NOT a pity party/ Just an FYI

on 8/5/08 3:46 am
I am still moving, painting, etc. In between all that, I have put out 183 resumes and applications in the last 3 weeks. I got a call yesterday with a job offer and have accepted it, it starts Sept 2.  I will be doing Claims Processing for one of the biggest Medical Insurance companies around.

In the mean time, the past weekend my son in law has been in the hosptial in Northern CA with stones (again). They went to great america for the weekend and had a good time, now he is getting treatments in Fresno....(again).

My youngest daughter goes in tomorrow for Infusions. Yes, she is a RNYer of 6 years.  Please take heed, and make sure you do your supplements. She is crashing and burning (WLS community phrase). She can hardly walk as the muscles are not wanting to hold her up, hmmm  lack of protein maybe? She has 7.9 hemoglobin......B12 is in the garbage also.........please have good thoughts for her tomorrow....what complicates things is she is hep c in remission.

That's my world in a nutshell......won't go into the financial stuff as it is not a concern of anyones but mine.....I just want you all to be aware that life can sux, and demons can rear their heads at any time...My priority is my little dog, I make sure she has what she needs in the way of food and her medicines......

Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


on 8/5/08 3:49 am - Ottawa, Canada
Hi Darlene,

You hang in there girlie! Things will get better - look, you got your job! Everything seems to happen in 3s, and it looks like you had more than your 3! Things will soon start to look better - just take a deep breath and keep going! Maggie
on 8/5/08 3:58 am
   Oh  chit......   will keep you in my thoughts and prayers! ! !   You are a strong person and will get through this too.....  (((((  Huggs  )))))    Millie
Judy G.
on 8/5/08 4:03 am - Galion, OH

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! on the new job darlene!!! woohooo!!!!

sorry about your daughter she bleeding internally??? prayers going out for her....also sorry about the stones for your sil that has to be painful and happen so many times is the pits!!!! prayers for him also to get better!!!

you hang in ther darlene and things will get better inno time you wait and see...

hope your little dog is ok...


on 8/5/08 4:15 am - CA

Exciting news about the new job, Darleen!  Congratulations and I hope it's everything you want it to be.

I'm sorry about the medical issues in the family.  I'll keep them all in prayers.  Serves as a great reminder to do things the right way in this WLS picture.


on 8/5/08 4:24 am
No ones understands why I get on soapboxes....I use to more than I do now, I talked to blank walls too much and so just give up.

When people have these issues and ask questions of why? well, you know, it's kind of late to be listening.....people just don't get it....

But my labs are good they say, Ok, tell them that after year's sad...I see so much of it and want to say something but, most think it will never happen to them, or that I don't know what I'm talking about......time will tell.....sorry for the rant....
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Margo M.
on 8/5/08 8:56 pm - Elyria, OH
i can attest to the feeling that everything is ok when it isn't! tho i haven't had my labs done in about 18 mos, i was running alright with everything-i thought! my surgeon prescribed prenatal vits and said that between those and food i should get enough iron...since i started doing the blood plasma thing i found my hemo to be at about 38-45 range -so i am now taking tender iron from vitalady--i'm already bringing the iron up! my labs were showing that it was "ok" but i don't think so now!!!!! so i have to credit the plasma donation prcoess for bringing it to my attn that i was not in as great a shape as i thought!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 8/6/08 4:33 am - LaCrosse, WI
38% hematocrit is a good number. That is the minimal for donating most blood products. Anything lower than that is not acceptable for donation. That would be about 12.5 hemaglobin. Anything above 38% is a bonus. And since you are giving plasma, minimal red cells are being taken from you so your iron level should not be affected. If you donate whole blood your iron level will drop for a while before your body recovers. Another thing to consider is donating platelets.
You only need the same 12.5 hemaglobin requirement, it takes minimal red cells and the platelets are used for people with cancer undergoing treatment that need help with blood clotting. I don't think you'll get paid for that tho, at least not in Wisconsin. The plasma that you get paid for is used for pharmacueticals, cosmetics and research.
Bless you for donating!

I love Spring!!!!!!
Margo M.
on 8/6/08 5:46 am - Elyria, OH
thx for the info--biolife requires minimum 38--and considering i drive 38 miles one way i sure don't want to get tehre and find out i cannot donate due to low iron!!! so when i hit only 39 i panicked!!

i still have to say it was a good thing cuz i made me really THINK about my iron!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


karen C.
on 8/5/08 5:01 am - Kennewick, WA
Darlene, Congrats on the new job! Hope you are feeling better physically also. Sending positive thoughts your way for you and your family.

Karen C

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