It's Thursday What's New

Aime B.
on 8/6/08 8:32 pm - Baltimore, MD
Good Morning! I think I may just be able to rise from the dead. This asthma thing has really kicked my butt. I am still coughing, but I feel almost human today. I was finally seen by a doctor Monday evening who gave me an inhalation treatment and put me on steriods. I started to notice a difference right away. I am still wiped out from coughing, but not nearly like I was prior to seeing the doctor.
Today is a big day. So was yesterday come to think of it. My son had his 24th birthday yesterday. We all gathered at the hospital to have pizza and a big cookie for his day. When I arrived in Norronda's room, I learned that she will be sent home today. Her cardiologist is thrilled with her progress. She is doing so well. 
LP has finally cut his bottom teeth through the gum. I hadn't seen him in a few days and he proudly nibbled on my finger to show off his new teeth. He was happy to see me. I miss the little devil, but I am glad my son and N are better able to care for him these days.
Time to get ready to go to work. I think I am doing well with this new position. I expect to have many of the tasks I was charged with in place by the start of school.
Have a good day! 

The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!

Margo M.
on 8/6/08 8:52 pm - Elyria, OH
aime-teeth already!! wow! see my post-my eldest grand just lost another last nite- has one baby tooth left!! funny world, eh?!!!!

that's great news about N coming home- to your place or????

special hugs!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Brenda R.
on 8/6/08 9:48 pm - Portage, IN
Aime, it is so hard to believe that LP is getting his teeth already. It seems like it was just a few months ago that the little guy was born. Time flies by and fast at that.

I am so glad that N is getting along so well and able to come home. It has been a long haul for everyone and so maybe now things are going to get easier for you and you aren't going to be pulled from so many directions. She remains in my prayers but it sounds like they are being answered well.

Take care of yourself with the asthma problem. You need to make sure that you get your much needed rest. You have to take care our yourself since I have found that no one else will.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Eileen Briesch
on 8/7/08 3:51 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Aime:

I'm glad you got the asthma under control. I have very mild asthma, nothing as bad as yours. Also so happy to hear N is doing so well. Is she going home to your house? Isn't modern medicine wonderful, that she can get a new heart to let her live? And LP with new teeth too ... life is very good for you and your family.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 8/6/08 8:41 pm - CA
Hi Eileen and Everyone,

Sorry to hear you are in such pain Eileen.  Glad to know you had a medicine that does help.  I sure hope you were able to get some much needed rest after your baseball game.

I'm up early to go into work early.  Preparing for auditors to come.  I'm in the office alone today as a coworker is having a colonoscopy.  He was sure having a time of it yesterday with not being able to eat.  He's taking tomorrow off as well to "recover."    Another coworker is on vacation this week but we can't really tell she's gone.  Oops.....

Hubby's new chair was delivered yesterday and he's very pleased.  Now my son must come and get the old chair and take it out of my livingroom.  Nothing else new to share.

Have a good day today.


Margo M.
on 8/6/08 8:49 pm, edited 8/6/08 9:03 pm - Elyria, OH
good morning! i cannot believe that it's almost the weekend again-
eileen, i want to echo julia's comments about the pain you endure daily...i cannot fathom it; i only know what i see in my michael--how it wracks him and how it messes up his personality and his whole being and how it has come to effect mine as well...tho i try to be, i am not tolerant any more of any of it and we have many "ouchy" days because it is draining both of us!he is now having doubts about this last shoulder surgery (from june) and i just don't have any answers for him. you remain in my prayers in re your pain --and your finances- which--whoooooo hoooo about the no bounced checks!!!!

i woke up this morning to the first ever horrendous calf spasm in my left worked out real quickly but the calf is still sore- i am low on potassium? or not enough fluids???OMG it hurt......

*** i need so much to get my labs done-wish the lottery fairy would drop some money here***

the tooth fairy had to make a stop here last nite- amber lost one of her last baby teeth at dinner...hmmmm. gosh i feel old!!!

long day at work yesterday cuz my butt was draggin all day...thought my 7 hours would never end!!!today i feel more rested -we'll see. gives me mucho time to think tho while sitting there- and i am really not happy with some of the thoughts i am having! need to make some changes in life to better the quality!! much of that has to do with the thoughts of moving.....

at work; we are scanning old court documents for electronic reduce the boxes and boxes and books and  drawers of old records-from our own county's court system as well as others that our Clerk brings in for extra money.well; our own Clerk's office staff (upstairs-we are in the basement) is having issues letting go of the hard copy--they are not familiar with the retrivieval of any documents and it makes it hard- ( i know-change is hard! but if they would TRY to work with it they would learn-practice!!!)so--two of us had spent two full days shredding old documents-that came to a screeching halt yesterday- til the staff upstairs can get comfy! and that made our Clerk (their boss as well as mine!) abit perturbed! he is trying to move this project fwd and it stopped! i have confidence that next week; it will start fwd again tho! and if it can continue to move fwd it can also help us to retain our hours....gosh that scares me- so many things (bills/groceries,etc!)that can be done with that extra pay and yet can't plan on it meantime i am back to prepping and inputting the old court records and they are making my allergies go nuts!

after i got home; had to turn around and drive almost back to work to pick up a prescription for amber- she has had stomach issues( cause unknown still)  for over two years and the doc ordered miralax for we also bought two cute folders and a datebook/assignment book for school...she needs red and blue pens and then she is all set! i may take her to our Goodwill tomorrow after i get home- they are having a 40% back to school sale- hope they have some nice merchandise left after 3 PM!!!! i figure a $20 should actually get her some nice tops- she loves Goodwill stores! (what does that say about our economy and the young?) she is a good shopper but is a bit on the chubby side so i dunno about selections!

well- today is plasma day so i won't be around til later to catch up...hope all have a great day -hugs and prayers!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Eileen Briesch
on 8/7/08 3:58 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Margo:

Yeah, I know what you mean about chronic pain messing up your life. I sometimes feel like I'm living on drugs. But today feels like a good day, so far at least. I must have slept well. We'll see how long it lasts. I'm sure Michael has his good days too.

You know, pre-WLS, I used to get a lot of calf/leg spasms at night; now, I hardly get them ... the day I had my surgery, they found out I had low potassium (it delayed my surgery a few hours while they got my potassium levels up) ... then I had to get potassium in the hospital, plus take it afterwards (yucky stuff ... tasted like metallic orange ... but if you mixed it in crystal lite orange, it was like orange crush!) Anyway, your guess on low potassium might be right. I'm still worried about your swollen legs ... please keep an eye on those and don't let them get out of control. Watch if your weight is going up and it's all in your legs. That's what happened to me last November.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Brenda R.
on 8/6/08 10:05 pm - Portage, IN

Good morning, Eileen and all my other OFF'ers.

Eileen, I am sorry about the constant pain that you have. I know just what you are saying since I have it too with my back. Sometimes it is better than others but it seems to always be there. I pray that you can get some relief from it somehow. You do remain in my special prayers if that is of any help, dear.

Margo, I know just what you are saying about making some changes somewhere in your life. I need to do that too. I am not sure just what the changes are going to be but I will remain doing what I am now until I know just what I am suppose to do. I am keeping you in my prayers too right along beside me on the decisions. lol We can go through this part of change together, my fellow sister. lol

I am going to the grocery store sometime today. I have to get the stuff for the deserts that I am making for the Annual Hoosier Campout. I guess this is the second one and they are wanting to get it to happen every year. I am making a couple of sf deserts for the pitch in dinner for Saturday night. I have to make sure that I get everything that I need for the week end. As we all know I have some memory problems and so I am only hoping that I don't forget something. lol I think I had better make a list so I don't forget what I already know I need and then when we are half way there I will remember something that I forgot. We all know me! lol

The sun is out today and it is suppose to be another hot and humid one today. I am getting so tired of this stuff. I guess this week end it is suppose to be better but then again I am going to be an hour and a half away from here. Watch it be where I am going to be and then when I get back it is going to be hot and humid yet again! That is my luck. lol

I better get going. I am sending love and hugs to all and my prayers are being said always for all of you. Special ones are going up for those in need of them. Have a wonderful day today and be happy doing what you are doing today. Smile and just remember that it is almost the week end. Hooray!!!!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 8/6/08 10:23 pm
Good Morning Eileen and all,

Sorry about your pain. I too have chronic pain and nobody knows for sure why which makes me feel like a looney tune. I am on pain meds and have to be careful as I get tolerant and don't want to keep uping the dose. Mornngs are worse. It is in the middle of my chest under my breast bone and has been going on for about 4 years....they are thinking scar tissue from all of my espohagel surgeries but....who knows. Dealing with the drs and pharmacists really wear me down and make me feel like crap.
Anyway, today I am TIRED! Woke up on and off all night. It is 66 already at 4:45 am and suppose to be HOT with high chance of lightning.
Going to the eye specialist today so hope she has it al figurd out. Will get my eyes dialated, always fun.
Man, I am sleepy! Will go walk on the treadmill and hopefully that will wake me up.
Beth called last night. She asked for an hour off so she could call her mom. Guess she has had a tough week. 5 out 8 of her 6th grade girls in her cabin wet the bed so every morning she has to hall the wet sleeping bags and soiled pull ups to wash and throw away. She said they even have accidents at the midday rest time. On top of that they all have severe food alergies so she has to carry epi shots and inhalors around with her. She is enjoying them all. Was kinda cool that she wanted to call me. Said "thanks for talking me down, mom. I feel better." Maybe this will give her pause before she decides to have kids or whatever. Let's hope.
Well, better get up to the treadmill and see if I can wake up!
You all have a lovely day...

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

Eileen Briesch
on 8/7/08 4:02 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Cheryl:

Don't you hate drs. when they don't really listen to you? Or they pooh-pooh what you're saying. Pain is supposed to be a symptom of something going wrong, but they don't always listen to their patient telling them "I'm in pain ... something's wrong." I want to slap them upside the head sometimes.

We had some storms last night with lightning when I was driving home, expected more rain too ... it rained this afternoon as I was driving home from shopping but not much. Maybe that's why I was so ouchy yesterday.

Hope you can get some relief too ... I have heartburn from my Barrett's so I know what you mean (and in fact that was bothering me last night too.)

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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