what's new WEDNESDAY?
on 7/30/08 6:28 am - Park Forest, IL
Thanks Judy, my hubby thinks I am just over tired and that's why my emotions about this were so raw this morning. I do feel exhausted, so maybe a nap is in order. I do feel good about the scale though, since I was 247 this am, a 3 lb loss since sunday. Thanks again, Paulette
congrats on the job!
Love those little kitties at your house, Annette. I can just picture all the "life" they bring into your home.
I have an appt today with the surgeon's office. We'll find out what my protein level is after two weeks of cramming solid food in. Hopefully, I have absorbed enough of the protein from it all to make a difference. Best news is my own scale moved downward two pounds this morning! Hallalujah! Maybe....... just maybe I won't be the one person this surgery doesn't work for? I'm guardedly optomistic again. I woke up last night with a terrible leg cramp so I expect to see low potassium on today's lab report. I guess I have to find room for watermelon once again.
Prayers and hugs all around. Take care. Stay cool in the heat. Do just one thing for yourself today - just because you want to.
I was gonna start the thread last night when I got home from work, but I just didn't have the energy. I did try to catch up of the OFF a little, then gave up and went to bed. It's great having a day off during the week, but working 16 hours the day before knocks me on my buh-tocks!
This coming weekend is the big "40" high school class reunion. We're getting down to the wire! This week, my hair again became the "natural" medium brown it was in high school (just a few shades lighter, more flattering to this old puss), and it doesn't need cutting, so that's nice. Going today to have my mustache removed and eyebrows waxed into shape. Why is it that as I get older, especially since WLS, that my hair on my head is getting thinner, and I have very little leg hair, but I could have a full mustache and beard if I'm not vigilant? I know it's a trade-off, but it doesn't seem quite fair. Then more yard work this afternoon, as I'll be having company on Sunday and it's a little rough looking out there. But then, I always have yard work. Good thing I enjoy it. Not to mention the muscles I'm building....
Then tonight, I may get brave and try to set up the new computer. I've had it for over a week, and have just looked at it. I know it's not hard to set up, but I get so nervous just thinking about it that I keep putting it off. How can I be so comfortable with so many things in my life, and have this horror of screwing up anything technological??? Past experience, I guess.....
Janet, congrats on your great week (and the gas card!!!), and Annette, I feel for you with the furbrats, as mine woke me at 6 am, after only 4 hours of sleep. Aime, I don't envy you having to move your office at the last minute. What IS it with management? Don't they remember how it is to be in the workforce??
To all my other sisters, have a lovely day. I'll have to catch up more later. Gotta go.
Annette, it sure does sound like you had a racket going on there last night, but I know you don't mean it when you say, does anyone want to adopt 8 kitty's. . .
It's a lovely day for me, I actually got to sleep until 6 this morning, since I stayed in NY at my sister from another mother's house last night, we celebrated her 1 year return to sobriety last night, so I got up at 6, out the door at 6:55 and was at my desk at 7:30 this morning, gee, I miss the days of old in that regard, but I so love where I'm living and having a home of my own, that it is what it is and I do what I have to. . .
So today is the end of my work week, as I have to return to traffic court tomorrow, hoping that they see their way to just taking my money and not giving me the points associated with making an illegal left turn, it really was an honest mistake, I was too busy blah, blah, blahing with my friends and didn't realize I couldn't make that turn, it was late, no traffic, saw the sign when I was already into the turn and thought I'm here already. . . after that I am driving up to visit my dear old friend of over 30 years, hopefully it will be a nice day and we can hang in her backyard at her pool and play catch up. . .
Hope you all have a great day today and thanks for sharing what's going on in your lives!
Hugs, positive thoughts and prayers, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
We did go to the rodeo last night and it was fantastic. Lots of cute cowboy butts. I swore I would make Chuck leave by 9pm( it was about 2 hours from rodeo to me getting home) but at 10pm he said do you want to go? I said "NO WAY" So I have only myself to blame for being groggy, cranky and whinny this morning. Plus once we got to his house we had a pretty big fight so once I got home after midnight I stayed up doing laundry because I was too upset to sleep.Sigh, with spending a pretty penny on my Moms B-day celebration this past weekend( and worth every last cent) I am broke broke broke. Half a tank of gas till friday and I am counting every mile. Last night he says we will take your car to the rodeo. I told him fine, but he will have to put gas in it. I don't drive over 55. He drives at 80, so by the time we get back to his house my car is running on fumes, we say good night and I just look at him. I turned to go to the car but worked up the nerve to tell him I need gas money, he took some bills from his pocket, crumbled them up and threw them at me. You have any idea how that made me feel? I tried to give it back but of course he wouldn't take it and of course now I wouldn't use it if it were a matter of me starving to death. I wish I could just go home and go to bed. It's going to be a long long day. Blessings

Your Coffee sounds like my Misty. She was out in the kitchen with me yesterday while I was getting dinner and she just stayed around my legs and then she would stand there and look at me and talk all the time. I later saw that she was down some on the food and so I filled her bowl and then she went to the food and smelled it and walked out of the kitchen not to be heard from again. I found her and asked if I was a anything other than a meal ticket to her. Our furbabies are sure cats of a different color. My Misty started out my furbaby then went to a furbrat and now she is just a furmonster! But I helped to create it!
Oh, Annette, your furbrats are hilarious! My cats are so calm in the morning. Scooter comes in and snuggles next to me and purrs. Sometimes Nettie comes and wants to snuggle too and Scooter bops her ... he had to wait until Cinnamon died to get his spot next to me, so she has to sit on the other side or further down on the bed. Diva climbs on top of me sometimes but usually she prefers to sleep in the living room, unless it's winter and then she wants to get under the covers. But usually, like I said, they leave me alone most of the time. They always have food out, they're seldom rambunctious in the morning. My old cats, Kittle and Cinnamon, now they were a pair ... Kittle once knocked over and broke some ceramic pieces I made to get my attention so I would feed him. I locked him in a room for time out (otherwise I would have killed him) and didn't feed him for an hour ... Cinnamon, however, got his meal. Couldn't take the plaintive meows any longer than that, however, and had to let him out. He was very remorseful.
That's great about your granddaughter donating her hair. One of our photographers (a guy) does that ... he lets his hair grow into a ponytail down his back and then has it cut off and donates it. But then he also donated a kidney to his dad. He's a pretty special guy.
We had a late night at work because of a review of the play, "Mamma Mia" ... is that showing everywhere? Our theater reviewer, Sue, didn't like it ... but she said she just doesn't like the show at all. So I was up til nearly 2, had to get up at 8 for a doctor's appointment at the pain clinic. The PA didn't do anything for me, just asked a lot of questions, but it's necessary now because they want you to see someone in between your regular appointments or they won't renew your prescriptions.
Called a repairman for my frig ... a pound of ground sirloin defrosted and a crab cake, so guess what I'm having for dinner? Crab cake! I'll have to cook the beef and use it for something. The repair call is going to cost at least $65 ... probably more. Ice maker isn't working, ice cubes that I put in the freezer aren't freezing and my ice packs aren't freezing, so something's wrong. I hope it's not more than $150 or I will have to call mom for help. I have to pay $300 to the condo association this week and after that, I don't have much left (about $150). I still need money for gas and prescriptions. Can you tell I'm a bit worried?
Janet, congrats on your good news ... the gas card will come in handy. Judy, congrats on the job. Seems everyone has a bit of good news today. Jeannie, a cat is a good companion ... at least I love mine (and I know that Annette loves hers ... just not as much today!)
Well, have a good day. I'm off to brown some ground beef to use for something.