Monday -what's new?

Connie D.
on 8/4/08 8:07 am

Judy.....just to let you know I am sending up prayers for your sister. I pray all goes well with her surgery and she has a quick and easy recovery.

Jerry need to be put in a crate and stuffed in a closet for a few days. Where the hell is his head at.....up his A$$!!! He is as much a JERK as the other guy!! Hope Bandit isn't too tramatized.

I pray you and Rick can be out of there soon....away from the crazy
lady with the drinking and drug issues...UGH!!! I would be afraid for myself and my possessions!!

Love and hugs to you.....connie d
on 8/4/08 12:49 am
Hi Margo and all!

I missed my time with you all this am because I overslept!!!! Haven't done that in years!

I am at work so am sneaking on here.

First, I want to tell you what we did in regards to the neighbors. I baked some cookies, took them over and met the girl that is on the lease. I introduced myself and told her that we had called her landlord,(looked him up on the internet) and made a complaint and that we were also going to let the college know. I told her that we have been putting up with the racket for a while and that we just couldn't any longer. She was very nice and apologized. Thanked me for coming over. We won't go any farther now if we don't have to...and I will tell her landlord that she was very nice and cooperative. Found out that the one who had the party was on the Soccer team, prob why they took off so quick when we finally went over. Anyway, I feel kinda bad now, but I think everything will be better.

Had a very nice weekend, had parents and sister and her husband over for BBQ last night. Helped move mom and dad to the retirement condo. Still not finished but that's a whole nother story.

Happy happy BD Kathi!!!!!

Gotta go, gotta work!


We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

karen C.
on 8/4/08 12:59 am - Kennewick, WA
Hope the "honey" strategy works! Kids! I know we once were and didn't need any sleep, but they can be so thoughtless. 

Karen C

Marti O.
on 8/4/08 2:47 am
Dear Cheryl....that is what I call "Helping them make good decisions"...anger never really does convince anyone....fear does....but sincere kindness is really the best way to go.
Good for you. Hugs, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Brenda R.
on 8/4/08 1:41 am - Portage, IN
Good morning OFF!

I am sitting here listening to the View and looking outside. It was very dark this morning when I got up. It then started thundering and lightening but we didn't get a bad storm. I did rain but it wasn't a realy heavy rain. It wasn't a spring rain either but at least it wasn't a storm. I thought that it was going to be a really bad one. Now there is one in Illinois that seems to be heading this way too. So I think there is going to be rain off and on all day. It is hot and humid too. It is suppose to get in to the 90's today I think. It is the humidity that is the worst for me. I just can't take that all. I can take the heat if the there is a breeze. I still am not fond of the heat but it beats the cold of winter that's for sure. lol

I am staying home today and doing what I want to. I think I will continue to keep going through all the crap in here. I know that I am collector and I am making a change. I just can't keep doing this. I buy the stuff and then I never see it again until it is time to get rid of it. lol Enough is enough now and let's go on to something else.

I was busy yesterday and was pretty much gone from the time I left church to later in the evening. I did come home and post some on here but then was gone again. Bill and I ended up fighting and I went over to his cousins house for a bit. We ended going out for dinner. I enjoyed that.

Bill and I got into a fight because he left to go fishing at 5 in the morning and when he got home which was almost 2 he slept in the chair and then was going fishing again at 6 until about 10 or so. I thanked him for all of the time that he spent with me this week end which ended up being about an hour and half on Saturday and then the nap time yesterday. Then he can't figure out why I am upset. DUH!!! I made sure I was in bed when he got home and he came in and talked like nothing was wrong. Here I got up when he was on the patio in the afternoon and just left not telling him where I was going or anything~does this not tell him something???? Now he is back in the recliner sleeping again. I just can't take much more of this stuff. Then when he came home last night here comes his nephew and his half brother to visit. Excuse me!!! It was almost midnight before they left. I was asleep before Bill got out of the shower and came to bed. He makes me very angry. At this point that is about the only feeling that I have.

I guess I had better get going. I have gone on and on and vented and ranted and raved so now I am leaving and hope that I didn't put a downer in anyones day. Sorry for the vent.

I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are said for everyone. Special ones are said for those in need of them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


karen C.
on 8/4/08 2:05 am - Kennewick, WA
Brenda, It has been quite a shock to those I love since I've had WLS. Since I'm trying my best not to "stuff" my feelings with food they tend to come out more openly. That is a healthy thing, but it shocks people. I think they thought everything was just fine. Little did they know how angry and hurt we often were inside, but we tried so hard not to let it show. I know I am much more open with my feelings that I used to be. Still have a ways to go, but I'm working on it. I know ALL men aren't clueless, but sometimes I think I'd have to hit mine over the head with a bat to get him to notice something that is to me so obvious. I don't want to have to tell him; I want him to pay attention to me and know what I want or need without me having to. . . Frustrating isn't it?

Karen C

Brenda R.
on 8/4/08 2:16 am - Portage, IN
Oh Karen, did you hit that one on the head. All I want is a bit of his time. He would rather spend time with anyone but me. I just want to smack the sh*t out of him! I just feel like a 5th wheel when I am with him~even when it is just the two of us. Men certainly can be blind!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


karen C.
on 8/4/08 5:53 am - Kennewick, WA
I've talked about being lonely when someone is physically in the house with me. I don't considere sitting in the room totally tuned to the TV as companionship. Talk to me, argue with me, play a game, anything. . . . just let me know that you know I'm here!

Karen C

(deactivated member)
on 8/4/08 6:13 am - Somewhere IN, TX

We've had this conversation before.  It's a tough one.  Bob was a couch potato for so many years and for so many I had no idea he was as sick as he was and he didn't either.  In any event, the loneliest I've ever been was when I didn't get the time and attention I needed from the man that I was married to.  I ate my way through it. 

I've fallen for the wrong men since.....the one that GAVE me time and attention......kinda... but now I've come to realize that for me, anyway, I'm better off alone.

Have no clue how you gals can get an attentive man that you have at your side, but I can tell you this....  there are days I wish someone was waiting for me at the door.

Judy G.
on 8/4/08 6:59 am - Galion, OH

  brenda i know exactly where you are coming from on men not paying attention to us!!! when i was with gary he NEVER  did anything with me...not even talk to me!! and when he did talk to me it was so sarcastic it was better that he kept his yap rick on the other hand does things with me...he even talks to me and is so nice!! what a difference but trust me there are times he is the same way as all men are....he is here with me but not paying attention to me at all...but he makes up for it...wooohooo hang in there better days are coming i am sure...maybe you could go fishing with him???


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