Tuesday....what's new?
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Not much new here. For some reason my clock which is usually set 1/2 hour fast has jumped another 15 minutes. Gotta fix that tonight before setting my alarm. I was ready and out the house by 6 AM. I've been here at work since 6:20. It was over an hour before anyone else got here, so I turned on all the machines, checked messages, sorted mail (that no one bothered to do yesterday), made a pot of regular coffee, and a pot of decaf. Finally at 7:30 out business manager came in. Slowly some others are arriving. I was beginning to think someone declared a holiday and forgot to tell me.
Wow, you took a 2 hour lunch - I'm lucky to get 15 minutes for myself. Two others (who are out this week) and I have lunch in our main office while continuing to work, answer the phones, and take care of our whiny doctors needs. I keep promising myself that one of these days I'll take an actual lunch hour. Truthfully, it's no fun to eat alone, and we can't go together, so who knows... I need to find someone in another department to have lunch with.
Have a great day!
Hi Barb,
It's 6:30am in Chehalis. Mike and I did the 5am feeding so that Erin could get some sleep. Both babies are changed, fed, and in their pack n plays here in the converted "dining room" which is now a "baby room." Clara has learned to kick her feet and legs at her mobile and keeps things "hopping" for quite a while! Hannah drank a full 5 ounces and promptly burped and passed out. Seems like they are very good at alternating awake times so that they can get that individual time! They most nights sleep from about 8pm to 2am, but not always. I mashed old bananas and made banana bread. . . thinking how much those babies would love those bananas. But Mama isn't ready to start the food thing. She's such a neatnik that is going to drive her crazy. They are chewing on their fists, cramming their fingers and fists into their mouths and drooling. . . I think it's cute, drives Erin crazy! Wait til she sees what they do with sweet potatoes and peas! Both smile, giggle, coo, kick and wiggle like crazy. They can sometimes roll from stomach to back and are so startled when they do. They are each a bit over 12 lbs and 23 inches. Other than being small they seem to be just about on target with other indicators. Gotta love those smiles and giggles!
I'm going to try to get out of the house for an hour today. Erin has a trunk load of stuff for Goodwill. I volunteered!
Yesterday I got to take the twins for a "baby jogger" stroll. Erin bought a jogger on Craig's List for $80.00. She says they are several hundred dollars new. Nice big tires so it was a really smooth ride even on the street. Tell you what, we went down to the end of the road and then back UP the same road. I could sure tell that I was pushing 25 lbs plus the stroller uphill. Makes me look back to the 180 extra lbs of ME that I used to carry around.
A beautiful clear day here yesterday. Often it is so cloudy here that you can't see much, but yesterday I could see Mt. Rainier from just down the road very clearly in all its glory.
Gas is "down" to $4.25 a gallon here. I so want to drive cross country again, but I can't even imagine what the gas bill would be.
Need to get in gear around here while the babes are still quiet! You all have a good one.
Karen C
It will be in the mid to high 90's here - which is cooler than usual for us. We moved our offices last week, so we are still in the unpacking and rearranging mode. We should be back to normal by Thursday or so. Moving is disruptive, but everything feels new, clean and uncluttered.
Good to read what everyone else is up to! Hope each of you has a wonderful day!
I'm having a can't get moving day. Just puttering and being lazy until it is time to go to work.
It is time for another endoscopy. I have Barrett's Esophagus, which was discovered during pre-op testing, so this is just routine. Just waiting for the scheduling person to call me back with the date and time.
At the support group meeting, one person asked me how it feels to have lost so much weight. I attempted to explain this mysterious self image to them. They are very curious so I try to be open and honest with them. I think they appreciate hearing the good, the bad and the weird parts of my WLS.
One new member made my night. He asked why I had such a strange e-mail address (part of it is "grandma") I told him that I have 13 grands and one great-grand. His reply " You are one SEXY grandmother!" oh giggle!!
I am going to paint and relax for a while. You have a great day.
I understand about Barrett's ... I have that, too. I have to have that checked every two years, and this is the year. I found it out while being checked for being anemic when I was in Georgia. Didn't know anything about it until then. Docs got me on proton pump inhibitors then and cured my heartburn (which had plagued me since high school). So you know how bad mine was. I was told after surgery, my heartburn would reverse and I wouldn't need the PPIs anymore, but no such luck ... less than a week after surgery, on liquids, I started having heartburn again. And I'm back on PPIs (nexium now) again. Go figure.
I love the sexy grandmother comment ... that's great!
How are the furbrats today? Any catnip hangovers? Mine were all in bed with me this morning cuddling ... even Diva until the phone rang.
When I went to get dressed for work, Nettie and Diva came out of the closet ... they were sleeping there, leaving hair on all my clothes. All were quiet. I have the most mellow cats. Diva came out only for lunch, to see if I would share (I had barbecue chicken tenders, so that's a little spicy for her ... although she did like the salsa chicken). Diva's my lunchtime buddy ... any meal actually.
It's become a lazy morning for me. I wanted to go to ceramics today, but when the alarm went off at 8 a.m., I just couldn't get out of bed. I was so tired, had a bit of a headache ... just didn't want to move. And I knew it was going to be a hot one today ... and the ceramics room is not air conditioned (and I don't take heat well, even slimmed down). So I slept in til 9:30, when the phone rang and woke me up ... I was awake, snuggling with Scooter and Nettie was grooming on the bed, and Diva came up for some attention. The call was from the pain clinic reminding me of my appointment tomorrow ... this was my second reminder; the first was a robo call, but oh well, I guess they didn't want me to forget. This appointment is with the PA ... he does trigger point injections, which really help. And boy, do I need them, because my back is really ouchy lately ... pain down my legs, you can imagine. I'm sleeping OK, when I get to sleep, but getting comfortable is an issue.
We have a review tonight, so it will be a late one ... can't remember what it is ... I think it's a play, so that will be Sue, who's a fairly speedy writer. It's good when it's one of our regular people because they know what they're doing. Plus, we start producing the College Guide tonight. My night coworker is back from vacation, which is good. I was lonely and overworked last week.
I should sit and cycle for awhile and see how my knee feels. So I'll sign off. Have a good day.
I attempted to use up some of the zuchinni that is over flowing in my fridge. I froze 10 packages of 2 cups each shredded. then I found my biggest casserole dish and layered slices of zuch, muchrooms, tomatoes, sprinkled so garlic, then spagetti sauce and parma cheese. Did three layers of that then baked it. Smelled fantastic but I haven't even tasted it yet. All that and hardly made a dent in the zuchinni. Oh Margo, I haven't posted the cookie recipes yet because I am not too happy with it.I sure would like the recipe for that zuchinni chocolate cake.Right now I am eating Kashi with blueberries, yum.Gotta get back to work, blessings