**What's new Sunday. . .
I am about ready to walk out the door to go to church. But I wanted to check in and find out how everyone is. I will read more of the threads later on.
Bill is fishing again today. I am beginning to think that he is addicted to it. I think he is going to go fishing this afternoon with his cousin. This morning he is with his nephew again. He just loves sittting and relaxing and when he catches the fish he releases them again. Then comes home and tells the normal fisherman lies....oh! I mean stories.
Are you ready for this one? Probably not but I am going to tell you anyway. lol I am wearing to church this morning a.......drum roll everyone........a dress. It is the one that I got from a rummage sale a few weeks ago. It fits so nice and it a "normal" size too! I bought a nornal size panty hose and a slip and here I am ready to go. I got the slip and it is 24" long. It had about 2" of lace on the bottom and I had to cut it off. It is still long on me so I must really be shorter than I thought I was. I looks taller to me in the mirror but I guess 5'1" is really short. lol I am one of the tallest women in my family on my mom's side.So you can picture that!
The sun is out and it is cooler this morning. The humidity is down a bit like it was yesterday too. But alas the weatherman said last night that tomorrow it is going to be back in the 90's and the humidity is going to be back up to a gazillion percent. Oh the joys of summer! NOT! I love the warmer weather but not the humidity. But I guess it beats shoveling Lake Michigan out of our front yards. We get to do that when they call for lake effect snow. Oh that is fun too as many know!
I guess I had better get going. I am sending love and hugs to all. My prayers are going up for everyone with special ones for those who need them. Enjoy the day and have fun! I will check in later on and get caught up. Love ya all!
ahhhhhhhhh the joys of wearing a dress again!!!! congrats!!!! i like wearing skirts and dresses but i still can't find a decent pair of panty hose that fits right!!! i need them because of the sagging skin on my legs...so i can't go bare legged...lol
man i would love to go sit and fish again...so relaxing to do that...someday i will do that again i am sure!!!
i am with you on this humidity!!!! i love the warm but not being sticky!!!!!!!!! and as for shoveling snow...i will find out how bad it is here this winter because we are only a couple miles away from lake erie....oh joy...lol
congrats again on the dress!!!
Karen C
Karen, you must be right about the shine in my eyes because everyone commented on how good I looked. I even felt pretty and I guess it shows. The dress is yellow linen and it has a attached sheer hacket of lavendar and peach flowers with greenery. It is so pretty. Probably one of the prettiest I have ever had. lol It fits so nice and it is from a rummage sale for $3. The best $3 I ever spent.
I am not sure why they have to make larger clothes so ugly and gawdy looking. You would think that they would make them as nice as the smaller clothes. After all larger women want to look nice too and they already feel that they stick out like a sore thumb and so they have to make sure you know that you are.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Not much going on this weekend except getting ready for the 2nd annual OH Campout in Middlebury, near Shipshewana. Really looking forward to meeting Brenda and Pat on Saturday. There's going to be over 20 people this year so it should really be a good time. I'm planning on running the one mile race on Friday night, but depends on the weather. Brenda's mom and cousin are joining us this year, so we're excited that we can spend at least one day with them. Her mom's birthday is today, so I'm trying to load a digital keychain with some pictures to give her next weekend. I'm not having much luck figuring this thing out tho. My computer won't recognize the key chain. I'll just have to keep working at it.
I'm so looking forward to Friday off too. I've been so busy at work getting my boss ready to move to Columbus, that I need a day off. Hope I survive Monday thru Thursday tho.
Hope everyone is keeping cool. I hate this hot weather. Brenda likes it because she can finally get warm. lol
Have a great day.
Oh my it is nice to feel pretty good again! HURRRAAAAAAYYYY!
I was up early and got the front flower bed weeded what a job, the we haven't had rain for a while and the dust is bad! Then I mowed the grass. Yep, it's only 1045 so you know I was out there for a while. Came in and took a shower now going to get dressed and go to Home Depot and Lowes. I went to Sams yesterday and stocked up, stopped at Menards and found some interesting stuff for the bathroom, but want to check out home depot too to see where I want to get the supplies. Also need to get the oil changed and new windshield wiper blades in the car. May wait on that till next weekend. we'll see! Well, that's my story for the day, have a good Sunday all!
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.
went back to bed for a bit and finally decided to get my lazy buttocks up and moving...last nite was not as good a nite for michael as the nite before- tho he did manage about 6 hours which i think is great! i am well aware of the ambien stories and expressed concern with the doc when he prescribed it- i will watch and see- thx all for your concerns...
cheryl-- a note about neighbors- we live in a teeny village- almost 500 ppl-mostly in the outlying farms-but we have enjoyed peace and quiet -other than mr jerko across the street who cuts our trees!--and the last few nites i have noticed some noise from neighbors- yelling at kids and loud music and such and i sure hope that this is not the start of something! it seems nothing like what you are going thru but still is cause for concern in our quiet village!
this morning i made pancakes with mulberrys that michael had picked! yummo--and i fixed a huge batch of a safe trail mix for me for work- and i am going to make protein balls- my stash is empty! and yesterday i bought a head of cabbage-gigundous!!!! so i am defrosting ground turkey and venison to make cabbage rolls to freeze.... the ac is kicking butt in teh kitchen and i am sure it will get it's work out today!!
i called my mom to wish her happy birthday and we cahtted a bit-
tomorrow i am going in to work at 6 am so that i can leave early for m's dr appt about his shoulder- figures the first day of our extended hours we have an appt scheduled! anyhow-glad for the flexibility of working early to leave early! tho i am not relishing the drive at 530!
well- lots more to talk about but my fingers are tired thinking about the cabbage rolls!!!!! hugs and prayers to all.....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White