a church evaluation that I told them I needed filled out and back to my last month. How many have I got back~ONE and that is it. I was suppose to have a couple of meetings and the main evaluation filled out and back to the District Offince by the first of September. Well, I am going to let them know tonight that it doesn't mean anything to me and if it gets back it does and if not oh well. I can't wait until the end of the year and I am so outta of the Pastor/Staff committee. I am going to keep my care calling committee but the rest is gone. Can you tell I am in a bad mood this morning? I wish that Pastor was around for me to talk to this morning but he had an appointment. Oh well!

I went the doctor yesterday and got put on Cipro for the UTI. My blood pressure is up a bit but still low. The good think is it is up and much better than last month at 39/58.

I had to go get Bill new work boots yesterday and got a shirt on clearance while I was there. I got it $3 so I though it is mine. I think I might go back and get some more since they have a lot on clearance. I can use some for this winter. Bill told me to get some pants and I told him that I was waiting on that since I got the capris and so when cold weather hits I am going to be getting some long pants. lol I figure why get them now when hopefully I will be in a smaller size for winter. The tops aren't changing so fast in size. Of course not since that is where I need it the most. lol I already have no butt or legs, so if I lose any more of them I am going to be walking on sticks. hahaha

I guess I had better be going. I am sending love and hugs to all and my prayers are going up for everyone too with special ones for those in need of them. Have a wonderful day today all!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Karen S.
on 8/12/08 2:40 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha and good morning OFF sisters and brothers,

Evelyn.......I feel such sadness at what you all are going through...and especially your dear sister, Barbara. I just don't know why such awful things happen to good people........I never seem to be able to answer that question. If wrapping you up in a virtual hug has any healing powers....then you have mine.....gentle but full of love and compassion.

It seems lately that there are so many sad stories. My ex lives in Las Vegas with high school friends of his, and a brother of his best friend went into the hospital for a stent procedure, and ended up getting an infection and died over the weekend. I'm just hearing this story of infections killing people so much MORE than the procedures they are in the hospital for.....it is very scary.

This weekend was oh so sweet because I had two full days off!! I went to the hospital Sat. morning and tested my babies....there were 10 newborns needing hearing tests!! Then I did a little "Maui absorbing".....what I call driving around and drinking in the scenery and the beauty of these islands. That always makes me feel good.....and I always see something that makes me grateful to be alive, and well.

This morning it's back to work...just four days this week, and one of those days is a professional day tomorrow at King Kamahamaha Golf Course....all catered and fun. While I'm at that tomorrow, my cleaning angel, Paula, will come and make my little home all clean. She hasn't come for six weeks, and I so desperately need her touch.

I've had a shower, and then just tied a sarong around me...I love those things now that I'm skinny and they go around me with lots of material left over. It's 6:30 a.m. and I have all the doors and windows open and am drinking in the scent of the plumeria on the tree just outside my window........wonderful.

I hope you all have a great day.......and that something magical happens to you that you can come and share with us tomorrow.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Eileen Briesch
on 8/12/08 2:52 am - Evansville, IN
Evelyn and my OFF friends:

Sorry for your sister's problems. She's in my prayers and thoughts, as are you and your family.

I feel so much better today. Not so tired and sore. Traveling gets me beat. The rest in my own bed helps. Stayed up to watch the Olympics and went to bed early, slept wonderfully and got up to go to ceramics. It was nice to be there; brought home one project and probably will finish one next week that will be a Christmas present for my friend Margie in South Dakota. Brought the ceramics group the rest of my chocolate zucchini cake so I won't eat so much of it. So now there's not much left of it, which is good.

Now I have to go back to work, and I'm all alone again at night because Kim's on vacation again. Man, I'm sick of everyone getting vacation but me. Talked to my brother Gary and he's feeling better  ... the Lyrica they gave him for his neck problems is helping him a lot. I'm happy ... he was in a lot of pain.

Well, I'm going to have some chili for lunch ... pulled it out of the freezer.

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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