It's Last
Good morning brother Floyd and all my other OFF sisters and brothers.
I have been up for forever but I have been going back and forth around here doing this and that. I am working on what seems like a gazillion things at one time and not accomplishing a lot!
I got my scripts called in and so I am set to go in that area. Now I just have to get the deserts started. Or I should say the pudding surprise stuff. It has to sit in the refridgerator for at least 24 hours so I got to get that going. lol I have to gather all the other stuff to take since I guess Bill thinks that everything just gathers itself. I sure would like to live in the place that men do. lol
I was over to my neighbors just a bit ago since she is having problems with her cable. Now I have to go over there on Monday morning for the cable guy. I figured that it is easier to get it from him that get it so confused from Virginia. lol I told the cable guy on the phone that she is 90 and it confuses her and that I am not 90 and I am confused by what the repairman said for her to do. He told her that he had never seen what was on her t.v. and he couldn't fix it.
I better get going. Take care everyone and I am sending love and hugs to all. Prayers are going up for everyone and special ones for those who need them. I am planning on taking my laptop with me camping so I will try to check in and see how everyone is doing.
I have been up for forever but I have been going back and forth around here doing this and that. I am working on what seems like a gazillion things at one time and not accomplishing a lot!
I got my scripts called in and so I am set to go in that area. Now I just have to get the deserts started. Or I should say the pudding surprise stuff. It has to sit in the refridgerator for at least 24 hours so I got to get that going. lol I have to gather all the other stuff to take since I guess Bill thinks that everything just gathers itself. I sure would like to live in the place that men do. lol
I was over to my neighbors just a bit ago since she is having problems with her cable. Now I have to go over there on Monday morning for the cable guy. I figured that it is easier to get it from him that get it so confused from Virginia. lol I told the cable guy on the phone that she is 90 and it confuses her and that I am not 90 and I am confused by what the repairman said for her to do. He told her that he had never seen what was on her t.v. and he couldn't fix it.
I better get going. Take care everyone and I am sending love and hugs to all. Prayers are going up for everyone and special ones for those who need them. I am planning on taking my laptop with me camping so I will try to check in and see how everyone is doing.
Hi Brenda:
Tried to get to your profile to send a PM but it wouldn't let me......don't know what's going on.
Anyway I plan to come down to the campground around 2 p.m. tomorrow afternoon.....there is a 40% chance of showers but hoping that won't happen. Let me know
where to meet you in the campground, okay???
Looking forward to our visit. If you need to call me
my phone # is 269 651-6803. I should be here all afternoon and evening.
Tried to get to your profile to send a PM but it wouldn't let me......don't know what's going on.
Anyway I plan to come down to the campground around 2 p.m. tomorrow afternoon.....there is a 40% chance of showers but hoping that won't happen. Let me know
where to meet you in the campground, okay???
Looking forward to our visit. If you need to call me
my phone # is 269 651-6803. I should be here all afternoon and evening.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Hi Brother Floyd and my OFF family:
Wish I could join you Hoosiers in the camp-out ... not to camp (because camping for me means a hotel with a shower and cable ... I was a Girl Scout leader once, and after taking 12 junior high girls camping, I said never again ... they thought they could take their blow dryers and hot rollers with and their makeup, even though we told them there was no place to plug them in, and no boys to notice them. And then they wouldn't clean up, expected the leaders to do the wor****il the camp managers told us to sit ... which I did anyway, the other leader who was younger and easily swayed didn't ... the girls had to clean the site while their parents waited to drive them home ...were they ticked!)
Anyway ... had a busy night at work ... the usual business pages, plus a full local page, plus a half page on the Detroit mayor, plus the briefs package, plus a review on Los Lobos and Los Lonely Boys. Got out of there at midnight, came home and watched Hopkins, the reality show on the hospital, which ended last night, too bad, it was so good. Didn'****ch the Sox game because they lost, but 2 of 3 is good. Got up this morning when the phone rang on a robocall for an AT&T survey. Well, I was up but Scooter and I were snuggling. I just put a chocolate zucchini cake in the oven ... smells good ... not WLS friendly but I'm bringing it into work. I have gotten down to 170 again, with the help of the diuretic (retaining fluid, folks, don't know why) plus I cut out the sweets I was eating every day ... not much, but enough that it was putting on the pounds I guess. Plus it was adding to my craving for them. I'm bringing the cake into work, plus I'm making up a goodie bag for a coworker who had a hysterectomy because she has a tumor (don't know where, some female related place ... Uterus?) Anyway, going to give her some blueberry muffins, blueberry-pineapple bread, chocolate zucchini bread, zucchini bread, etc., these are all from my gastric bypass cookbook. Meegan is our Web mistress, such a nice woman, used to be my boss' wife and our Lansing bureau chief until it closed ... they offered her this position and she had to learn a lot but has done so wonderfully. She is a 5-0 (maybe shorter) dynamo. Very nice woman. So I hope the baked goodies will help her recovery. I really like her. (And she really gets along well with her ex, which is nice.)
Here's today's cat quote from my calendar ... Annette, you can appreciate this ... it has a picture of a gray tabby by a roll of shredded toilet paper: "Cat lovers can readily be identified. Their clothes always look old and well used. Their sheets look like bath towels and their bath towels look like a collection of knitting mistakes." --Eric Gurney.
The gray tabby reminds me of my old friend, Kittle, who used to shred toilet paper and paper towels, except that Kittle had green eyes; he was a very talkative cat with a marvelous personality. I named him after a White Sox player named Ron Kittle, who also had a marvelous personality.
Well, I should go. Have a good day. I am on the road this weekend, going to Chicago to meet with my high school friend Phyllis and going to a Sox game on Sunday, then meeting with Paulette and her hubby on Monday on the way back. Have a good weekend. I'll probably check in later tonight at work when I have a chance.
Wish I could join you Hoosiers in the camp-out ... not to camp (because camping for me means a hotel with a shower and cable ... I was a Girl Scout leader once, and after taking 12 junior high girls camping, I said never again ... they thought they could take their blow dryers and hot rollers with and their makeup, even though we told them there was no place to plug them in, and no boys to notice them. And then they wouldn't clean up, expected the leaders to do the wor****il the camp managers told us to sit ... which I did anyway, the other leader who was younger and easily swayed didn't ... the girls had to clean the site while their parents waited to drive them home ...were they ticked!)
Anyway ... had a busy night at work ... the usual business pages, plus a full local page, plus a half page on the Detroit mayor, plus the briefs package, plus a review on Los Lobos and Los Lonely Boys. Got out of there at midnight, came home and watched Hopkins, the reality show on the hospital, which ended last night, too bad, it was so good. Didn'****ch the Sox game because they lost, but 2 of 3 is good. Got up this morning when the phone rang on a robocall for an AT&T survey. Well, I was up but Scooter and I were snuggling. I just put a chocolate zucchini cake in the oven ... smells good ... not WLS friendly but I'm bringing it into work. I have gotten down to 170 again, with the help of the diuretic (retaining fluid, folks, don't know why) plus I cut out the sweets I was eating every day ... not much, but enough that it was putting on the pounds I guess. Plus it was adding to my craving for them. I'm bringing the cake into work, plus I'm making up a goodie bag for a coworker who had a hysterectomy because she has a tumor (don't know where, some female related place ... Uterus?) Anyway, going to give her some blueberry muffins, blueberry-pineapple bread, chocolate zucchini bread, zucchini bread, etc., these are all from my gastric bypass cookbook. Meegan is our Web mistress, such a nice woman, used to be my boss' wife and our Lansing bureau chief until it closed ... they offered her this position and she had to learn a lot but has done so wonderfully. She is a 5-0 (maybe shorter) dynamo. Very nice woman. So I hope the baked goodies will help her recovery. I really like her. (And she really gets along well with her ex, which is nice.)
Here's today's cat quote from my calendar ... Annette, you can appreciate this ... it has a picture of a gray tabby by a roll of shredded toilet paper: "Cat lovers can readily be identified. Their clothes always look old and well used. Their sheets look like bath towels and their bath towels look like a collection of knitting mistakes." --Eric Gurney.
The gray tabby reminds me of my old friend, Kittle, who used to shred toilet paper and paper towels, except that Kittle had green eyes; he was a very talkative cat with a marvelous personality. I named him after a White Sox player named Ron Kittle, who also had a marvelous personality.
Well, I should go. Have a good day. I am on the road this weekend, going to Chicago to meet with my high school friend Phyllis and going to a Sox game on Sunday, then meeting with Paulette and her hubby on Monday on the way back. Have a good weekend. I'll probably check in later tonight at work when I have a chance.
Hello Floyd -
You have been missed lately. Have a super fun filled gathering. Wish I was there too.
Boy oh Boy did I make an error in judgement with my 19 year old client. (she has developmental disabilities and most often behaves as a 6 year old child)
Cornell University has a very good art museum and I thought it would be a good outing. WRONG!!!
She was bored, unimpressed and wanted to leave within 10 minutes.
My sense of direction was out of whack so we had to wander through a few rooms as we tried to locate the exit. She was grouching with each step.
I thought we were headed toward the correct exit. WRONG again.
GASP - only in Ithaca could I find "art" like this. A live nude, posed on a chaise, with velvet ropes to keep visitors 10 feet away from her.
Her reaction was a mixture of gasps, giggles and horror. In a very loud voice she yelled " That woman isn't wearing any panties!!!!"
I suppose it could have been a "wax" model but I sure wasn't getting close enough to figure that out. My job was to get my client out - pronto. She was causing quite a ruckus.
When I returned her to the group home, her first words to her staff were "Annette took me to see a naked lady !"
Guess I made a boo boo?
You have been missed lately. Have a super fun filled gathering. Wish I was there too.
Boy oh Boy did I make an error in judgement with my 19 year old client. (she has developmental disabilities and most often behaves as a 6 year old child)
Cornell University has a very good art museum and I thought it would be a good outing. WRONG!!!
She was bored, unimpressed and wanted to leave within 10 minutes.
My sense of direction was out of whack so we had to wander through a few rooms as we tried to locate the exit. She was grouching with each step.
I thought we were headed toward the correct exit. WRONG again.
GASP - only in Ithaca could I find "art" like this. A live nude, posed on a chaise, with velvet ropes to keep visitors 10 feet away from her.

I suppose it could have been a "wax" model but I sure wasn't getting close enough to figure that out. My job was to get my client out - pronto. She was causing quite a ruckus.
When I returned her to the group home, her first words to her staff were "Annette took me to see a naked lady !"
Guess I made a boo boo?