Taking The Risk
Most of us are familiar with the idea of keeping it real and have an intuitive sense about what that means. People who keep it real don’t hide behind a mask to keep themselves safe from their fear of how they might be perceived. They don’t present a false self in order to appear more perfect, more powerful, or more independent. People who keep it real present themselves as they truly are, the good parts and the parts most of us would rather hide, sharing their full selves with the people who are lucky enough to know them.
Being real in this way is not an easy thing to do as we live in a culture that often shows us images of physical and material perfection. As a result, we all want to look younger, thinner, wealthier, and more successful. We are rewarded externally when we succeed at this masquerade, but people who are real remind us that, internally, we suffer. Whenever we feel that who we are is not enough and that we need to be bigger, better, or more exciting, we send a message to ourselves that we are not enough. Meanwhile, people who are not trying to be something more than they are walk into a room and bring a feeling of ease, humor, and warmth with them. They acknowledge their wrinkles and laugh at their personal eccentricities without putting themselves down.
People like this inspire us to let go of our own defenses and relax for a moment in the truth of who we really are. In their presence, we feel safe enough to take off our masks and experience the freedom of not hiding behind a barrier. Those of us who were lucky enough to have a parent who was able to keep it real may find it easier to be that way ourselves. The rest of us may have to work a little harder to let go of our pretenses and share the beauty and humor of our real selves. Our reward for taking such a risk is that as we do, we will attract and inspire others, giving them the permission to be real too.
What do you think?
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.
nice topic but not enough "guts " to it...was there more????
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Now I am who I am if you don't like me then toddle on out of my life. Not everyone is going to like everyone and that is a fact of life. I figure if you don't like me I have survived with and/or without you in my life and I am not going to lay down and die now. That is life and sometimes it just isn't always very nice.
I don't think she'll vote against you having surgery...I'm in the same boat....I let it ALL out and now I'm in counseling for the loneliness with a separate therapist and I'm glad I am.
I'm 56 and had no idea why I felt this way inside all these years. She's helping me see why and how I can fix it. The psych that did the wls eval says I'm a good candidate for the surgery for my wellbeing as well as all the medical stuff.
Each visit with my therapist unveils parts of my life that I thought were buried forever, but in a good way. I'm about 3 months away from surgery, if I'm approved, and this therapy will help in my new journey. I may be 56 but I'm going to be a totally NEW WOMAN. Better late than never.
Best wishes to you,
I love Spring!!!!!!