**What's new Sunday. . .

on 8/3/08 4:11 am - CA
Hey Margo!

My birthday is actually tomorrow.  Me, my friend, and Queen Elizabeth's mother.... 

But happy birthday to you mom and happy anniversary to your kids!

While growing up, I shared my birthday with our family dog, Coquette, a very spoiled larger poodle.  Her birthday would have been today but I got a birthday cake and she always got a matching cupcake.

Thanks for the good wishes.

on 8/2/08 10:31 pm - Alexander, AR
Ahhhhh, slept well, almost to 7:00 which is really sleeping in.  Don't get to do that very often, so it felt good.

Today is another record breaking hot day....expected to make it to 104, which is NOT good with the AR humidity.  Everyone will be very drippy!  I do need to go out to the grocery store for a few things, then back into the cool house. The grass is wayyyyy too high, but it's too hot to have Gary go out and mow.  Oh well, it will still be there next weekend when this heat wave is supposed to break.

We had a very nice afternoon yesterday. We hadn't seen much of each other so I got off work early and we headed out to a movie. Saw Han**** with Will Smith,  we both liked it.  It was a bit different than we thought it would be,  a love story actually, quite enjoyable.  Then we went to this little seafood restaurant for dinner. They serve Mexican shrimp ****ails which are amazing. Lots of protein, some good fat from the avocado and plenty of spice.  Yummmmmmm

Anyway, better run and get to the store before it's too hot to think about. Love you all!  Have a great day



karen C.
on 8/2/08 10:57 pm - Kennewick, WA
Susan, As my Aunt Jane from NE AR would say: "Bless your pea picking heart!" Can't even imagine Arkansas and 104. 90 about does me in there with the humidity. You'll just melt away into a little puddle! When it's hot I get out at about 6am to do Wal Mart or whatever is open early. Then it's kind of like cold weather; I'm inside during the rest of the day.

Karen C

Marti O.
on 8/3/08 2:45 am
Susan......You just tell Gary to tell anyone that cares about his grass...that you should not cut it when the weather is hot and dry [actually without rain not humid] it is healthier for it...Love, M

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Judy G.
on 8/2/08 11:21 pm - Galion, OH

morning karen c and my OFF family!!!!

well last night i got to meet rick's buddy that moved back here to ohio....yippeee i do NOT like this guy at all!!!!!!! he is a total obnoxiuos jerk and sure made an ass out of himself!!!! the way he talks and acts is a disgrace!!!! when rick went to the bathroom this so called friend of his told me he wanted to throw me down and **** me on the floor!!!!!!! i told him it would never happen!!!!!! even if he was the last man on earth!!!!!!! when rick came back i told him what his friend said to me and rick told him to knock it off because he wouldn't let that happen to me!!!! so as the night went on while we were with this "friend" it only got worse!!! we then took him home and had to go inside so rick could fix the brakes on his bike...ok so i sat in living room watched tv while they worked on the bike...then his friend asked for a ride to the store...sighs...so we walk out to MY car and this jerk starts again with his obnoxious talk to me and i said something to him about being a jerk and he said he asked rick for the ride to the store not me!!! well i told him it was MY car and walking wasn't crowded and he let a string of filth come out of his mouth once more...we did take him to the store and then took him home once more...we left him and came home!!!!!!!! man what a total jerk!!!!!! i told rick i am sorry but i do not like this guy and didn't ever want to be near him again!!!! rick said he is going to talk to him about this and let him know what a jerk he was and he apologized to me on this friends actions and he said his friend was drunk and probably stones on top of it all and yes he was a total jerk and should be ashamed of himself...but i don't see him seeing that at all!!!!! soooooo i hope i never have to see this guy again!!!! i dread it so much!!! then after we are home for about a half hour or so ricks mom calls and tells us to come over to her cousins house down the road some for this party...oooook so off we go again...wow!!! met more family members and they were also so welcoming to me and hugged me and told me that rick had found a nice woman!! so anyhow they had a dj there and lots of food but i didn't eat anything i wasn't hungry i guess after the fiasco with that jerk...i did drink a bottle of water tho...so we laughed and danced and had a good time while there and we were told to come back anytime and also we could use the pool to!!! then it was time to come home and we were tired out and i stopped back on pc to post to candy that her "walking farts" got me also....LOL i am still LOL at that one!!! sois rick....LOL

well today i start my job training and i am looking forward to that!!!! i hope i do like this job because i need it so bad!!!!

got a letter from my lawyer yesterday and man the things that i found out!!!!!!!!! seems gary is having some wild pipe dreams about his credit card!!!!! he is telling them that i had him put about 5 grand on his card from mine because the interest was cheaper!!!!! i never EVER did that at all!!!!!!!! this divorce that should have been over and done with tuesday is now going to take longer than planned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was sooooooooooo pissed after reading that that i wished i was closer to home so i could smack his face!!!!!!!! well let me tell you i AM calling my lawyer in the morning and let her know this is an outright lie!!!! this just isn't right!!!!!!! also he stats that i made as much as he did a month from my job i quit...thats another BS lie!!!! i was lucky i made $500.00 a month!!!!!!! no where near what he had each month!!!!!! i am seeing red again so i am done talking about it now....

bandit just threw up on the bed tried to clean it up and he went balistic onme and almost bit me!!! why does he do that when i try to clean up barf???????? so now i have to wash the blanket its all stained from whatever it was he threw up...sighs it never ends....lol

not much else happening here so i am going to shower before it gets to hot and then wait til its time to get ready for work....thanks for letting me sound off here it does help!!!!!

have a great day everyone!!!!!!! and keep drinking in this hot weather!!!


Connie D.
on 8/2/08 11:49 pm

Judy....sounds like that friend of Rick's is no friend at all. What an a$$!!  I would stay clear of him and for no reason NEVER be alone with him. I wouldn't trust what he might try to do. The JERK!!!

Sounds like the pary was a really good time. I am glad, you need those fun times. It is nice to know that everyone has been so accepting of you. But then, why wouldn't they be...you are a sweetheart.

Good luck at your job today...I will be thinking of you and sending a little prayer your way.

Love ya....hugs.....connie d
Judy G.
on 8/3/08 12:17 am - Galion, OH

hi connie...trust me i will NEVER be around that jerk alone or with rick ever again....for meeting me for the first time he was a total ass and he sure didn't impress me at all!!!! i have no idea how rick can be friends with this jerk!!! they are so totally different i see no connection at all!!!!

ricks family is so nice i am grateful that they accepted me so warmly!!! and thanks for the compliment too!! you are a sweetheart also!!! (((connie)))

thanks for wishing me goodluck today for work...i might need it...LOL will feel funny not being able to wear earrings!!!! LOL



karen C.
on 8/3/08 2:36 am - Kennewick, WA
Of course I feel like I know how to choose friends! Sometimes I wonder about my husband's choice also. He is much more tolerant than I am or maybe it's a guy thing.  I would want nothing to do with that jerk either. Being drunk is no excuse. Perhaps someone should video tape him and present it to him as a "gift."  Probably wouldn't make any difference. Jerks often think they are just clever entertainers that everyone enjoys.

Karen C

Judy G.
on 8/3/08 3:56 am - Galion, OH

karen this guy is a musician in the works lets say...he has a contract that he just signed to have a CD made of his music...i have no clue who is gonna buy it but i am sure there are people out there that will love it...and if its anything like what he was singing while we were with him......  it stinks!!!!!!!!!! but then the younger generation loves that trash i guess...and get this...this guy is almost 50!!!! he has a couple "gigs" coming up here at the end of the month and i hope i don't have to go see him play!!!!    lol i love these new icons...lol and as for video tapng him...nope it just feeds his ego...he was sitting at the bar and out his feet on it!!!!! he made the bartender take his picture doing that!!! like i said i want no part of him at all...sober or drunk...broke or famous...he isn't for me in my group of friends!!!


Connie D.
on 8/3/08 12:03 am
Good Morning Karen and Everyone!!

I slept in until about 8:00AM and it felt great!! That just never happens.....I guess I really needed it.

I  had a pretty quiet evening last night. I was going to go out dancing but decided to just stay home and hang outside and chat with my neighbors instead. There were at least 20 of us. I really enjoyed that time. It was so relaxing and fun.

It looks cloudy and rainy right now. If it rains the races will be canceled for this evening. I will just have to wait and see how it goes.

Have a wonderful day everyone. I am praying for those in need......especially Darlene today!

Love you all...(((((HUGS))))) connie d

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