hello to all
well i'm new to this board........been hanging around awhile.....checking things out.........my date is just six days away........july 30th........and i want to eat everything in sight..... my pre op is the day before...july 29......i'm worried that something will happen......and they will post pone my surgery
i'm not worried about anything else.........
i have my vitamins......protein....sugar free.....popsicle....broth......my chap stick....pillow.....is there anything else?.....OK I LIED.......I"M SCARED TO DEATH
........never had surgery before....no broken bones no stiches....only two babies...over 23 yrs ago....and they came out in a hurry.....ok ok....i know everything will be ok right.......i want a cigret.........oh no i don't ..... i quit that april 20th.........got to do something to take my mine off of food..... smoking........ i think i'll take gizmo .....my dog...for a walk....thanks for listening........lol i do feel better... i guess venting does help........
hi and welcome to the OFF board!!! CONGRATS on your big day!!! we are here for you so you can rest easy!!! i know easier said than done...lol but we are a great group here and love to see the new people come and relax with us!!!
sooooooooooooooo take a nice deep breath and hold.....ok now slowly relax and exhale....you will be fine!!! you did your research and now its time for the big day to a healthier new you!!!! try to be calm because its easier on the dr and then also easier for you to recover faster!!!
hope you come back and post so we can get to know you!!! (and you us!!)
wishing you the best for an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery!!! GOD be with you and know we will all be thinking of you!! ok off to make room for you on the losers bench!!!!
before surgery; you'll start off not dehydrated. I don't know why I wasn't nervous about surgery,
but I wasn't. I think weighing in at 292 was more frightening for me. At 64, I didn't have a lot
of options having weighed over 250 for more than 10 years. My only advice is to try to look
beyond the surgery at all of the things you will be able to enjoy being your slimmer self.
Do you have total confidence in your doctor? In your hospital? If so, you'll be fine.
After I quit smoking in 1978, I ate everything in site. So, you, just quitting smoking in April, and being so stressed, must find it quite a challenge not to eat and not to smoke. So take it easy,
be optimistic and everything will turn out fine.

Next week Wednesday is your big day. Think of what you're missing out on now and what is your future when you lose weight. Picture a slimmer person in the mirror. Focus on that future and relax. Go take your dog for a walk and maybe you can get your mind off the cigs and the food (I know, it's tough ... but let me put it this way: the bariatric center I went through made me go through a two-week pre-op diet, and I couldn't have caffeine or sugar or real food for two weeks before surgery. And I lived! ... don't think my co-workers liked it too much with me caffeine-free though!)
Hang in there, better days ahead!
I can understand your nerves right now. Your mind is spinning with the unknown. I had surgery 6 weeks ago. You're gonna do great!
I remember not being nervous until I was in the prep area for surgery. I asked my daughter and best friend if they wanted to "blow this joint and head to Las Vegas." They were willing but I knew this was what I wanted. I knew I had gone through all the "hoops" to get to this day.
Trust your judgement. Trust your faith in your doctor. Take care of yourself.
Gentle hugs,
Please feel free to post often and that way we can get to know each other. Know that you can say anything and you can be you and we accept you just as you are. I was totally accepted by these fantastic people with all my warts and all. lol They offer love and total understanding. That is something that we don't find much of in this world anymore.
I have so loved my new life. I was fat my whole life. I remember being in "chubbies" as a kid. We would go to Sears for my school clothes and I would find a dress I really liked. I would go to my mom and tell her that I liked it and she would say "You can't get that one because it doesn't come in CHUBBIES!!!" It was like she was getting on the pa system and saying "Attention Sears shoppers! We have a tremendously fat little girl in the CHUBBIES department. Go and take a gander at the little fat girl!" I know that she didn't mean to make me feel like that but since I look back I do feel like it and don't like it. I guess I continue to laugh it off since I have done that my whole life.
I was afraid until I got to the hospital. When I got there everyone was so nice and things went so fast that I didn't have time to be afraid anymore. When the doctor came to see me in holding we gave each other a high five and I told him "Let's get this going." . I am so glad that I did what I did and I know only that I never want to go back to where I was last October 7th.
Good luck and know that we are behind you and here for you. I am keeping you in my prayers for a good surgery and a speedy and pain free recovery.
on 7/24/08 1:06 pm - Park Forest, IL