Tuesday....what's new?

on 7/28/08 4:09 pm - Grand Island, NE
It's Tuesday morning 1 a.m.   been watching the national geographic channel...........and just realized how late or I should say how early it is.  I have to be up in a few hours.
We had a busy weekend my sis in law and bro in law were here from Arizona.  Seems like all we did was go out and eat.  I think I did really good in my choice of foods while eating out.  My refrigerator is full of leftovers that will probably turn into science projects.  We did go see a musical that was put on by the local community theatre.  The music was great. They hadn't seen me since before I had my wls........so I think they were a little suprised at my weight loss....their comment was not to lose too much..........liek that would every happen.
I got to see my 2yr old granddaughter at lunch time yesterday......I ended up taking a 2 hour lunch, I was having too much fun with her.  Good thing my boss didn't care.  
Don't have much planned for today just going to work and coming home and hoping to find a way to stay cool.  It is supposed to be in the 90's.
I finally admitted today that my slacks I wear to work are too baggy so will have to go get a couple new pairs this week.   Thank goodness I don't have to wear dressy clothes too work.  Shopko sells my slacks.........at a whopping price of $11.00 , I will probably buy two pairs and do laundry every other night.  It totally drives my dh nuts that I only buy 2 pairs.
Have a great day everyone.
Aime B.
on 7/28/08 8:07 pm - Baltimore, MD
Morning everyone! I hope all is well. I have been busy going to the hospital to visit and assist in caring for Norronda and the baby. My ex did pick the baby up on Friday afternoon so I have had a few days off. I am feeling somewhat rejuvinated.
Norronda has been doing very well. She had to have a biopsy of the heart yesterday. Apparently she had a few issues and they moved her back into the Cardiac ICU. I went to sit with her for a while last night. She was still intubated. The anesthsia really had her knocked out. They didn't want to remove the breathing tube until she was awake.
I spoke with her cardiologist as well yesterday. They had done an echocardiogram as well and she viewed it while on the phone with me. She said the left ventricle is beating like crazy and was so pleased. She explained that Norronda is experiencing some normal reactions following a transplant and that she is doing very well.
My eldest nephew is expected in town this week. He and his gf are flying in form Calif. They will pick up his sister in NJ and then go stay with my mother for a few days. My mom is so excited to see Quinn and Savannah. I hope to be able to spend some time with them while they are here. I haven't seen Quinn since my brother's funeral about 8 years ago.
I am also going to be selfish. I am taking the next 3 days off of work. I realized I need some time as I feel like I am close to a melt down. I have had so much on my plate lately.  I was invited to go to a time share spot with someone. I don't know if I will. I think even just staying home and sitting on my front porch with a good book will be just what I need.
I started a new position last week. It is just temporary right now, but I think it will be permanent. The job is very different from what I am used to doing after so many years. I am in a supervisory position of a department. Like I said- I need some time to me.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day and week.

The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!

Cajun Angel
on 7/28/08 11:01 pm - New Orleans, LA
Aime, I'm happy the news on N continues to be good!  RE:  your being selfish, girl you deserve a break and some "ME" time!
Laureen S.
on 7/28/08 11:55 pm - Maple Shade, NJ


Glad to hear that Norronda is recuperating normally after this amazing surgery!  Even happier to hear that you had a break via your ex, but sweetie, selfish and you, just doesn't equate in my mind, you deserve some long overdue TLC for yourself and whether it's going away or just pretending that you did, take those days and do whatever you want or don't want!

Sending hugs your way, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

annette R.
on 7/29/08 1:23 am - ithaca, NY
You have earned some "me time" Relax and enjoy.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
J Brown
on 7/29/08 1:50 am - Omaha, NE
I am so glad things are looking up, you all have been through so much. Blessings and the back porch "vacation" sounds like heaven to me.
Eileen Briesch
on 7/29/08 1:52 am - Evansville, IN

I'm glad things are going well with Norronda's heart. She still has a long road ahead of her, but the first few days are good at least. You need some "me" time ... you have been there for too many people lately. Sometimes it's just nice to sit home and veg, I agree. Do whatever feels good for you.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Brenda R.
on 7/29/08 2:04 am - Portage, IN
Aime, I am so glad that N is doing so well. It is a wonderful thing that the surgeon thinks she is doing so well. It is going to take time for her body to adjust I would think. She remains in my prayers and will continue in them too.

I don't think you are being selfish to want and need time for you. You have to take the time so that you can be the best that you can for those around you that need you at this time. Make sure that you do what you want and need to do for you and no one else.

I am sending love and hugs to you and you remain in my prayers too, Aime.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Karen S.
on 7/29/08 2:19 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Aime....our "energizer bunny" sister!

Honey......PLEASE take that time for yourself and do whatever your heart desires. My experience tells me that someone with as much on her plate as you, and now a new position at work, can hit the "overload" point and then her body WILL FORCE her to stop! You don't want that happening. I have a difficult time saying "NO" and can get myself into a situation easily where I'm doing too much, and stressing out. Many times I've gotten "sick" which means to me my Big Kahuna is telling me I'm needing to say "NO" and take care of myself.

You are loved....PLEASE love yourself!!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
on 7/28/08 8:41 pm - Lawrence, IN
Morning OFF Family,

Stopping in to say Good Morning before I get busy working.  I got here early this morning.  My boss has transferred and so I'm bossless for awhile.  They haven't even selected his replacement yet.  He still wants me to move to Columbus to be his secretary there, but I have some stipulations that I don't think they'll meet, but who knows.  When an executive wants something or someone bad enough, they have ways to make it happen.

Really looking forward to our Indiana OFF Campout on the 8th and 9th.  Last year there were only 6 of us, but this year it looks like between 20-30.  I'm really looking forward to meeting Brenda and Pat.  It will be so much fun.  I'm getting ready to run the one mile race that I did last year while camping.  I won first place in my age group (think I was the only one in my age group) and I hope to do it again this year.  Last year I ran the one mile in 8:50 so thisi year my goal is to complete it in less than 8 minutes.  I guess now that I'm skinny, I think I'm a youngster.  LOL

I need to get back on track.  I've seemed to have gotten in some old habits and have gained more weight than I care.  Still not enough for people to notice, but enough for get my attention.  The running and walking that I've been doing should help. 

Well, I better get some things done.  Even without a boss, I have more than enough work to keep me real busy.

Have a great day.


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