Monday -what's new?

Laureen S.
on 8/3/08 11:29 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Monday Morning My dear OFF Family!!!

I seem to have missed a lot of goings on here, but feel sufficiently caught up now ;)

Seems Cheryl & Judy had their hands full this weekend, OMG, I would be looking for a way to get those kids under control, there are noise ordinances and I'd threaten the police department with some sort of action, as they did not respond and do their job, the job that YOUR taxes pay for and now you have to worry about the possibility of retalitory stuff, yup, I strongly suggest finding a way to make someone accountable for not allowing such out of control behavior.  As for Judy, you seem more New York than Michigan girlfriend (lol), so glad you did not take it and let that good for nothing jerk know where he stood, as well as telling Rick that you did not appreciate such behavior, you go Girl!!!

Happy Birthday dear Kathi, may the year ahead bring you closer to the dreams you have for yourself!

Well I had a wonderful weekend, with so many wow moments, it is still amazing to me when I see people I haven't seen a while and their reactions, I think I might miss some of this when I am finally at a place where I just blend in (lol). . .  Thr, I saw one of my dear old gal pals and that was nice, she was very impressed with my weight loss and said I look 20 years younger (lol), I heard that a lot this weekend. . .  Friday was a day to get done the many things I needed to do, as well as get some sun time in, Saturday I did household things and by the time I got to the pool, the clouds had come, which sent me home, where I just kind of hung out with Mr. Dil (my sweet 4-legged son) and watched television until it was time to go to the women's AA meeting I attend regularly on Saturday nights, after which we all went to Friendly's.  Yesterday, I was up at 7 a.m. went and met a g/f at the gym where I spent 50 minutes doing cardio, 35 minutes of which were on the ellipitcal, back home where I dressed, packed my food for the work week, clothing for Monday and headed to the train station where I took the trains to NYC to my cousin's house, from where I drove to the 80th surprise birthday party my brother and his wife through for his MIL and it was soooo cool, she thought she was going to my Aunt and Uncle's 50th wedding party, so she walked into the room and when she realized it was mostly her family there, she was flabbergasted.  It was a great party and this was where the majority of my Wow moments took place.  As people arrived (my cousin and I were the first ones there), I would greet them with a hello and you could tell that they were very unsure of who I was and then the recognition would dawn on them and they would be, "Oh my!  I knew your face looked familiar, but I didn't realize it was you! "  My SIL's neighbor, when they realized who I was, were like, you've lost half a person, you look absolutely amazing, 20 years younger. . .  so the party was great and the person of honor was not the only one to have a spledid day!  and then the bonus was I slept at my cousin's house, so I started my work week with an extra hour and a half of sleep ;)  Tonight I go to the gym and that's it!

Hope you all have a wonderful day and if you are having a struggle of some kind, may the grace of God get you through it!

Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Judy G.
on 8/3/08 11:59 pm - Galion, OH

thanks laureen!!! that jerk called ricks cell last night and rick was outside soi answered it...he was shocked that it ws me on ricks he wanted me to go get rick so he could talk to him...i said no i will have him call you back...LMAOOO i am so bad aren't i??? lol me new york????????? never been there not sure how i would be new york lol

wow i am happy for you with your WOW moments at the party!!! life is great isn't it!!!! wooohooo



on 8/3/08 11:29 pm - Jacksonville, NC
New?  There is never anything new when you are retired.  My DH's podiatrist called to ask when he can come be fitted for his new diabetic shoes.  The ones he has are 8 years old and getting pretty shabby looking!  Monday is my PO day (I mail a box to our son in Iraq), so he made the appt late enough so we can combine both errands.  (Gas is DOWN to $3.89, and my car gets 22 MPG around town, but we still combine errands!)  Then, since we are out, it will be lunch out.  I have a hankerin' for some BBQ ribs! 

Grammylew in Jax


Eileen Briesch
on 8/3/08 11:31 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi Margo and everyone:

It's raining and thundering and lightning up here. Probably why my body hurts so much today. I had to get up early for an appointment and didn't sleep well last night because I was so sore.

Was getting my AchievOne ready to drink and knocked it off my end table all over the place. So I had half a bottle instead of the whole one, had to clean up the mess first thing in the morning. What a mess! all over the table, the rug, part on my camera (I think it's OK, mostly on the table). Not a good start to the day. Plus, my back is hurting and down my leg ... should get an ice pack on it because probably a nerve is inflamed there, I know that feeling all too well. Got to be the weather!

Spent a good two hours last night talking to my friend Margie in South Dakota ... my "second" mom ... she's the one who had the kidney transplant ... had her yearly checkup and all is well other than they said she also has a Vit. D deficiency ... I told her they're finding that in everyone because they never checked it before. Anyway, told her about my problems with the ortho doc ... she thinks I should find another one. But how do you find another one in this city when this is supposed to be the best one in the city? I know this because my friend Mary Kay, whose ortho doc retired and was considered one of the best in the city, referred her to this guy. I think I am calling the guy in Ann Arbor who does the tendon needling procedure and get started to see him. I figure it probably is going to take a month anyway. And since I can't get in to see my doc until after Labor Day, why not get started? He doesn't seem to want to do anything for me right now anyway.

Well, I have to get dressed for my appointment. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 8/4/08 12:07 am - Galion, OH

eileen i feel so bad for you being in so much pain!!! i agree with you to get started on that dr in ann arbor!!!! maybe he can help you!!!! (((eileen)))

my joints ache today also...maybe its the same storm coming here that you are having huh??

good luck at your appointment!!!


Marti O.
on 8/4/08 2:28 am
Hey knee doctor in Brookfield told me that the biggest mistake many ortho docs make when they do knees is they don't "put back what they took out"...he says he has done revisions on knees that have almost 3/4 of inch space in the knee...he said he fills the knee even with bone dust....I think you need a revison and by someone really really good. This guy is in Milwaukee is that too far for you. I know you have family up here?

When I read your E-mail I thought "of course I need to put an ice pack on my butt...and I have and wheewww is that burning cold....but I am keeping it there as I have a lot of computer work today....sitting yuk!
Lover, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Eileen Briesch
on 8/4/08 2:48 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Marti:

This guy I'm dealing with now is ortho doc No. 2 ... he's a revision specialist, supposedly the top doc in Grand Rapids ... but right now, they don't see anything wrong in my knee through x-rays or bone scans, so don't know what else to do. I have the second bone scan tomorrow. Yeah, Milwaukee's a little far for me to go, even if my brother lives in Hartford ... still would have to recuperate and I'd rather do it in my own home. My brother's spare bed is an on the floor aerobed, not exactly ortho friendly. And my brother has enough back problems of his own to give up his bed.

I keep telling everybody to use an ice pack (I told Carla too to put some ice on her rib) and nobody listen to me! Hope you feel better! Ice is the wonder cure! I use some every night on my knee, sometimes on my back. Take care, Marti! Don't wear heels ... they were invented by men to torture women. Put on some sensible shoes ... I only wear my New Balance (basically my feet are so flat they're only shoes that fit and feel comfortable other than my Birkenstocks).

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 8/3/08 11:50 pm - Galion, OH

morning to my OFF family!!!

well its a nice day here so far...calling for tstorms later on today...rick is home with his leg again...he stained a huge deck yesterday and it agravated the nerve that is pinched and he is in big time pain today. soooo he is in bed tryng to rest. tried calling my lawyer about the letter she sent me saturday but she isn't in today..she has a funeral....also they told me they have yet another letter for me...soooooo not sure what this one is all about!!! all i know right now is there sure is alot of pipe dreaming going on in garys head!!!!!!!! and also the divorce that was supposed to be final tomorrow ain't gonna happen yet!!!!! i talked with my sister last night and she told me that this quack dr took gary off a couple of his meds that were helping him really good and now gary is climbing the walls without them!! when i took gary to see this dr i didn't like him at all because it was like talking to a wall!!!! i also heard from others that dealt withthis dr that he is retired and should stay retired because he is so like a wall lets say...(being nice here) i told my sister that she better be careful taking him into her house to take care of him because he just might try and kill her now!!!!! she is so upset over this as i can imagine!!!! i guess gary has called lori every hour on the hour all weekend because he isn't on those meds any at 4 pm my sister is having surgery to replace the stents in her kidney lines...please keep her in your prayers she has been through so much the last few years with cancer 3 times and now her kidney lines...its all a mess for her....she thinks at times she wished she would have died....and i don't blame her!!

well my 1st day at work still didn't get to the food court!! i had to watch a training video and then a movie on dirty restaurants which was on tv a few years ago. then had a test after that. then i got to walk around the store to get familiar with it incase a member asked for directions on where to find something. then i got to straighten up the books...that took me til it was time for me to go home. i did find out that i will go directly to the food court wednesday at 8:15 am soooooo that will be called my first day on the looking at myself with the hat on i do need to wear earrings to make me look but thats a NO-NO for working in food court!!! waiting for them to tell me i have to cut my nails down...they are finally looking good since the surgery on my finger that nail has been bumpy and cruddy looking and now it is finally almost grown out to normal looking!!!! was pissed last night when i got home from work...because bandit barks when i am gone i have to put him in the garage in his crate if ricks step dad is home. ok no problem with that....BUT when i got home...jerry had closed the small door all the way!!!!!!!!!!! no fresh air could get in there for bandit!!!!!!! i was livid!!!!!!! if jerry had been up i would have read him the riot act!!!!!! but trust me he WILL hear about it today when he comes home from work!!!!!!!!!!!! i was near tears last night then when i chatted online with my sister the tears rolled....i am so close to exploding here its not funny!!!!! if we don't get our own place soon i am not sure how much longer i can take it here!!!!!! i love it here don't get me wrong...BUT....on the weekend ricks aunt stays here....and now...a friend of ricks mom is getting out of jail AGAIN and this time she is coming here to stay!!!!!!!!!!!! i don't want to be near this woman at all because she is a crack head and is known to steal pills no matter what kind they are....soooooooo now i am hiding my jewelry in my car and now have to hide my meds!!!!!!! she was told she is NOT allowed down here but who will stop her when we aren't home?????????? the only reason she is coming here is because they need money really bad to get the bills caught up....i feel like i am living in a commune (sp) and i am not into that at all!!!!!!!!!! drinking and drugs...just flipping great!!!!! I WANT MY OWN PLACE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am sorry for venting here but its the only place i have to do it. ok off my venting now.... can you drink so much wine and not get drunk??? i have one and omg i am drunk as a

jan c...glad you had a good time at the reunion!!!

connie...wishing you the best on finding a pretty dress to wear!!!

debbie...wooohoooo on neice getting picked all star cheerleader!!! and going to london!!!!! wow!!!!!

well thats about it on my end for now...have a great day everyone!!! and please drink your water in this heat if you are in that sauna!!!!!


Marti O.
on 8/4/08 2:44 am
Judy....unfortunately Honey I can drink that much wine....I think I probably do drink too much wine...but I really like the taste,,,and it doesn't cause me any problems.....right now however I am into Lipton Green Tea.....I just can hardly drink water anymore...and I am always thirsty....I run with a very social bunch of friends and I find we don't each much food, but we do drink wine...alot....and we seem to party frequently at each other's homes etc. But my husband drinks very little so I never have to worry about driving. We all have our vices...this is mine.

Hang in seem to concentrate on what you need and you make it I am sure you will make this happen also. Very mean of him to do that to cute little Bandit.
Love, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Judy G.
on 8/4/08 6:42 am - Galion, OH

so in other words i might build up an intolerance to alcohol...MAYBE LOL i take one drink and i am drunk for maybe 20 minutes then i am fine...go glad you can handle it tho...

well so far today i am not speaking to jerry unless he speaks to me first...the look on his face when i don't start talking to him is he wonders what he did wrong the jerk!!!


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