ass fat
Oh Peggy, you are a dear for the rear. I knew if I posted, others would know what to do. I bought one of those rings but all it did was made my farts echo. Iknow. I sure don't need that. Then hubby found an inflatible pillow and it made me hurt worse. I'm going to the autoparts department and getting my treatment. LOL Thanks.
ROFLMAO!!! i feel your pain sweetie i really do!!! i noticed that my ass is alsio hurting me big time when i am sitting!!! i only hope that i have my car back from getting repaired before i have to drive back to michigan the 24th and come back home the 25th...thats 280 miles one way and this little honda i am using now is NOT ass friendly at all!!!!
Aloha Jeannie.........Thanks for the early morning belly laugh! After laughing, I really paid attention, and I will be amongst the throng heading to the auto parts dept. to buy my ass cushion!! I still have "stuff" back there, but it seems to not cushion....just spreads out! Poor little tailbone.......suddenly without it's soft, snoozing pillow of fat!! What is it to do??? Not get shaved, that's for sure!
Now I"m waiting for results of auto dept. pillow therapy!
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
Now I"m waiting for results of auto dept. pillow therapy!
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
Karen, I'm with you on the ass cushion. Let me tell you; In addition to the sore bone and ass, the other day I was lifting myself up out of chair with my arms on the arm rest and I've not done this in a long while and my arms were getting all geared up to lift me up with the notion that it is painful and that I only go up a cm or two and suddenly without all this weight, I almost landed in the middle of my computer. LOL what's an ass to do.