What we are eating and what's eating us.Monday!

Linda S.
on 8/10/08 10:18 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Happy Tuesday number ONE!! I hope everyone is up and running. My knee is black and blue and achey,but I am dressed and ready...GRIN!!
B- Cheese sticks L- Chicken Salad and Wasa D- Beef and Broc S- Yogurt and Strawberries..
Later Gators!!

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


Jean M.
on 8/10/08 10:34 pm
Revision on 08/16/12
Good morning, Linda.

We had a pretty good visit with Mom yesterday.  Lately it's returning her to her assisted living facility that seems to make her confused.  Last night she thought she was going to have to drive herself home (to NY, in the car she no longer has) after we got there.

B: 1 packet weight control oatmeal made w/ 2/3 c. skim milk & 1/2 c. cherries
S:  1/2 c. white chocolate raspberry cottage cheese pudding
L:  3 oz garlic herb shrimp, 3 oz marinated zucchini
S:  1/2 c. LF cottage cheese w/ raspberries
D:  3 oz tofu with peanut sauce, 3 oz peanut slaw
S:  4 oz SF chocolate peanut butter pudding


Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com 





Cajun Angel
on 8/10/08 11:30 pm - New Orleans, LA
Good morning Sweet Linda and friends!  Sorry your knee is black and blue.  Is that from your fall last week?  Hey, what's up with the alligators you mentioned in another post?  We had an incident in one of the suburbs where an alligator attacked a young boy swimming with two friends.  The poor child has lost his arm, but thankfully not his life.  You know, people don't understand that when the start building subdivisions where there was once nothing but swamp and wildlife, they're asking for trouble.  You get the people feeding the wildlife, which gets them use to associating people with food, and it's a big problem.  Even where we fish, there are alligators that tend to follow the boat for a few minutes.  We ignore them and they leave.  We saw two yesterday while fishing.  OK, enough rambling!

B - banana with peanut butter
S - protein shake
L - fish with Cajun seasoning (spicy) and veggies
S - cheese stick
D - pork cooked with lots of onions, celery, garlic, chicken broth, and a splash of lite soy sauce
S - protein shake

Have a great Tuesday #1!
Linda S.
on 8/11/08 10:00 am - PHOENIX, AZ
oh my God Deb, I just meant my life is crazy right now,lots going on.

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


(deactivated member)
on 8/11/08 12:12 am - Park Forest, IL
Hello Linda, It was a very busy weekend and looking to be a very busy 2 weeks coming up. Lots of doc appt for hubby & me. Day 9 and on track. Thos am is aliitle up in the air as I'm meeting Eileen andthen out running errands  but I think...

per B- 2 cups decaf coffe
  B: brocoli cheese omelet & whole wheat toast (out)
L:  Salad w some protein( out somewhere)
D- grilled BBQ chicken & brown rice
S: mixed strawberries, blueberries & peaches.
Hugs, paulette
Connie D.
on 8/11/08 12:46 am
Good morning BEAUTIFUL Linda!!

Yes...a start of another work week...UGH!!! I am so not into it this week. I am so concerned for Nic and his testing this week. Can't concetrate on much else!

Hope the pain has lessened for you today....the bruises probably look worse then they actually hurt by now.

How is Olivia doing? I am still praying for her and the children and always for you too!!

B-yogurt w/ kashi and string cheese
S-strawberries, melons, and pineapple
L-refried beans and cheese and some baby carrots
S-almonds and apple
D-salmon and roasted veggies
S-SF pudding

Have a wonderful day my dear friend!!

Love and hugs.......Boo....to you!!
on 8/11/08 12:49 am
 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*  Sweet Linda,   Am so sorry to hear about your fall.  Ack....  that can affect the whole body let alone just the knee.   I walked into a wall the other day ...  yup, I did.  It jolted my whole body and I felt it for a few days.  It was dark and I lost my sense of balance and direction.   

I've been having a terrible time with my food lately.  I'm not on a schedule and have been eating what and when I want.  NOT a good idea.

B: cottage cheese  w/ peaches   L: burrito w/cheese  D: pork chop w/ veggies  S: protein shake  ...  that is the plan for today...  will see what actually happens.     Millie
Brenda R.
on 8/11/08 2:03 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to our sweetie! I heard you fell......I hope that it wasn't bad. I am praying that all is well for you in a couple of days regarding that. Please oh please take care of yourself! You are an important person to all of us.

I got through the big camping week end. I survived. It was my first camping experience and I even managed not having the bathroom. I even got the water in and so God took care of that for me. We had our 2nd annual IN board camp out. It was fantastic and I got to not only meet a lot of folks from IN but I got meet Pat from Michigan too.

I have to go to my pcp this afternoon. Just my monthly visit. I am coming down with a UTI. When I went to the urologist for the kidney thing he mentioned that the urine test came back kind of iffy. Since I wasn't having any symptoms he wasn't going to do anything. Now of course I have the symptoms. Oh well, my pcp knows more about the med size that I can do. Even if I do have to remind her at times. lol

We stopped at a Texas Roadhouse on our way home yesterday and brought home my whole dinner. I left the chili that I took 1 teaspoon out of. Had dinner and breakfast from it too. lol

B: half of my Road Kill burger (a hamburger patty with onions, mushrooms and jack cheese)
L: out with Trudy (we consider it a early dinner since it will be about
3 this afternoon)
D: sf maple and brown sugar oatmeal w/o milk
S: probably no room for it today!

I find that I am eating less now than I did before. Is that normal? I fillup faster than I did even a month ago. That kind of surprised me. Just wondering if that is normal. We all know that if it isn't normal that it would me since I am not normal either! lol

Have a great day and remember that I am sending love and hugs to you. Special prayers are going up for you and yours. Be happy where you are since that is where God wants you at this moment.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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