TGIF ! what's new?

Margo M.
on 7/25/08 8:50 am - Elyria, OH
look at you!!!! what a wonderful photo!!!! thx for changing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Brenda R.
on 7/25/08 12:37 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to you my darling Margo. I hope that today is good for you. As well as all your tomorrows too.

I am in the church office this morning. Mildred is up playing the organ and I just love to hear that. It is so calming and I can take that whenever it is offered. Nothing much going on in here today. Pastor got in touch with me the other day and his father has a very serious brain tumor. The prognosis is not good, it is about a year with treatment. He has a glioblastoma multiforme I think it called. He is going into a extended care facility for his radiation and his chemo. Pastor is making the preperations for him to get to the treatments. He is hoping to leave for home sometime next week. Pastor is going to go to Ohio every week and spend the night and then come home the next day. It is going to be hard on him and I feel so bad. I know what it is like to watch your only parent left slowly die before your eyes. I just want to hug him and tell him that I understand. I hate seeing anyone go through that. It just saddens my heart so bad. It is hard to explain but I know that my sisters are going to understand. You all have such gentle and loving hearts. I would appreciate any prayers that you can say for Pastor and his dad. He is afraid that his dad is going to lose hope and faith. His emotions and all are so messed up with the tumor. He is also very confused.

Fern and I are going for lunch when I get out of the office and then we are going visiting the people in the nursing homes. We have 3 of them. I enjoy doing this because that is the only time that I get to see everyone. They are my mom's age now and it is wonderful seeing the people that I have known from my childhood. One of them is my old art teacher from elementary school. She even remembers me from then and I was in the 4th grade I think. I went to school with her daughter, Sarah. She has Alzhiemer's but she can remember some things but they come and go with the visit. One minute you know where  she is and then the next she is somewhere else. Just like mom was. Some memories are good and others........well, what are you going to do?

This week end we are staying home and cleaning. I have so much crap and we are getting it OUT!!! I am going to clean my closet and Bill's too and they are gone! The complex usually has a rummage sale and if they do I am going to put some of this stuff in it. If I can get a couple of bucks from it all what the heck. It isn't gong to be like the ones that Ella and I use to have. They were so big and we had one every year. People would tell us that they waited for our sales. We just got burned out doing all of that. This way the complex does all the advertising and we pay nothing but just put the stuff outside and sit with it. Easy to me!

I hope that everyone enjoys their week end wherever it leads them. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are being said too. Special ones are being said for those in need of them. Have a wonderful day today because that is what God wants from us~to enjoy the wonders that He has given us!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 7/25/08 1:19 am - Bradenton, FL
My prayers are with your pastors father.
Paulette and I will call you Sunday before we leave and arrange a time to meet.
I am getting ready to go to the surgeon this afternoon about my thyroid growth.
Also packing to get on the plane tomorrow.
image hosting site

J Brown
on 7/25/08 1:24 am - Omaha, NE
I was up with My daughter and Chuck working on favors to take over to my moms "home"for her birthday I must say they came out even better than I had envisoned. I made stickers with my moms picture on them, 4 differant ones. One of her graduation picture, one of her at about 4 yrs old, one in her formal and one posing showing a lot of leg on a car. The all say happy birthday and a saying like "80  fun years" or "80 glamourous years" there is a fancy frame around each once then I cut ribbon streamers and stuck each one on a bag of candy or on a bag of famous Amos cookies. I made a display of them in a basket and will but them in the day room where all the old folks gather and get their mail. I saved some of the stickers and will put them on bottles of wine we buy her tomorrow at the winery. I have not been this excited over a project in a while. My mom insists that this will be her last birthday. Her mind is plenty sharp but she is in so much pain and has so much trouble getting around, if she has decided this will be her last b-day it very well may be and I want to make it special for her.I can't imagine life with out my mom.
  I made reservation for the grandkids and myself yesterday for a cabin in 2 weeks. No Tv or distractions for 2 days, lots of trails to hike and I will take scrap book materials for if it rains. It will be great, it is only 5 miles from Chuck's house but what do you wanna bet he won't even come over for hot dogs?  Gotta go get some work done..Blessings
Karen S.
on 7/25/08 2:04 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Margo and all of my OFF family extraordinaire!!

I have been MIA now for too long, and I don't like it!! I do try and come in and read What's New each day, and I feel closer to you all doing that, but I miss interacting. I've worked everyday but two out of the last month!! After being retired for seven years.....this routine is killing me! Actually it is just putting in crimp in my usual "snoozing lifestyle" and reminding me of how fortunate I am to live where I do, to be able to choose to work or not, etc.

The agency I work for is with children from infants (newborn hearing testing part) to five year olds who have any kind of problems .... from behavioral, to physical, to social, etc. It's a good place to work!! They started out asking me to do two they have asked me to stay until Aug. 8th...and I said yes. I still do my babies on Sat. morning, and then five days a week in the not much time for chores, visiting friends, working on tan, etc.....Ha!

Then...there is the daily thankfulness!! Without WLS I would never have been living a life like way, no how!! It's almost two years since my surgery, and my life is blessed beyond words. I am thankful from the deepest part of my heart......for having the opportunity to have this surgery, and for successfully getting off 165 lbs. of LOAD THAT KEPT ME FROM LIVING A FULL LIFE!!

As for my food has changed quite a bit. I take snacks to work with me.....dried apricots, nuts, protein bars, soy crisps (my passion lately), and protein shakes. I snack all day....and still I lose weight!! Or at least don't gain any back. I'm not complaining......just curious how it can be that I can eat so much and not gain. I think maybe I have a tapeworm!! Ha! There is a little cafe called "Simply Healthy Food" in the complex where I work...and I take home a dish from there frequently....for myself and for my neighbor who has been ill. Last night I had veggie lasagne.....delish!!

OK.......I'm going know me.....I get going and I can't quit!! Sending you all big hugs!! So much going on in so many of your lives. I can only send my love and wish that everything turns out good for each of you.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Marti O.
on 7/25/08 5:14 am
Aloha Darlin' Karen....we do missd you so much...I knew you were working, but WOW everyday bu TWO out of the last month.....that is a lot to work.....although I shouldn't be clients think I work 24/ least from the phone calls I get all day...When I golfed last week...I got calls all day long....and my girlfriend who was driving my cart was compalining about it last night when we were out....saying" Marti was on her cell ALL DAY LONG....doing deals....drove me nuts"....I was going to say to her..."Well your husband that didn't golf in the outing today is back at the office taking care of your business [he is also a realtor] ....but I didn't say it....but someone else said to her...."I would be too if I had any deals to do"

I wish I was 25 pounds below goal....and I am really starting to re-think my eating plan. I need to be more like you.....grazing good things....I am just so busy....I don't want to take the time....but I need to as I went to the doctor yesterday and I am up 13 pounds from February!!!! Yikes...that is a real awakening.

I thought I would go to Minneapolis to the OH event, but now I have some clients that want to look at homes that that is the life of a Realtor, especially in the summer.

Take care sweetie, you still remain my inspiration. Love, M

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



Judy G.
on 7/25/08 2:16 am - Galion, OH

WOW what a busy morning!!! had to hel*****'s mom get food and stuff for the cafe and then i had a run to the potty moment and had to stop home FAST and ofcourse i didn't make it...GRRRRRRRRRR so had to change clothes and go back running before the lunch rush so she had food to serve and the plates and forks!!! seems someone played a prank? on her and took all the plates and forks so she had to get more...GRRRR some people!!!!!!

still no word on any job yet and i am getting pissed by the minute here...why do they tell you they will be calling you back this week and here it is friday and still nothing!!!!!!!

tonight rick is taking me out on a date....WOOOHOOOOOO!!! i am excited that we are going out and gonna have some fun!!!! dinner and a movie he said so i am really looking forwrd to this let me tell you!!! this will be the first time going to the movies and i will be able to fit in the seat!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! OH YEAH BABY!!!! THIS WILL BE A WOW MOMENT FOR SURE!!!!!

last night i was sitting here at pc playing a game and rick comes by me stops...looks at me gives me one hell of a lip lock that made my toes curl...WOW!!!!!!! not sure where that came from....but i liked it!!!!!!! (i know TMI) sighs......

got a load of clothes in dryer and then waiting for THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS to come on...gonna be a good show today so it seems as they have been advertising friday all week!!!! yeah i get to watch it now that rick is working and i am home lol but...i would give it up in a minute if i could only get a job!!!!! sighs...

OMG viagra for babies now????????? seems it helps them to breathe better??? HUMMMMMMM (was just on the news here) unbelievable!!!!!!

well not much else going on here and i am sure you are bored with my life....LOL but you are the only ones i have to talk to right now.... :(  see i am used to being with people and i am going crazy being alone all day long....sure i talk to the birds and the cat and bandit is here but they don't carry on much of a conversation with me....goose barks like bandit and noticed he was whinning today like bandit does...LOL cocoa just hisses at me when i get near the cage....oh well and sassy also hisses at me and i am really lonesome here i guess for human talk...sorry if i am whinning myself but i really am lonesome here when i am away from rick.... :(

ok will go play a game after i check out the other boards and see whats happening there...have a good day!!!


and thanks for being here for me!!!!

Eileen Briesch
on 7/25/08 2:19 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Margo and everyone:

It's officially afternoon. I got up after 10, although I wanted to sleep later ... garbage trucks were noisy this morning and the sun was shining in the windows through the blinds. Now it's clouding up so maybe some rain.

It was a hectic night as expected. Most went according to plan, but our business editor left without reading the biz copy (and the usual metro editor who does that was on vacation) so that left it to the metro editor who handles everything else. She didn't realize she was stuck doing that until she was ready to leave for the gym on her break ... so I was stuck waiting for copy until she got back. Luckily, two of my stories were wire variety so I had something to work on until she returned. Then I got the call from the backshop about our liner ... the leftover pages after they put in the paid death notices ... I had a page and half to fill .. Yikes! Plus I had those four reviews. I called my boss to tell him once I realized that I didn't have much to put on that second page, or the time to do it. He told me to have the backshop put a "promo" (newspaper free ad) on it. Whew! So now I just had to fill the one page, which wasn't too hard. And then the writers came in to do the review.

Well, three of them came in. And I waited for the fourth. Finally, I looked in the e-mail baskets ... found the review, but it wasn't the short form I was told to expect. So I had to call the woman ... she was ticked off that she had to do a different type of review after she had done her review already, but what can I say, I didn't have room. I have a feeling whoever scheduled her forgot to tell her about the change in the type of review she was doing. So I wrote an e-mail to my editors about the problem. Otherwise, my reviewers were wonderful; they were done quickly, the stories were great (two of the writers were regular full-time people, two  part-timers). I was done by 1 a.m. with the pages and posting the reviews online. I was so beat though. I wanted to tell my boss he owes me a massage ... my shoulders are so sore.

Plus, I got home and my legs were so swollen. I haven't taken my diuretic for the past few days as an experiment, but I took it again today. Guess I have to keep taking it. My legs really hurt, the skin feels so tight. My right leg, especially, around the knee. I tried to elevate them as much as I could yesterday, but it was hard ... I just had too much work to do. Can't wait for Kim to get back and handle all the reviews and posting again!

My weekend plans? I too want to go to a movie ... Mamma Mia is on my list; maybe lunch too afterward ... then home to watch baseball for the rest of the weekend. Need to move kitty stuff out of the front bedroom to transform it into a guest room for Paulette so she doesn't have to deal with kitty litter box and food bowls when she sleeps here Sunday. Also want to do some more baking Sunday ... bought some more zucchini so chocolate zucchini muffins and my regular bread; maybe regular blueberry muffins too. Depends on how energetic I feel. These all sound great, but I'm not feeling like doing a whole lot right now. Maybe just the movie and baseball ... feeling really tired. I need to exercise but my knee hurts so much, I think the cycle will make it feel worse.

Well, enough whining. I have some good coffee here ... not as good as Casi Cielo ... oh a funny story, my head isn't screwed on straight today. I started making coffee, was warming up my thermal carafe (you know, running ho****er in it), turned on the coffeemaker, went to the bathroom, came back and couldn't understand why the coffee wasn't dripping down ... Oh! you have to put the carafe underneath the basket to get it to work! I still had the carafe under the faucet with ho****er running in it! So I put it under the basket and the coffee starting running all over the counter ... what a mess! I had to turn off the coffeemaker, mop up the counter, turn it back on to get the coffee. My brains are mush today. Nothing is working upstairs. It's definitely Friday.

Have a good one. Hope your brains are working better than mine.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




(deactivated member)
on 7/25/08 10:01 am - Park Forest, IL
Eileen... don't fuss for me, I'm real flexible!!  I can't wait to meet you, your job sounds so interesting.  Paulette
on 7/25/08 6:15 am - CYGNET, OH
Hi Margo and everyone,
I am doing something exciting this weekend.  I'm going on a road trip to South Carolina to a Dog Show and I'm bringing home 3 Great Danes!!!    It will be so much fun to meet some of my online Dane friends!   

Hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend. 


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