It's Last

on 8/7/08 5:59 pm - Lawrence, IN
Who would have ever thought that I'd be up early enough to start a post?

Car is packed and ready to head out for our 2nd Annual OH Campout.  Looking forward to finally meeting Brenda R. and Pat.  We're expecting 20-25 people this weekend.  It surely will be fun.  Brenda's mom and cousin are coming down from Michigan to spend tonight and part of tomorrow so we're headed up early, with a stop at the casino on the way.  LOL

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  I've got my camera  so look for some pics on Monday.


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Margo M.
on 8/7/08 8:30 pm, edited 8/7/08 8:40 pm - Elyria, OH
good morning!! wonderful to see you post ,brother floyd!!!!!
this has to be exciting for you to be on the move toward your weekend with the indiana gang and to meet our brenda r and pat r !! i am quite envious of you and this weekend!

nothing really new here -we finally had rain last nite-and big boomers- had to shut the computer down!

~*~edit to add this: i DO have a new--when i went for plasma yesterday-i had actually lost weight--only about 6/10 of a pound but it was lower than it had been in a month!!!!!!! whooooooooo hoooooooooooo---by the time i go in the afternoon i have eaten  all day and had my fluid intake and of course am fully dressed including shoes so it was a positive to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~*~

today, work then some shopping with my granddaughter. tomorrow , plasma and then maybe to the beach with her! that is her only request while she is here! at some point , i think we are going to pack a few boxes toward moving.... i need to get that fire lit under my butt again!!!!

as always, i'll look back in later to see what everyone is up to!
hugs and prayers .....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Pat R.
on 8/7/08 8:48 pm - Sturgis, MI
I'm up, in my swim suit, ready to head over to the pool in a few minutes.....

Yesterday I was so busy I didn't have time to hardly eat....maybe I should do that everyday! The scale went down 1/2 lb. and I haven't even taken the water pill yet.
Still have 4 lbs to lose to get back to where I was before the gout and UTI started, so it's back to being a really good girl today.

We have a carry in at work for someone's birthday, but I am taking cheese and summer sausage tray, so at least there will be protein for me....usually someone brings veggies. It's the yummy desserts that will try to sneak their way onto my plate=== watch out!

DS's softball games lasted until after 8:30, and they lost both games. The season is over now, and the tournaments start next week.....think they're all ready for it to be over. I enjoy going to see them play, but last nite I nearly had a scratching match with a mouthy lady who kept telling the umpire what to do......Dang she was awful, he finally gave her a dirty look and she shut up. I don't care for ppl like that, sorry!

It's cool and lovely this morning and I'm leaving the a/c off when I go to work.....wonderful sleeping last fact, after the first game, I had to go sit in the car.....I was
so cold!!

Looking forward to meeting Floyd and his wife as well as Brenda from Portage, In.'s going to be a busy weekend.

Pat R.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
Kathy K.
on 8/7/08 9:13 pm - Kenosha, WI

Hi Floyd and all! Good to see you, Floyd. Yes, it's Fri. Will be a slow quiet day at work. Boss is on vacation until the 25th, most of my staff are on vac, too, or have today off for summer hours. Three of us will hold down the fort.

So many things on my TO DO list for the weekend, probably won't get any of it done. At least hope to hang some drapes in the music room and finish assembling the bench for the guest room. I picked up my new living room drapes at Calico Corners last Sat but need to cut the drapery pole to size. I'm hanging them on those shortie poles with the rings at either side of the window and since the drapes were custom made, I must cut the poles myself. First I have to find my saw in one of the 15 boxes in the garage I haven't unpacked yet, LOL.

Good weekend to all!

¸.•♥ ´¸.•*♥´¨) ¸.♥•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸ ;.♥•Kathy¨♥

on 8/7/08 10:22 pm
Good Morning Floyd and all,

It's 5:15am and already 70 degrees. So nice out here on the porch this am.
Had very busy day at work, and hopefully, today I can get some of the things I need to get finished done, things that I needed to do yesterday but that I couldn't get to.

Had my eye Dr. specialist appt yesterday and now she thinks I may have Myasthenia Gravis. ????? I guess it is an auto-immune thing that affects muscles. Particularly, eye muscles. I am not too worried, I don't think that is the problem...just gut feeling.

Going scrapbooking tonight, I have a $20 credit I get to spend for spending so much in the past year or so....

Hve been walking my treadmill after dinner and before work everyday. Haven't seen any results weightwise but do feel not so tired.

Have fun all you that get to see eachother this weekend!


We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

Judy G.
on 8/7/08 10:42 pm - Galion, OH

hey cheryl...have you had your vitamin A checked since WLS? they told me that mine was low and i have to take a vitamin A 5000 mg once a day for my eyes...just a thought if you haven't had it checked...hope its curable tho!!!!


Judy G.
on 8/7/08 10:37 pm - Galion, OH

morning floyd!!!!! wow nice to see you here first thing today!!!! hope you have a wonderful time camping and if you are running good luck!!!! still awaiting for the updated OFF update from you... ;)

well it was a quiet night here for a change!!! she is backin jail for breaking her probation and looks like it might be hard for her lawyer to get her out....we shall see...BUT diane said she isn't coming back here again thats for sure!!!! lets hope so!!!!

had a nice thunder storm here last night about 8 pm...lots of lightening and man it sure was dark!!! then there was this weird colored sky sort of yellow green...thought for sure we were in for another tornado of sorts....but we were fine!!! so far today the sky is full of clouds and some sun in and out...

today i am working 5-9 shift and see how the food court is closed for the night. i know how to open it so now its the closing shift i need to learn. i will have a different trainer for this shift...i really like gloria...she is in her 70's and a firecracker!!!! got to love her!!!! lots of fun to work with!!!!!

my car is in the shop getting repaired from the storm damage the other morning and i have this little honda to drive...can't wait to get my car back!!! i am not used to having to use manuel power to roll windows down or unlock the also it rides really hard like you are sitting on the ground or something...i want my leather seats that fit me like a glove!!!! but i shouldn't complain because i donn't have to pay rental fee for it or milage just return it with a full tank of gas like i got when i picked it up...but i sure do miss my car!!!!

well we heard from rick's jerk friend last night...rick gave him a piece of his mind about how he treated me when we met last week...then john wanted to talk to me...oh great!!! he apologized to me and said he was sorry...but not sure if he really meant it or not...this guy says he is sorry all the time...told rick i would have liked to had that apology face to face so i could tell if he REALLY was sorry or not!!! i told rick i would give him one more chance then thats it...he said that was fair enough. so we shall see.

next week there is a fair coming to painsville and i want to go...the concert will be emerson drive and i have seen them a couple times and they are good!!!!!! told rick i wanted to go see them...he said that costs money...i told him i was worth it...he said yeah you are so we can go if i don't have to work now....;)

got another letter from garys i said this is going to be one hell of a divorce hearing....gary now wants me to have the house and all the bills that go along with it....LMAO he wanted the house i said ok not going to fight for it anymore and now he doesn't want it!! i can't afford to keep that house...hell the heating bill is more than i made in a month so tell me how i can "afford" to live there??? he keeps saying it is the best choice i have to live any where!!!! its cheaper than rent etc.... yeah right!!! my lawyer told me if the judge makes me pay for any of the bills he can't collect from me because i am living out of sate and i don't have the money to pay the house will probably go back to the much for my good credit...but i can't afford to live there i tried and i can't make ends thats that...and after living here in ohio...i would NEVER go back to michigan again to live!!!! i don't have to be afraid to go out at night here for a walk...hell even in the daylight it wasn't safe in my old hood...i am content here and love my life and i want to stay here....

ok off my life history again...but like i said here on OFF are the only ones i can talk to and the support here is awesome!!! and i thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart!!!! (((OFF family))) :)

well time for a shower and then some laundry then straighten up the place and then wait to go pick rick's check up at work...have to cash his check for him because we won't have time after work with me having to be to work at 5. so i will chack back in a litte bit see what is happening....have a great day all!!!!


on 8/8/08 12:20 am
You should have the attorney's make arrangments and sell the house and split the profit between the two of you.  That way neither one is burdened down with the expense of the house and it's upkeep.
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Judy G.
on 8/8/08 12:29 am - Galion, OH
garys daughter was supposed to get house up for sale so "we" didn't have to deal with it...not sure what she is up to in all this divorce stuff but i am seeing more her input than her dads as things are regressing here...i am sure it is her that wants things this way not her dad...guess the judge will have to rule here...and not sure there will be a profit with the way the house needs repairs...he hasn't done anything to that house since we bought it!! oh well it will be over with soon enough...i hope!!

Connie D.
on 8/8/08 4:55 am

Hey Judy...hope it doesn't take to long for them to finish up your car. Sounds like the one they loaned you isn't much on comfort!

When are you getting your computer hooked up again? I hate not being to send things to your home.

Have a good weekend......keep looking for that place to live!!

Hugs and love......connie d
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