What's New Wednesday!!

on 8/5/08 9:08 pm - CA

Hi Marti and Everyone!

I hope your tailbone gets better - or at least tolerable - really soon, Marti.  Your dinner last night sounds like you had alot of fun.  That's a good thing.

Janet - I'm sure sorry to hear about your work dilemma.  I will keep my fingers crossed that problem works itself out and soon.

Pat - I hope you start feeling better really soon.  At least with the water pill situation you know what's causing the scale to move the other way.  Feel better soon.

Nothing much new for me.  Hubby's new chair will be delivered this afternoon so this morning we are moving furniture around to make room.  That should be interesting since I don't do mornings very well.  I wanted to do it last night but hubby didn't want to wake up to changes.  Alrighty then!

Long day at work for me today.  I have a meeting that will keep me longer than my time to leave.  Coworker is leaving for the rest of the week and other coworker is already on vacation this week.  That means I'm there by myself.  Good and bad to be alone but mostly good.

Have a very nice Wednesday everyone! 



on 8/5/08 9:24 pm - Alexander, AR
Morning everyone

Marti, you evening sounds delightful. Isn't amazing how you can go through the express line at the grocery store and still spend nearly $100? I just scratch my head every time I shop.....how can it be that much?

Pat, I agree with Kathy, at least you know why those numbers are going up on your scale. Hopefully the gout will clear up soon and WHOOOSH away will go those pounds.

Margo, hope you have a happy time with your little one there. What a joy.

My day yesterday was an interesting one. I was working along, minding my own business, when WHAM this horrible pain hit in the right side of my back. I was doing a pedicure and actually had to have one of the other girls fini**** for me. I walked around the parking lot, hoping it was gas, nope, wouldn't go away. About 30 minutes after it started (of course, after I called Gary to come drive me home) it went away. Just as fast as it hit me, it was gone.  Gary got there and I was thinking it would be okay for me to go ahead and drive home, when it started again. I couldn't even take a deep breath it hurt so badly.  Again, about 30 minutes later it went away.
I had called an made an appt with the doctor, and he said it's most likely a kidney stone, and yes, they say the pain is right up there with childbirth and a heart attack!  Well, now I know how to recognize a heart attack since I've done the other two on the list! I pumped the fluids last night, and so far, so good. Every day's an adventure, right?

My new glasses came in yesterday. Girls, they are soooooooooo outside the box on style. Not like anything I've ever worn before, in fact, they are being worn by one of the "models" on a poster in the office. How current?? Kind of a dark raspberry color. Little nervous here.  They are so NOT conservative. 

Well, I've rambled enough, gotta run. Love ya



on 8/5/08 10:15 pm - Grand Island, NE
I cringed when I hear the words kidney stone.   Once and only once I had several hours of pain and called the Dr. and got in that afternoon but of course when I got there the pain was gone.  I still remember sitting at my desk at work that morning in horrible pain.  I remember my boss asking if I wanted to go home, but I was in so much pain i didn't want to drive home or even try to walk out to the car.  I figured if I passed out from the pain someone from work would call 911.  Anyway my doctor said it sounded likea kidney stone.  I have never had that pain again and you are right it does rank up there with child birth only it is worse.

Not much going on with me today just thinking about going to work.  I have to go through my house when I get home tonight and find some more stuff for a yard sale.   We are having one again on Fri and Sat this week.  I am trying to get rid of my junk, last time I had one what I thought would not sell did and what I thought would sell is still sitting in my basement.

My daughter is on the phone calling in sick again.  She came home early last night in pain.  She has a cyst on her ovary that "we will watch it for a month or so to see if it gets smaller" in the meantime she is in pain.   Wish I could convince her to get a second opinion.  No matter what ages our kids are we sill worry about them.

The weather channel just said we are going to have sever storms again tonight yippee

Stay cool everyone.
on 8/5/08 10:36 pm - Alexander, AR
Barb, at least with childbirth you get to take something home  LOL



Brenda R.
on 8/6/08 12:59 am - Portage, IN
Susan, I feel your pain of a kidney stone. Once you have the pain of a stone you will NEVER forget it again. Stones hurt only when they are moving so be careful on that alright? Prayers being said for you.

By the way I go to the urologist this afternoon for my stone history. lol

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Margo M.
on 8/6/08 10:50 am - Elyria, OH
have not yet done the kidney stone thing but hear its the worst!
i so need new glasses-yours sound great!!! ah...another thing on my list of things i can't.......

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 8/5/08 10:32 pm
Good Morning Marti and all,
Marti, you are always having so much fun! Wish I had a group of friends like that to hang out with...hope your tailbone is better today.

Had a stressful day at work...the state quan nurse was in. She comes in every couple of months to do a Mini "educational" survey. It's suppose to be for learning and getting spiffy for when the state comes in once a year but she is the state also and well...just let's say it's not so fun...

I ended up having Tom make his own dinner and I just had cottage cheese and blueberries. I just was too tired to cook and out to dinner didn't sound so great either. Then I walked on my treadmill again and that was better. It really does make those endorphine thingys make you feel better. I thought it was just something those exercise nuts tried to tell me so I'd have to get off my hiney and do something but it's really true!

I am getting very excited for our vacation. I need it!

Beth will be home in a couple weeks. She called for a few minutes last night and is very upset about gaining weight at camp. They don't have the best food to for keeping weight off and she doesn't have the extra time or place to do her normal "workout." She will lose it quickly when she gets home as we don't have junk at the house and she can start her running again. Then when she gets back to school she can do her workouts in the gym like she had been doing. Poor girl, I think she worries she will end up like her mother did.

Well, up to the old treadmill here soon.
Have a lovely day all.

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

Connie D.
on 8/5/08 10:46 pm
Good Morning Marti and everyone!!!

Just checking in quickly to see how everyone is doing.

I have another busy day today....not much time to chat right now.

I went to the wake for my friend last night. That was so sad. I am happy for her but hearbroken for those she leaves behind. She was a wonderful lady and will truely be missed by many. The funeral is this morning.

I have a client to meet later this afternoon...wish I could cancel but I can't. That is a long story in itself.

Pat...I hope the gout is getting better each day. Bummer about the weight gain but at least you know why it is what it is.

Marti.....I hope the pool helps then tailbone pain.

Susan....we need a new avatar of you in those sexy glasses...woot woot!!!

Prayers to all in need.....love and hugs to all......connie d
Cajun Angel
on 8/5/08 11:33 pm - New Orleans, LA
Good morning Marti and Friends!

What's new - I applied for my passport yesterday!!!  Some things are falling in place, and others are falling apart!  George's truck is in the shop today for service.  We think we have our upstairs bathroom leak fixed - time will tell!

Gotta go!  Have a great day!
(deactivated member)
on 8/6/08 12:27 am, edited 8/6/08 12:28 am - Park Forest, IL
Good Morning Marti and my OFF family,

Marti, dinner with friends is always so enjoyable for us too. Unfortunately our closest friends are going through some trying times, She has lung cancer, diagnosed  1 1/2 yrs ago and now hads double pneumonia. Today they are doing a 24 hours Chemo for her. Last time she was so sick for weeks after, but her doc thinks with the pneuomonia that is what she needs right now. Please keep her in your prayers.
Pat ..ohhh...gout. hope you feel better soon, ..my dad used to suffer from that till it ran its course but was miserable when it would flair up.  BTW I was telling someone on the Ill. board about the wonderful blueberries & peaches we had at your house. She just got a bushel of peaches.

Janet, hope work is better today and not  as stressful.

Margo have fun with the granddaughter and good luck with the decision on your house.

Kathi hope you have a great day at work.

Susan. sounds very painful, hope the doc figures it out.

Barb - good luck with the yard sale,. I gave up on those, too much time spent not enough $$$, people around here want it all for free. so now I just donate and take it off taxes. works better for me.

Cheryl, hang in there sounds like vacation is coming soon!

Connie, my condolences to you on the loss of your friend.

Debbie, sounds like stress your way too, hope it eases up!

Last night was a great sleeping night here! no whinning dog or thunderstorms, lots of fresh cooler air in from the open windows....I feel refreshed. I think since this is day 3 of no caffeine my body has adjusted too. Decaf w/ S/F Toriano Vanilla syrup tastes yummy.

I left another message at the sleep study clinic to see if any way to get my date moved up but no call back.  My pcp put in referrals for the new pulmo & the ent to see who I can get in to see sooner after the sleep study. My pcp had the paperwork & letter from Dr. Vitello and still thinks early Nov is a doable date for my wls as long as BCBS approves it, but he doesn't think there will be a problem with that because of all the documentation in my files (yes plural) at the clinic. I have been going there for 20+ years. Oh My!! So they have documentation on my hbp, cholest, high triglycer. etc.  BTW my bp was 115/70 yesterday, but my chol. went up to 194 trigl. down to 174.  Didn't understand why the choles. would go back up, he reviewed my diet and said that is was great and  it has to do with genetics and because of my inability to get much exercise in due to my back.  In April when I saw him I was 267 and 249 yesterday aft. on his scale. Even the recept. noticed my weight loss. yippee!!

Well I need to run and get in the shower. It is a nice cooler day here so I can get out and do some yardwork.

Hugs, Paulette
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