Mary H.
on 8/4/08 11:02 pm - Chicagoland, IL

Press Release

Robert Thurman, the"Dalai Lama's Man inAmerica" JoinsCandle for Tibet

Robert Thurman, whomthe New York Timescalled "The DalaiLama's man inAmerica," officiallysupports Candle forTibet, the biggestsingle action in theworld for a freeTibet.

In France,Marcelle Roux,founder andPresident of theFrance-TibetAssociation, joinstoo.

Tel Aviv, August 42008

Robert A. F.Thurman, closepersonal friend ofHis Holiness the14th Dalai Lama andfather of renownedactress Uma Thurman,has officiallyjoined the Candlefor Tibet (CFT)campaign. He willspeak and open CFT'spublic candlelighting in UnionSquare, NYC, onThursday August 7th.

"The Candle forTibet initiative isa most wonderfulthing," saidThurman, presidentof Tibet House US,in a statement sentto Candle for Tibet."We seem powerlessto ameliorateconditions on theground in thepresent crisismoment. Thispeaceful prayervigil, since itfocuses the minds ofmany millions on thedifferent sufferingsof tormented andtormentor alike, isa powerful way tointervene. And itdoes not precludeanything else we canthink of and dofurther on. I hopeeveryone *****adsthis will join inthis importanteffort."

Marcelle Roux,founder andPresident of theFrance-TibetAssociation, joinsCFT campaign inFrance. Mrs Roux isplanning, if herhealth permits, toopen the publiccandle lighting inParis.

"Congratulations,my friends, for thisfabulous action infavour of freedom inTibet. Specialthanks to Mr DavidCalifa for hisdedication and hiscreativity. Thankyou to all themembers ofCandle4Tibet fortheir generous andtireless efforts."Said Marcelle Roux,who H.H. the DalaiLama named "TheMother of the flag"

CFT recentlyreceived officialsupport from HisHoliness the DalaiLama, and Thurmanand Roux'sparticipation addsyet more prominentnames to the effort.The New York Timeshas referred toThurman as "TheDalai Lama's man inAmerica" and Timemagazine has namedhim one of the "25Most InfluentialAmericans."

The CFT action,named "The GreatestLight Protest onEarth," will starton Thursday, August7th, 2008 at 9:00p.m., when at least100 million peopleall over the worldwill light a candlein public, withfriends or at theirhomes. People canjoin the action at http://www.candle4tibet.org .

CFT organizers areexpecting millionsto take parts inpublic candlelighting eventsthroughout theworld. "We canhardly keep up withthe flow of incomingevents" Says DavidCalifa, who createdthe campaign and isrunning it from TelAviv. "We havevigils in virtuallyevery major city inthe world. Thebeauty of it is thatwe organized none ofthem. It is truly apeople's protest".(For a complete listof candle-lit vigilsvisit http://www.candle4tibet.org/en/vigils )

CFT organizersalso encourage allfreedom lovers inthe world to drivetheir cars withheadlights on duringthe entire day ofFriday, August 8th,2008, the day of theBeijing Olympicsopening ceremony,inappreciation oftheir own freedom.

CFT isadditionally callingon all peopleattending theopening ceremony inBeijing to lightcandles, lighters,flashlights and cellphones at the momentthe Chinesedelegation entersthe Olympic stadium.

Synchronized withthe beginning of theopening ceremony,teams from "SadSmoky Mountains"will flare the skieswith red smoke fromskyscrapers,monuments and majorbuildings In majorcities, and from thesummits of more than100 mountains onthree continents.(For moreinformation on SadSmoky Mountains,visit http://www.sadsmokymountains.net/.)

"Mr. Thurman andMrs. Roux's supportof our efforts isvery inspiring,"said David Califa,who created theCampaign for Tibetfour months ago. "Itreinforces theimportance of ournon-violent actionand the power itwill have for thepeople of Tibet."

More about RobertA. F. Thurman fromhis website:

A scholar, author,former TibetanBuddhist monk,co-founder withRichard Gere ofTibet House in NewYork City, a closepersonal friend ofHis Holiness the14th Dalai Lama, andfather of fivechildren includingthe actress, UmaThurman, he is theJey Tsong KhapaProfessor ofIndo-TibetanBuddhist Studies atColumbia University.Time magazine namedhim one of the "25Most InfluentialAmericans." He haslectured all overthe world; hischarisma andenthusiasm drawpacked audiences.

" There are no problems, only solutions"
~John Lennon

Pre-surgery weight 218~ 12-02-08 weight 168
28 pounds to goal!

Mary H.
on 8/5/08 12:28 am - Chicagoland, IL
I plan on marching in Chicago on Friday with the Chicago Tibetan Alliance.  This is something my gut is telling me I need to do.


Marchers for Tibet's Independence
Mass Demonstration
to be held in Chicago during the
Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony
August 8, 2008 @ 10:30 AM

We will start the protest from Water Tower Place, downtown Chicago, @ 10:30 AM and will march to the Chinese Consulate (100 West Erie Street). A confirmed schedule will be available after we coordinate with other people from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana and the walkers from Madison.

As you know "Marchers for Tibet's Independence" are already on the way to Chicago and they are expected to arrive in Chicago on August 8th. We are requesting our community members to join them, depending on your schedule and desire. We are planning to cater food when the marchers get closer to Chicago.

" There are no problems, only solutions"
~John Lennon

Pre-surgery weight 218~ 12-02-08 weight 168
28 pounds to goal!

Mary H.
on 8/5/08 12:47 am - Chicagoland, IL

Press Release

HH the Dalai Lama Offers His Blessing to 'Candle for Tibet'

Candle for Tibet, the biggest single action in the world for a free Tibet, --Scheduled to begin on eve of Olympics opening ceremony-- Is now officially supported by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Tel Aviv, July 29 2008

His Holiness the Dalai Lama acknowledged today the importance of the Candle for Tibet (CFT) campaign for Freedom in Tibet and for all mankind.

"We hope your Candle for Tibet campaign will inspire the Chinese authorities to appreciate the value of freedom of all mankind and the importance of the Tibetan Buddhist culture that is benefiting millions of people and has the potential to serve humanity as a whole, including the Chinese people," said Tsering Tashi representative of HH the Dalai Lama.

The CFT action, called "The Greatest Light Protest on Earth," will start on Thursday, August 7th, 2008 at 9:00 p.m., when at least 100 million people all over the world are expected to light a candle in public, with friends, or at their homes.

The event will then continue with world-wide light shows performed by light artists.

CFT organizers also encourage all freedom lovers in the world to drive their cars with headlights on during the entire day of Friday, August 8th, 2008, the day of the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony, in appreciation of their own freedom.

CFT is additionally calling on all people attending the opening ceremony in Beijing to light candles, lighters, flashlights and cell phones at the moment the Chinese delegation enters the Olympic stadium.

Synchronized with the beginning of the opening ceremony, teams from "Sad Smoky Mountains" will flare the skies with red smoke from skyscrapers, monuments and major buildings in major cities internationally, and from the summits of more than 100 mountains on three continents. (For more information on Sad Smoky Mountains, visit http://www.sadsmokymountains.net/.)

"Like you, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government in Exile is not against the coming Olympics to be held in Beijing," added Tsering Tashi. "We are also not against the Chinese people, who also do not enjoy genuine human rights and freedom that the people in the free world take for granted."

"We are elated to have the blessing of His Holiness," said David Califa, who created the Campaign for Tibet four months ago. "It strengthens the values on which our non-violent action is based."


" There are no problems, only solutions"
~John Lennon

Pre-surgery weight 218~ 12-02-08 weight 168
28 pounds to goal!

Mary H.
on 8/5/08 12:57 am - Chicagoland, IL

Press Release

The World's Greatest Light Protest for Tibet grows even greater

All out light for Tibet in the 24 hours preceding the Olympic Games.

THE SAD SMOKY MOUNTAINS & skyscrapers join Candle for Tibet campaign. Will ignite red smoke on hundreds of mountain tops, and on several skyscrapers and landmarks in major cities.

  • Candle for Tibet asks people to put the candle in their windows, desks, or anywhere else where other people will see it and hopefully do the same. Many will participate in candle vigils throughout the world.
  • CFT is calling on All Light artists in the world to create light shows for freedom.
  • CFT calls the people of the world to take part by lighting candles, flash lights, lighters, car headlights and any other light source.
  • CFT calls for all those who plan to attend the opening ceremony in Beijing to light a candle, flash light, a lighter or even a cell phone during the ceremony.
Tel Aviv, July 21 2008

Candle for Tibet, the world's biggest campaign for freedom in Tibet, was joined by Sad Smoky Mountains & Skyscrapers to create an even greater light protest for freedom in Tibet.

The Light Protest for freedom.

On Thursday August 7th at 9:00 p.m. local time at least 100,000,000 people, from every corner of earth, will light candles in hundreds of planned candle-lit vigils, with their friends or at their homes. They will call for freedom in Tibet. (All details can be founds at CFT's press room)

SSM&S will send on the day following CFT 's candle action hundreds of mountain climbers and volunteers to ignite red smoke flares on Skyscrapers roofs in NY, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam and other major cities around the world, and on over 100 mountain tops in 3 continents. The smoke ignition will coincide with the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Beijing.

"We are now ready to instruct hundreds of red smoke flares in cities all over the world" says artist Alberto Peruffo, the project's creator. "We will flare up the skies red from buildings, monuments and palaces"

SSM&S has already proven record. On May 11th hundreds of mountaineers climbed to the summits of over 100 mountains in Europe, Asia, North and South America, where they flared up the sky red calling for a free Tibet (Link to images at the bottom)

"This is very exciting development" says David Califa, CFT's creator and organizer, "SSM&S values fit ours like a glove, our whole campaign is built on unity, solidarity and sharing. It's a fantastic artistic action for freedom. We are calling on every light artist in the world to join us. We are also calling on all freedom lovers in the world to drive with their cars' headlights on, in the 24 hours preceding the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games on August 8th."

CFT is endorsed and supported by the International Tibet Support Network (ITSN), the global coalition of Tibet-related non-governmental organizations, almost all other major International Tibet support group, and several local support groups.

"We are calling on all human rights organizations to join this beautiful manifestation of solidarity for freedom. In the next few days we will also call on hundreds of performing artists, athletes and celebrities to light a candle for Tibet" says Califa "We don't expect that many will turn us down".


Press Release

100,000,000 people will unite their light in the world's Greatest Light protest.

Tibetan diva, Yungchen Lhamo, joins Candle for Tibet campaign

Tel Aviv, July 14 2008

The world's greatest LIGHT PROTEST will take place on August 7th 2008 - one day before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. At least 100 million people from all over the world will light a candle and say YES for freedom in Tibet!

The Campaign started on facebook from the desktop of David Califa, 52, a retired private individual with an investment banking background, from Ramat Hasharon, Israel. Mr. Califa has been financing it with his own private funds. "Candle for Tibet" has quickly developed into a global movement which operates from a multilingual (25 languages, all translated by volunteers) web site with its own social network alongside.

Mr. Califa has now joined forces with members of Unity Network, a global movement acting to unite and promote love between human beings regardless of their color, nationality, sex, religion or politics. Tibetan diva, Yungchen Lhamo, has recently joined "Candle for Tibet". Miss Lhamo, who is recognized as the "Voice of Tibet", will lead the campaign with her divine voice, music and spirit.

To date more than 500,000 people from well over a hundred countries signed in.

"Candle for Tibet" asks people to put the candle in their windows, desks, or anywhere else where other people will see it and hopefully do the same. Many will participate in candle vigils throughout the world. The light protest is expected to be seen by billions on TV screens all over the world on the day the Beijing Olympics open.

On the following day letters will be issued to every head of state in the world reporting how many people from his country wish Tibet to be free, and demanding that each one of them will act for the freedom of Tibet.

Reasons why Candle for Tibet's light protest is unique:

A light protest is a new global medium which enhances the power of one person to make a stand for a noble cause. It unites millions of people around the world, given a chance to act on a specific moment in time, for a single goal. It is by no means a virtual protest.

It heralds breaking down country boundaries in terms of democracy, and one's ability to 'vote' on an idea. And it brings hope.

It tells individuals, regardless of their nationality, sex, race, political views and religion, that if they unite behind an idea in today's age, they can change their reality.

It is the more significant and effective a poll to which world leaders can refer. (Angela Merkel and Gordon Brown were surely aware of public opinion in their countries regarding the Tibetan issue).

It was never done before (at least not on such a scale)

It is non violent and also non profit.

The message is simple: Every human being who cares about freedom has a responsibility of lighting a candle. The act of lighting a candle, being personal and spiritual, is also viewed as a vote. Such massive vote that world leaders will not be able to ignore.

Web Site:    http://www.candle4tibet.org/

Social Network: http://candle4tibet.ning.com/

Contact: David Califa

" There are no problems, only solutions"
~John Lennon

Pre-surgery weight 218~ 12-02-08 weight 168
28 pounds to goal!

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